Tutorial on how to develop and debug PHP scripts in Processmaker tasks - processmaker

I am trying to develop a workflow in Processmaker 4 community that require some scripted tasks to be executed but I am facing in issues in things that should be simple such as:
How to debug the code in Processmaker scripts. Is there access to stdout and sterr somehow?
How to access request variables form the PHP script.
How to access the files that have been uploaded to a process from the PHP script.
Does anyone know of a good resource explaining in detail how to create PHP scripts in Processmaker?
So far I have found the following documentation https://github.com/ProcessMaker/docker-executor-php/tree/develop/docs/sdk which certainly seems to open the door on how to access files and Processmaker information but I am still struggling trying to find a way to properly debug fairly complex scripts.


Is there a way to track usage of a global shared library in Jenkins?

At my work most developers are free to write their own Jenkinsfile for their own team's projects.
As the Jenkins admin, I provide developers with a global shared library.
Most projects are using either v1 or v2 or v3 or another version of this library, using the idiom library("theSharedLib#v#").
Question: Is there a way for me to find out which Jenkinsfile is using which version of the shared library without having to actually lookup into all those Jenkinsfile files (50+ files in as much git repos)?
What I would see best is some mechanism that write up (into a file on the Jenkins master or in a DB) which project/Jenkinsfile is using which version at the time the library is loaded.
A possible solution would be to add some code to every function inside the library that will actually do this reporting. I could then see which function is used by who. Any better solution?
I wrote https://github.com/CiscoDevNet/es-logger to gather information such as this from Jenkins. It has a plugin that will run a regex against the console log of a completed job and can then post events to elastic search.
Jenkins helpfully posts library loads at the start of the log such as:
Loading library sharedLib#version
So a simple regex like
"^Loading library\S+(?P<library_name>.*?)#(?P<library_version>.*?)\S+$"
added to the console_log_events plugin would generate events in an elastic search for each usage and each version.

How can I serve HTML files for development using maven?

I'm working on a scala app (building with maven) where the UI is html and javascript and the back end is a REST API. For deployment, the html/javascript will just get thrown into nginx as static resources, but for development I just want something that serves up the files from local disk. Other teams use gulp-connect for this, but I'm hoping to avoid adding a second build tool (i.e., gulp) to my stack if I can avoid it.
What are my options for going about this? I see there's an nginx plugin for maven, but it's poorly documented. NanoHttpd seems promising, but it looks like I'd have to write my own maven plugin.

Alternatives to JMeter for POST requests with different parameters (must work without GUI)

As far as I know, JMeter allows you to send multiple POST request with different parameters (e.g. { "value": "value1"}, {"value": "value2"}, ...) However, I'm more comfortable using a terminal-based interface similar to ab or siege. Basically, I need to load test a server simulating the case in which some requests are not previously cached.
Are there alternatives to JMeter for Linux that are able to use different parameters for a POST request?
As far as I can tell, JMeter requires the creation of a test plan (jmx file) in order to run via the command line. Unfortunately, this test plan needs to be built using the GUI, which is precisely what I want to avoid.
I will use JMeter because it offers dynamic parameters for POST requests and most alternatives depend on JMeter. However, if anyone knows of a standalone library that works exclusively from the terminal (similar to ab), please let me know.
you can use JMeter in terminal mode, it's called Non GUI mode.
To variabilize just use CsV dataset to load variables (varName for example )per thread, then use ${varName}
See :
Nice report at end:
If you don't want to use GUI even for building the test, then look at :
It allows you to generate the JMX from a DSL file.
Examples here:
DSL here:
$LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib'))
require 'ruby-jmeter'
test do
csv_data_set_config name:'MyCsv', filename: '/path to file', variableNames: 'myParam'
threads count: 10 do
visit name: 'Qwant Search', url: 'https://lite.qwant.com/?q=flood.io&t=web&p=${myParam}'
end.jmx(file: "path to your output plan")
Save file to ruby-jmeter-csv.rb
You can then generate the plan with:
ruby ruby-jmeter-csv.rb
And run it in non gui mode.
In fact JMeter GUI should be used for tests development and debugging only, when it comes to running the load test - it is recommended to run JMeter in command line mode, via Ant task or Maven plugin. Also there is a couple of more "geek" alternatives, i.e.:
JMeter .jmx scripts are basically XML files so you can use your favourite text editor to create or amend them
You can use JMeter API to create and kick off JMeter tests using Java language
If you're still looking for an alternative, here are few free and open source load testing tools
Grinder - you can write scripts in Jython
Gatling - you can write scripts in Scala-based DSL
Tsung - this guy exists for Linux and Unix-based platforms only, Erlang-based. Scripts are XML files.
Taurus - automation framework which supports all aforementioned tools (and some more), Python based, configuration files have simple YAML syntax.
See Open Source Load Testing Tools: Which One Should You Use? for more information on the above tools and comparison of them with JMeter

