cloud run autoscale for no apparent reason? - google-cloud-run

I have a simple Spring Boot cloud run service. CPU always allocated, max concurrency 80, min instances 1.
I often see new instances being created (screenshot linked), and as far as I can tell, I have less than 2 requests per second. Memory and CPU seem fine and below 60%.
I don't know the reason why new instances are being created. I've linked to a screenshot of the dashboard. I didn't see anything in the logs that would indicate heavy usage /load.
As a side effect, every time a new instance is started, I notice a latency in the requests. Can't be sure, but it looks like the requests are routed to the newly created instance(which has a few seconds of cold start)
Any ideas appreciated. Thank you.


Cloud Run Don't Wait For Scale Up

I have a web application. The cold start time of the backend service is about 10 second which is very high. I was not able to reduce the cold start time. As a second solution, I am wondering if can requests that makes cloud run service scale up handled by already running instances. After the new scaled containers ready, new requests will be handled by scaled up containers. Does Google Cloud support that?
You have a brand new feature for that. It's Health Probe you can put on your service to detect when the instance is ready to serve traffic, or unhealthy and no new request will be routed to it.
Have a try on it, it should solve your issue!
As a second solution, I am wondering if can requests that makes cloud run service scale up handled by already running instances.
I think what you really want is min-instances. This means you always will have an instance that is ready to serve requests.
Otherwise, I don't think there is any solution that would solve the problem that you have. If new requests come in, you are going to need to scale up either way, and there is nothing around the 10 second cold start. So implement min-instances with a base-line that is appropriate for your traffic.

Delay on requests from Google API Gateway to Cloud Run

I'm currently seeing delays of 2-3 seconds on my first requests coming into our APIs.
We've set the min instances to 1 to prevent cold start but this a delay is still occurring.
If I check the metrics I don't see any startup latencies in the specified timeframe so I have no insights in what is causing these delays. Tracing gives the following:
The only thing I can change, is switching to "CPU is always allocated" but this isn't helping in any way.
Can somebody give more information on this?
As mentioned in the Answer :
As per doc :
Idle instances As traffic fluctuates, Cloud Run attempts to reduce the
chance of cold starts by keeping some idle instances around to handle
spikes in traffic. For example, when a container instance has finished
handling requests, it might remain idle for a period of time in case
another request needs to be handled.
Cloud Run But, Cloud Run will terminate unused containers after some
time if no requests need to be handled. This means a cold start can
still occur. Container instances are scaled as needed, and it will
initialize the execution environment completely. While you can keep
idle instances permanently available using the min-instance setting,
this incurs cost even when the service is not actively serving
So, let’s say you want to minimize both cost and response time latency
during a possible cold start. You don’t want to set a minimum number
of idle instances, but you also know any additional computation needed
upon container startup before it can start listening to requests means
longer load times and latency.
Cloud Run container startup There are a few tricks you can do to
optimize your service for container startup times. The goal here is to
minimize the latency that delays a container instance from serving
requests. But first, let’s review the Cloud Run container startup
When Starting the service
Starting the container
Running the entrypoint command to start your server
Checking for the open service port
You want to tune your service to minimize the time needed for step 1a.
Let’s walk through 3 ways to optimize your service for Cloud Run
response times.
1. Create a leaner service
2. Use a leaner base image
3. Use global variables
As mentioned in the Documentation :
Background activity is anything that happens after your HTTP response
has been delivered. To determine whether there is background activity
in your service that is not readily apparent, check your logs for
anything that is logged after the entry for the HTTP request.
Avoid background activities if CPU is allocated only during request processing
If you need to set your service to allocate CPU only during request
processing, when the Cloud Run service finishes handling a
request, the container instance's access to CPU will be disabled or
severely limited. You should not start background threads or routines
that run outside the scope of the request handlers if you use this
type of CPU allocation. Review your code to make sure all asynchronous
operations finish before you deliver your response.
Running background threads with this kind of CPU allocation can create
unpredictable behavior because any subsequent request to the same
container instance resumes any suspended background activity.
As mentioned in the Thread reason could be that all the operations you performed have happened after the response is sent.
According to the docs the CPU is allocated only during the request processing by default so the only thing you have to change is to enable CPU allocation for background activities.
You can refer to the documentation for more information related to the steps to optimize Cloud Run response times.
You can also have a look on the blog related to use of Google API Gateway with Cloud Run.

