Bug in Vaadin TestBench GridElement - vaadin

I want to read the texts of all columns of a table row. My code:
// does not work: t.getFirstVisibleRowIndex()
List<GridColumnElement> columns = t.getAllColumns();
for (int col = 0; col < columns.size(); col++) {
GridColumnElement c = columns.get(col);
String value = t.getCell(rowNumber, col).getText();
texts.put(c.getHeaderCell().getText(), value);
texts.put("#" + (col + 1), value);
// vaadin-grid-testbench-6.0.2.jar > GridElement.java
public int getFirstVisibleRowIndex() {
return ((Long) executeScript(
"return arguments[0]._firstVisibleIndex+arguments[0]._vidxOffset",
The return value of executeScript() is null. This method is not null safe.
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.lang.Long.intValue()" because the return value of "com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.testbench.GridElement.executeScript(String, Object[])" is null
at com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.testbench.GridElement.getFirstVisibleRowIndex(GridElement.java:73)
at com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.testbench.GridElement.isRowInView(GridElement.java:176)
at com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.testbench.GridElement.getCell(GridElement.java:116)
at com.vaadin.flow.component.grid.testbench.GridElement.getCell(GridElement.java:101)
Java 17 (Temurin)
If I change String value = t.getCell(rowNumber, col).getText();
to String value = t.getRow(rowNumber).getCell(c).getText(); it works. Is it a getCell(row, col) bug?


I can't assign array to string variable in flutter

for (i = 0; i < arr1.length - 1; i++) {
msg += arr1[i] + ",";
msg += arr1[i];
I want to throw the data from the above array into a string variable named msg with a comma between them. But I am getting an error as below. How can I fix.
_TypeError (type 'String' is not a subtype of type 'num' of 'other')
It depends of what type of data is store in the array. If integers, or whatever else, you need to tranform to a string, with the toString() method
msg += arr1[i].tostring() + ",";
If mixed types, you can check type with something like this:
if (arr1[i] is int) {
msg += arr1[i].tostring() + ",";
if (arr1[i] is bool) {
if (arr1[i]) {
msg += "1,";
} else {
msg += "0,";
// And so on...
The error indicates that your arr1 are List<num>. The + function on num does not take a String which are the error you are getting.
I would recommend doing the following for creating your String since it will automatically call toString() on your num element and does also make the code smaller:
for (i = 0; i < arr1.length - 1; i++) {
msg += '${arr1[i]},';
msg += '${arr1[i]}';

I am trying to find the distance of a node from the root of a binary tree

I am trying to find the distance of a node from the root of a binary tree but I am getting right answer up to only 3 branches only. like for the node(4) I am getting 3 and for the node (9) and node(10) I am getting 3
using namespace std;
struct node
int data;
struct node *left;
struct node *right;
node(int val)
data = val;
left = NULL;
right = NULL;
int find_node(node* root,int n)
static int length=1;
if (root== NULL)
return 0;
if (root->data==n)
return length;
// find_node(root->left,n);
// find_node(root->right,n);
return length;
int main ()
struct node* root = new node(1);
root->left = new node(2);
root->right = new node(3);
root->left->left = new node(4);
root->left->right = new node(5);
root->right->left = new node(6);
root->right->right = new node(7);
root->right->right->right = new node(9);
root->right->right->right->right = new node(10);
cout <<find_node(root,10);
return 0;}
When your code reaches the first leaf node (with data 4), the following assignment will assign 1:
Because the expression resolves to 1+(0||0), i.e. 1. And so 1 is returned.
The caller (at the node with data 2) will thus receive this 1, and so the above statement will yield 2, since it resolves to 1+(1||......), which is 2 -- the second operand of || is not evaluated.
The parent caller (at the node with data 1), will thus receive this 2. The assignment there resolves to 1+(2||.....), which is again 2 -- realise that || is a logical operator, so it can only evaluate to a boolean value (i.e. 0 or 1).
The issues
In summmary:
You should not use || as it can only evaluate to 0 or 1, losing the actual value from recursion that you need.
You should not use a static variable. For one, it would not reset if you would make a second call to this function from the main program code. Instead, every recursive call should just "mind its own business" and return the depth of n from the given root. The caller should add 1 to that if n was found.
int find_node(node* root, int n)
if (root == NULL)
return 0;
if (root->data == n)
return 1;
int length = find_node(root->left, n);
if (!length)
length = find_node(root->right, n);
if (!length)
return 0;
return 1 + length;