Have Jenkins read the first column from a table in Confluence

I have to do a server-deployment on a weekly base which i am trying to automate as much as possible. Right now i am stuck, because i get some information from my companies confluence page where a few scripts are listed ordered by version.
As i already have some automation going in jenkins i wanted to try to get jenkins to read from this confluence page and have it execute e.g. all scripts from the 3.5.2 version in a step.
Can i somehow get information out of confluence with jenkins? Right now i do this manually every time. Any help is greatly appreciated!
Create a script in jenkins
Do a wget call in your jenkins script to call the confluence REST API to get the content of your page
Use jq to parse the content that comes back from confluence.
Parse the field you want and get the scripts you want
If you're feeling happy, you can even update your confluence page and say that your jenkins job ### ran these scripts.
I have created a blog on something similar:
There is some code in github too, if you're interested.

Create a Glassfish 3 domain as part of ant build?

I have a JEE6 project based on Glassfish 3.1.1 that is moving beyond the "one developer prototype" stage to being developed by a team.
Each member of the team will have their own local glassfish server. I don't want each of them to have to go through all the manual steps of setting up the JDBC connection pool, JMS services, jdbc security realm, etc via the admin console, as I did when first developing the prototype. It is error prone, and plus if I want to change something I have to tell everyone what to do. I want it to be done as part of the ant build, so that it is a one-clicker, and then if I have to change something I can just tell them to do a clean to blow away the domain and then run it again. So there would be an ant task to "config-glassfish" that would somehow configure the domain for them.
Despite extensive searching, I can't seem to find any step-by-step guide of how best to accomplish this. Anyone have a link?
Would it be best to attempt to capture the fully configured domain and store that in our src repository?
Or should I instead have ant issue "asadmin" commands to create and configure the domain?
You can do all of this with the sun-appserv-admin ant task. You can find more information here: http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19316-01/820-4336/beaev/index.html
We struggle with this kind of thing at my work too, but only with a few developers. One thing I really like is that Glassfish has the concept of a resources.xml which will cover a lot of the config. I use this to pass around connection pool configs and JMS queues and it works really well, but it might not cover all your config needs. The contents of the file are pretty much snippets from the domain.xml, and I haven't figured out everything it can do yet. http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19798-01/821-1751/ggoeh/index.html http://javahowto.blogspot.com/2011/02/sample-glassfish-resourcesxml.html
I haven't tried other ideas since the resources.xml solves my major pain points, but you could take your domain.xml and work through any issues brought up by copying it to another developer's domain, then do variable replacement on the part of the file that need it. That way you could have ant create the domain, then overwrite the domain.xml with the newly filled out one.
Maybe there is a way you could use asadmin backup-domain
One other idea would be Chef. http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Home
I ended up just putting the domain.xml into the src repository, making an ant task to copy it over to the glassfish directory, and instructing other developers that when running that ant task, they should make sure glassfish is not running.
This worked for my case...