Google Cloud Run is very slow vs. local machine

We have a small script that scrapes a webpage (~17 entries), and writes them to Firestore collection. For this, we deployed a service on Google Cloud Run.
The execution of this code takes ~5 seconds when tested locally using Docker Container image.
The same image when deployed to Cloud Run takes over 1 minute.
Even simple command as "Delete all Documents in a Collection", which takes 2-3 seconds locally, takes over 10 seconds when deployed on Cloud Run.
We are aware of Cold Start, and so we tested the performance of Cloud Run on the third, fourth and fifth subsequent runs, but it's still quite slow.
We also experimented with the number of CPUs, instances, concurrency, memory, using both default values as well as extreme values at both ends, but Cloud Run's performance is slow.
Is this expected? Are individual instances of Cloud Run really this weak? Can we do something to make it faster?
The problem with this slowness is that if we run our code for large number of entries, Cloud Run would eventually time out (not to mention the cost of Cloud Run per second)
Posting answer to my own question as we experimented a lot with this, and found issues in our own implementation.
In our case, the reason for super slow performance was async calls without Promises or callbacks.
What we initially missed was this section: Avoiding background activities
Our code didn't wait for the async operation to end, and responding to the request right away. The async operation then moved to background activity and took forever to finish.
Responding to comments posted, or similar questions that may arise:
1. We didn't try experiment with local by setting up a VM with same config because we figured out the cause sooner.
We are not writing anything on filesystem (yet), and operations are simple calls. But this is a good question, and we'll keep it in mind when we store/write data

Instance only when needed - GCP

I have a video editing task that needs to be completed occasionally. The task is relatively intensive and therefore needs a powerful machine to do it. It can take up to about 10 minutes to complete. I might get 10-20 such requests per day, though that will increase in the future.
I have created a docker container that currently is a consumer that pulls jobs from PubSub. I was thinking to have an instance of this container on Google Container Engine. However, as I understand it, I would need to have at least one instance of this (large / powerful / expensive) container running at all times, even if the majority of time it is sat idle. Therefore my cost for running this service would be overly high until my usage increased.
Is there an alternative way of running my container (GCP or otherwise) where I push a job to some service, which then starts an instance of a powerful machine, processes the job, then shuts down? Therefore I am paying for my CPU hours used.
Have a look at the cluster autoscaler:

How can I get Jelastic to sleep?

Yesterday I got a trial account on's Jelastic v2.2.2 and configured an environment with a minimum of 0 cloudlets (max 8, i.e., all dynamic, no reserved). Then I deployed a Grails war which was using 3 cloudlets after it started up (around 350 MB). It worked great, and I was very impressed.
However, I did not access my app overnight, and the billing history shows it kept using 3 dynamic cloudlets every hour, even with 0 requests (i.e., 0 MB paid traffic) for 14 hours. Is there some way I can get my Jelastic environment to sleep (i.e., hibernation) after some period with no requests (e.g., after an hour or two)? Then, when it gets a request, I'd like it to automatically wake up (i.e., allocate some cloudlets and restore memory from disk). I see how to stop and restart it manually, but I would like it to work automatically, for any requester.
edit: I found the following documentation, but does it not work for Tomcat/Grails?
Jelastic’s hibernation feature delivers even better utilization of cluster resources. Optimal use of resources is achieved by suspending non-active containers and returning released resources back to the cluster.
Because they are in sleep mode, hibernated containers do not consume resources (only disk space). As a result you save money while your containers are in hibernate mode. If applications are needed again the platform returns them to a running state again in just a few seconds.
It takes a little time to awaken your environment from sleep, so it's not suitable to work how you describe for production use - you would effectively lose visitors because it would seem like your service is offline due to the delays for that first access.
For that reason the 'sleep' function is only active for trial accounts, and the inactivity time before sleep is set by the hosting provider (so you should contact them directly for help on that point).
Of course you should also remember that accesses from search engine spiders etc. may keep your environment awake.