Joining tables in queries google sheets

Basically I have two google sheets that look something like this:
a table where people can put in their email and select what kind of foo they are using
This Foo
and then another table with information about the foo
foo name
foo type
foo boolean1
foo boolean2
This Foo
That Foo
Other Foo
In a Separate Sheet I'd like to have a dashboard-like view of things wherein I would have counts of various things like number of people, how many of each type of Foo, etc
Where I'm having trouble is figuring out how to pull things like "Number of people who have selected String foos" and such
like, basically i want the google-query equivalent to (in sql)
SELECT COUNT(p.*) FROM people p JOIN info i on p.foo = i.foo_name GROUP BY i.foo_type WHERE i.foo_type = 'String'
What I would be looking for is a table that looks like this:
Active Roster
I have also seen many solutions that have complicated formulas using VLOOKUP, INDEX, MATCH, etc.
I decided to write a user function to combine tables, or as I refer to it, de-normalize the database. I wrote the function DENORMALIZE() to support INNER, LEFT, RIGHT and FULL joins. By nesting function calls one can join unlimited tables in theory.
DENORMALIZE(range1, range2, primaryKey, foreignKey, [joinType])
range1, the main table as a named range, a1Notation or an array
range2, the related table as a named range, a1Notation or an array
primaryKey, the unique identifier for the main table, columns start with "1"
foreignKey, the key in the related table to join to the main table, columns start with "1"
joinType, type of join, "Inner", "Left", "Right", "Full", optional and defaults to "Inner", case insensitive
Returns: results as a two dimensional array
Result Set Example:
=QUERY(denormalize("Employees","Orders",1,3), "SELECT * WHERE Col2 = 'Davolio' AND Col8=2", FALSE)
Other Examples:
=QUERY(denormalize("Employees","Orders",1,3,"left"), "SELECT * ", FALSE)
=QUERY(denormalize("Employees","Orders",1,3), "SELECT * WHERE Col2 = 'Davolio'", FALSE)
=QUERY(denormalize("Employees","Orders",1,3), "SELECT * WHERE Col2 = 'Davolio' AND Col8=2", FALSE)
// multiple joins
=QUERY(denormalize("Employees",denormalize("Orders","OrderDetails",1,2),1,3), "SELECT *", FALSE)
=QUERY(denormalize("Employees",denormalize("Orders","OrderDetails",1,2),1,3), "SELECT *", FALSE)
=QUERY(denormalize(denormalize("Employees","Orders",1,3),"OrderDetails",4,2), "SELECT *", FALSE)
function denormalize(range1, range2, primaryKey, foreignKey, joinType) {
var i = 0;
var j = 0;
var index = -1;
var lFound = false;
var aDenorm = [];
var hashtable = [];
var aRange1 = "";
var aRange2 = "";
joinType = DefaultTo(joinType, "INNER").toUpperCase();
// the 6 lines below are used for debugging
//range1 = "Employees";
//range1 = "Employees!A2:C12";
//range2 = "Orders";
//primaryKey = 1;
//foreignKey = 3;
//joinType = "LEFT";
// Sheets starts numbering columns starting with "1", arrays are zero-based
primaryKey -= 1;
foreignKey -= 1;
// check if range is not an array
if (typeof range1 !== 'object') {
// Determine if range is a1Notation and load data into an array
if (range1.indexOf(":") !== -1) {
aRange1 = ss.getRange(range1).getValues();
} else {
aRange1 = ss.getRangeByName(range1).getValues();
} else {
aRange1 = range1;
if (typeof range2 !== 'object') {
if (range2.indexOf(":") !== -1) {
aRange2 = ss.getRange(range2).getValues();
} else {
aRange2 = ss.getRangeByName(range2).getValues();
} else {
aRange2 = range2;
// make similar structured temp arrays with NULL elements
var tArray1 = MakeArray(aRange1[0].length);
var tArray2 = MakeArray(aRange2[0].length);
var lenRange1 = aRange1.length;
var lenRange2 = aRange2.length;
hashtable = getHT(aRange1, lenRange1, primaryKey);
for(i = 0; i < lenRange2; i++) {
index = hashtable.indexOf(aRange2[i][foreignKey]);
if (index !== -1) {
// add left and full no matches
if (joinType == "LEFT" || joinType == "FULL") {
for(i = 0; i < lenRange1; i++) {
//index = aDenorm.indexOf(aRange1[i][primaryKey]);
index = aScan(aDenorm, aRange1[i][primaryKey], primaryKey)
if (index == -1) {
// add right and full no matches
if (joinType == "RIGHT" || joinType == "FULL") {
for(i = 0; i < lenRange2; i++) {
index = aScan(aDenorm, aRange2[i][foreignKey], primaryKey)
if (index == -1) {
return aDenorm;
function getHT(aRange, lenRange, key){
var aHashtable = [];
var i = 0;
for (i=0; i < lenRange; i++ ) {
//aHashtable.push([aRange[i][key], i]);
return aHashtable;
function MakeArray(length) {
var i = 0;
var retArray = [];
for (i=0; i < length; i++) {
return retArray;
function DefaultTo(valueToCheck, valueToDefault) {
return typeof valueToCheck === "undefined" ? valueToDefault : valueToCheck;
// Search a multi-dimensional array for a value
function aScan(aValues, searchStr, searchCol) {
var retval = -1;
var i = 0;
var aLen = aValues.length;
for (i = 0; i < aLen; i++) {
if (aValues[i][searchCol] == searchStr) {
retval = i;
return retval;
You can make a copy of the google sheet with data and examples here:

linkedList insertionsort

This is my implementation for an insertion sort method using linkedList. I have tried it and it works just fine the only problem that there is an index out of bounds exception caused by the J+1 line. Can anyone tell me how to get around that or how to fix it. Thnx
public static <T extends Comparable <? super T>> void insertionSort2(List<T> portion){
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
T value;
//List <T> sorted = new LinkedList<T>();
// goes through the list
for (i = 1; i < portion.size(); i++) {
// takes each value of the list
value = (T) portion.remove(i);
// the index j takes the value of I and checks the rest of the array
// from the point i
j = i - 1;
while (j >= 0 && (portion.get(j).compareTo(value) >= 0)) {
portion.add(j+1 , portion.remove(j));//it was j+1
// put the value in the correct location.
portion.add(j + 1, value);
check this code out
just put it as a function in a class and try to call it
void InsertionSort()
int temp, out, in;
for(out=1 ; out<size ; out++)
temp = list[out];
in = out;
while (in > 0 && list[in-1] > temp)
list[in] = list[in-1];
list[in]= temp;
System.out.print("The list in this step became: ");
for (int t=0 ; t<size ; t++)
System.out.print(list[t]+" ");

Why is IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown

Below code is throwing an IndexOutOfBoundsException at line Field f = getField(counter);
Why is it being thrown ? Surely the field exists because I am looping based on fieldcount. Or is the list fields in the manager not gauranteed to be sequential? If this is the case how should I delete fields from a screen that are of type - MyButtonField
int fieldCount = getFieldCount() - 1;
if(fieldCount > 1){
for(int counter = 0; counter <= fieldCount ; ++counter){
Field f = getField(counter);
if(f instanceof MyButtonField){
You haven't specified what delete(f) does, but if it removes it from the list of fields, then your "valid count" will effectively decrease.
To rewrite this somewhat and fix the problem:
for (int index = getFieldCount() - 1; index >= 0; index--){
Field f = getField(index);
if (f instanceof MyButtonField) {
This will go from the end of the fields instead of the start, so it doesn't matter if you remove an entry and everything shuffles up - the items which shuffle up will be the ones you've already looked at.
The best way is to use Iterator for iteration then call the method remove().
for(Iterator it = getFields().iterator();it.hasNext()){
Field f = (Field) it.next();
if(f instanceof MyButtonField){
The method getFields() has to return a collection of Field elements.
