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Closed 5 months ago.
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I'm really starting my path in DevOps learning.
Please don't answer ssh, ls, cd, mkdir etc :)
would be great to know what you guys using to start learning the most used staff first.
Devops is very loosely defined paradigm.
Different groups have different expectations and implementations of Devops.
You can approach devops tools in two ways:
Note: There are many tools available in each category
Horizontal stack - CICD Tools - Collaboration between Dev and Ops
Source Code repos (Git Repos), CICD Tools + Build Tools (Jenkins, Maven, GOCD), Testing Frameworks ( Selenium ), Software Repos(Artifactory), Code Quality (Sonar), etc.
Vertical Stack - IAC Tools (Terraform), Configuration Management ( Ansible), Container ( Kubernetes, Docker), OS Administration (Linux), DB Administration (Mysql) , Web Server Administration (Nginx), Application Installers and Package Managers, Cloud Providers ( AWS), etc.
You can look into a bash or python scripting as well apart from system design.
Have a read of The Devops Handbook, The Phoenix Project and Accelerate books to get cultural perspective of Devops.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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We have a product that each device will report data to our server every minute, we've sold 10K and it'll be more than 100K within the next 2 years.
Now, we just use AWS EC2(8 CPUs) + Nginx + Koa2, there're 8 instances, according to the requirement increasing, it won't be appropriate anymore.
So, I'm confused about which one should I choose?
BTW, I've been using AWS Lambda for 2 years to develop IOT issues and I used Docker 5 years ago, I think all of these three ways can solve my issue.
Kubernetes is a great tool if you are not sure how your application is going to scale out. Using Amazon's Kubernetes engine or GCP equivalent Kubernetes engine can help you create and manage these clusters with click of few buttons and manage your application containers using Kubernetes's superior container orchestration framework.
Docker swarm , IMO , has lost to kubernetes because they did not seem to have jumped into this part of architecture soon enough and kubernetes has already created a very mature framework with great adoption in many production environments and lot of community support for any issues related to it.
Another advantage of using an Orchestration mechanism instead of AWS native services would be that you do not get into Vendor lock-in situations and you can move your stack to any other cloud platform hosting Kubernetes easily.
If you are also interested in continue to use your Serverless architecture , you might want to look at Open FAAS which can be leverage on top of your Kubernetes framework. Check this link for more details.
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Closed 4 years ago.
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Is there a way to configure Tibco Business Works directly from a programming language? That is: can you deploy, configure, test and teardown your APIs from Chef/Puppet/Ansible and are there recipes/playbooks, etc. to do so?
Thank you very much in advance.
I assume you want to automate BW deployments - there are command-line tools (buildear, appManage, ...). You can invoke them from shell scripts (unix, windows, ...) as well as any other programming language that allows to invoke external applications. I use them large-scale via shell scripts in my groups projects.
Most processing instructions are based on command line parameters and the static configs (environment, aliases, instance configs) are based on particular files in the file system tree (which you can also auto-archive, backup, etc.).
The deployment process as such is distributed and based on Tibco Administrator (to which appManage interfaces) so you only have to control the action parameters (via command-line parameters). Your programming language should support that (or do you want to have the command-line tools as java classes to build a single java admin app?).
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Closed 3 years ago.
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I would like to learn TFS. I have a windows 7 64bit computer. Is there an express free version or a trial I can use? My main goal is to learn something about TFS for a scrum project I would like to learn to create.
The simplest way to learn TFS is to create a Visual Studio Team Services account, which is the free (for 5 users) cloud version of TFS. You can use the extension called 'Sample Data Widget' that can generate enough sample data to play with the agile planning tools.
If you want to learn configuration and setup, grab the free trial version, stick it in a VM and practice as much as you want.
Or download the VM which contains a pre-configured instance of TFS with sample data. That makes it easier to get started. There is also a whole list of hands-on labs that you can run through for both TFS and VSTS.
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Closed 6 years ago.
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I have a several instances of my application, like dev stand, test stand, demo stand and several production stands. My application is a cluster of microservices, packaged in docker container and managed by docker-compose. I need an ability to conveniently deploy some versions of application to several stands.
My question is: What tools should i pick for this feature? Ideally i want to have web interface which has one button “Deploy” for one stand and an input field for a version of my application.
We use Teamcity for building applications, and we can use it for continuous delivery, but i am looking for a more convenient and specialized tool.
We're using Octopus Deploy in our CI process for deployments (releases created by TeamCity) and we're really happy with this tool.
Although I'm not much into container/Docker things, but i saw that recently Octopus has implemented some features for Docker deployments so you could check that maybe. ;)
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'd like to start using continuous integration in my personal projects to get experience with the techniques and concepts. The problem is that my programming poison runs to the non-mainstream (to put it mildly) with the bulk of my work being in Erlang.
What continuous integration systems are capable of dealing with non-mainstream languages, chief among them, in my case, Erlang? How easy are they to set up, configure and run?
At this point I'd recommend Jenkins. It is easy to setup and configure, there are lots of help online and basic support with the common Erlang test tools.
See Stack Overflow question Continuous integration server for Erlang code for basic information about how to intergrate eunit and common test into Jenkins.
We are using Jenkins-CI in the etorrent project and that seem to work really well. We have a number of virtual machines implementing different operating systems on which we run the system and then carry out tests.