An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: multi-disk zip files are not supported: found disk number: 8224 - appium

When I try to create appium server, i get this error
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: multi-disk zip files are not supported: found disk number: 8224
Appium v1.17.1
"platformName": "Android",
"deviceName": "Any device name",
"app": "C:\Users\A196673\OneDrive - DEKRA SE\Desktop\apk\ApiDemos-debug.apk",
"udid": "emulator-5554",
"autmationName": "UiAutomator2"
i installed everything good but can not create server


Get an adbExec error after trying to create session in Appium Inspector

I am a newbie in the Appium, and I get such error while trying to start a session through the Appium Inspector:
Failed to create a session.
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
Original error: Error executing adbExec.
Original error: 'Command 'C:\\Users\\xukin\\AppData\\Local\\Android\\Sdk\\platform-tools\\adb.exe -P 5037 -s emulator-5554 install -g C:\\Windows\\system32\\node_modules\\appium-uiautomator2-driver\\node_modules\\io.appium.settings\\apks\\settings_apk-debug.apk' exited with code 1';
Command output:
adb: failed to stat C:\Windows\system32\node_modules\appium-uiautomator2-driver\node_modules\io.appium.settings\apks\settings_apk-debug.apk: No such file or directory
"platformName": "Android",
"appium:platformVersion": "12",
"appium:deviceName": "Pixel XL",
"appium:app": "C:/Users/xukin/OneDrive/Документы/app-release.apk",
"appium:automationName": "UIAutomator2",
"appium:udid": "emulator-5554"
I looked at this path, and the file was there. Someone knows what's the problem?

Appium Client app problem for start inspection or start testing

Here's the steps of problem I am facing:
**Predefined: My Android SDK path and JDK path has been given in config section. Also "Session override" is checked **
I'm opening the Appium Client.
Starting the server.
Starting"Inspector session" Choosing the previously saved device with capatalities.
Choosing automatic server.
Trying to start thesession.
After sometime, I'm ending seeing this message:
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: zipAlignApk failed. Original error: spawn EPERM. Stdout: 'undefined'; Stderr: 'undefined'
The capabilites I've provided:
"deviceName": "",
"platformName": "",
"platformVersion": "",
"appPackage": "",
"appActivity": ""
Note: I have used appium desktop in same pc before... But somehow seeing this message now... In between, I've done several Android Studio installation.
enter image description here

Appium - Install iOS apps from a testflight public url

I'm trying to install / run an iOS app from a test flight public url when using appium desktop but get the following error when starting the session:
"An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Could not install app: 'ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir '/var/folders/[DIRECTORY_PATH]/[RANDOM_GENERATED_CODE].app''"
The desired capabilities I provided to appium desktop are shown below:
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"platformName": "iOS",
"deviceName": "[DEVICE_NAME]",
"platformVersion": "13.3",
"xcodeOrgId": "[XCODE_ORG_ID]",
"xcodeSigningId": "iPhone Developer",
"udid": "[DEVICE_UDID]",
"bundleId": "[APP_BUNDLE_ID]",
"updatedWDABundleId": "[WEDRIVER_AGENT_RUNNER]",
Does appium support this functionality? If so what am i missing?
You should try to download the app before setting up Appium. (with bash script or Java itself)
After downloading, set the local URL in the capabilities.
This error:
install app: 'ENOTDIR: not a directory, scandir '/var/folders/[DIRECTORY_PATH]/[RANDOM_GENERATED_CODE].app''"
Seems to indicate you are pointing to a file, not a directory, which is what the executing code expected. Are you supposed to expand the artifacts from TestFlight before using them? Perhaps something is wrong with the [DirectoryPath] you specified. What's actually at that location after the failure occurs?

Appium - iOS - Error writing xctestrun file: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4

I'm trying to connect Appium 1.12.1 to a physical iOS device with Automatic Server. These are the capabilities I am trying:
"browserName": "Safari",
"platformName": "iOS",
"platformVersion": "12.1",
"deviceName": "iPhone 6",
"automationName": "XCUITest",
"startIWDP": true,
"udid": "auto"
I am getting a lengthy error that starts with:
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command. Original error: Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: "xcodebuild failed with code 65 xcodebuild error message: 2019-04-09 10:14:08.626 xcodebuild[22198:212737] Error writing xctestrun file: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4 "The folder “WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos12.2-arm64.xctestrun” doesn’t exist."
I had the same problem.
In "/Users/YOUR_NAME/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/" I have two folders:
And Appium tried take the folder from WebDriverAgent-akxhdiizyykdxefsthlnfyomlaiz but need WebDriverAgent-ciegwgvxzxdrqthilmrmczmqvrgu.
I copied from WebDriverAgent-ciegwgvxzxdrqthilmrmczmqvrgu to WebDriverAgent-akxhdiizyykdxefsthlnfyomlaiz and now all work good.

An unknown server-side error occurred, Bad app: ⁨/../../. App(ipa) paths need to be absolute or an URL to a compressed file

While I am running the JsonScript in the appium inspector
Environment used:
"platformName": "iOS",
"deviceName": "iPhone Simulator",
"platformVersion": "12.1",
"app": "⁨⁨/../../...ipa",
"noReset": true
It is not starting the appium inspector and throwing the error
An unknown server-side error occurred while processing the command.
Original error: Bad app: ⁨⁨/../../. App(ipa) paths need to be absolute
or an URL to a compressed file
The simple way is create the app folder in the project root folder. Move your filename.ipa file inside app folder. Your app path will be
"app": "/app/filename.ipa"
