MFA on Mikrotik using FreeRadius and G-Auth - freeradius

I just would like to annonce before exposing my problem that I’m not English so he could be not great as expect, sorry for that ! Anyway,
Here is few month I’m working on a solution to use MFA on a Mikrotik using FreeRadius and G-Auth btu i can’t find something that can help me
I look every topic but nothing really help me
So basicly what I would like is : When I connect myself to the mikrotik, the user should be register on the FreeRadius server (If I don’t, I get reject) and if my user is register on the Freerad Server, I need to give the G-auth pass from my phone to log in the Mikrotik
Both are already implemented on my FreeRad server and the Mirkotik and the server communicate together, I can connect myself with a user write in the “freerad user” file on the mikrotik but the G-auth doen’t work, it work on local when the user is not write on the “freeRad user” and doesn’t wortk at all all when I try with G-auth
It doesn’t trigger on the Mirkrotik, it simply connect myself because the user is write in the file
I’m still studying so I can’t really understand how really work FreeRadius and what am I trying to do for solving the problem actually, sorry for that
If you have any idea or another with anything else for getting what I’m searching, I would be really grateful !
Thank you in advance and I would take any advise


How do upload the verification token in a Strapi app?

We have an app built with Strapi, let's say,
I want to load testing of the application
For that, I went with
Now before can start sending the load to the app, I need to verify that the website belongs to me.
For that ask me to place a verification token that is accessible via one of the following links:
What steps can I take to make the verification token accessible at any one of the above URL?
Although it's a bit late,
and I have no experience with Strapi (I use Flask / Python),
but if anyone still looking for the answer,
here is my "Flask" way solution:
#app.route("/your-loader-io-token/"), methods=["GET"])
def loader_io_verify():
return send_from_directory("/path-of-the-txt-file", "your-loader-io-token.txt", as_attachment=True)
Basically, it will just download the "your-loader-io-token.txt" file, when someone access url "".
That's it :D !

How to block IOS devices from accessing certain DNS links

I'm new to networking so please tell me if this isn't allowed, I'm also not to sure how to even ask this question, or if I'm even asking the right question.
Ok, I want to create a .mobileconfig file that will connect on demand to my server, and block a few ad DNS names so all the traffic on my iPhones will be processed through a "DNS blocker" on a linux Ubuntu server, yet I can't find any information on how to do this. I don't know how to search for it as everything I search fails to be what I'm looking for. I have the mobile configuration file ready to go, but I can not figure out how to make the phone send it's traffic through a file that says block "" for example.
I hope this makes sense, sorry for the noob post, I'm just trying to learn and I can't find help.
Edit: need help on the software side of routing all traffic through DNS blocker Ubuntu Linux vps, have ssh root access

Why is Firebase based app not working in Iran?

I am working on an iOS project for my client from Iran using Firebase. When my client tries to open the Firebase website (, he is getting error like:
"Your client does not have permission to get URL / from this server.
That’s all we know."
Anyone has any idea about this? Is firebase not available in Iran? Lets say I tell him to use VPN, will the user from Iran be able to use this app after release?
Would appreciate if somebody from Iran can help me out.
By my friends, I know that many things are filtered in Iran.
Some filters are by government ( porn sites or some social media sites) and some are by sanctions ( some technological tools). This which you are facing now is a sanction.
For browsers: he has to go into incognito to avoid any previous caches and also Yes use a VPN.
As for the app: it depends, would know about the IP address of where it was originated? if so then yes it won't be able to work and you must somehow think of some local service or somehow incorporate a VPN into your app.
I recommend you seek consultation from your client, it's really not your responsibility and I assure you that this isn't a huge problem, there must be plenty of workarounds that you just don't know of.
EDIT: It seems that there is an Iranian alternative to Firebase. It's called Pushe.
google does not provide their service to Iran,Cuba,North Korea,Syria and Crimea.
in terms of Policy page
The Software is controlled by U.S. Export Regulations, and it may be
not be exported to or used by embargoed countries or individuals.
so the Problem is USA Government
I have the same problem with FireBase (only in android)
This is the exact exception I'm getting:
signInWithEmail An internal error has occured. [ This service is not available from your country ]
at Source)
at$zzg.zza(Unknown Source)
at Source)
at$zza.onFailure(Unknown Source)
at$zza.onTransact(Unknown Source)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact( at$zza.onTransact(Unknown Source)
at android.os.Binder.execTransact(
I guess it's clear that fire base won't work in Iran.
And here I thought it was going to be available for everyone!
pushe is just a notification service
There is a way that you can use and something like php laravel for backend.
This is how you can change ip address for requesting and get response to the firebase database service.
Working with Firebase in Iran isn't possible. Therefore, you should use an alternative solution.
One of the best backend service out there is Parse Platform.
Although You can set your own Parse server up, you can use Back4App, which is based on Parse.
Easy to use, vast capabilities and generous free tier makes Back4App service suitable for learning and doing small projects as an alternative of Firebase.

Running a live Rails environment

I'm new to web development, rails, etc. I have what is probably a very dumb questions but I searched and was not able to find the specific answer, though there's a good chance I asked the wrong question.
I'm following this tutorial which wants you to create a test rails app locally and view it via localhost in a browser. However I am learning directly on the server itself. This is because currently I only have an iPad to work with, but I've been able to do everything directly on the server itself using Panic's Prompt. To continue with these lessons I need to be able to see what I've done via a browser which since I can't use localhost, I want to see directly on my server. Here is the tutorial I'm following:
Here is my website:
Any help or pointers toward the correct information would be helpful. Please tell me if I did not include enough information as well. Thanks!
If your server provides a public IP address, use that ip to access the project. First of all make sure the brick server is running via rails s then you can go ahead and access the page directly via the ip: for example. This would be the fastest way, otherwise you need to setup dns to point to your server via your domain name registrar.
Hope that helps.
Thanks for the help but for me, what I did was simply install a VNC server on the server itself, now I can view localhost on the server for everything the tutorials are asking.

Changing Service Account Passwords

I have been tasked with changing the password to all service accounts within the organization, and would appreciate a few pointers from sombody who has tackled this before..
I have identified each service account- as well as each machine and service using that account. What I would like is some guidance as to how this process is actually executed. This is a production environment, and I don't want to go breaking things during work hours.
Is the process as simple/tedious as changing the service account password, then logging onto each server, locating each service and changing relevant info under the "Log on" tab?
is there a better way of doing this? Thank you for the advice/guidance.
Thats pretty much it.
What I would suggest tho is duplicating the accounts with the same permissions (but affix '2013' on the end or something) and then while you go around changing the passwords, redirect the services to that account as well.
The reason for this is that, at least a few times, some random legacy application has gone down during service account resets purely because noone knew it was using it/had missed it in the refresh/didn't know about it. This way everything you touch should be OK, and you can then monitor the now 'legacy' accounts for any use.
Actually changing the username/password CAN be scripted, but that all depends on how cautious you want to be about the change and whether you want to be able to easily halt the execution! See for an example. (You will also need to think about what range of OSs you need to do this on - PowerShell will only work on some, VBS will for the others but then you have further considerations, and NT4...... ;) )
