Authentication failure while trying to authenticate with OAuth 2 against Microsoft Office365 account - oauth-2.0

I have a custom developed Windows service that until recently used basic authentication to access an O365 mailbox over POP and pull the contents on a predefined schedule. Microsoft recently announced that they were dropping the support for basic authentication and I should be using OAuth 2 instead. I have followed the steps in this article and my application has the necessary permissions in the Azure portal. I'm still running into an issue.
I can successfully generate the OAuth token. When I try to use said token to authenticate I get "Authentication failure: unknown user name or bad password". No further details are available. I tried Microsoft support but they only referred me to guides I've already followed. Any help is greatly appreciated!

After three days of scratching my head I finally stumbled upon the answer. Turns out that according to Microsoft ObjectID is different from ObjectID. Because logic! Two different interfaces for the same thing with two different ObjectIDs. You need the one on the right when giving permissions to the mailbox.


Are There Azure AD App Perms Available for Microsoft Teams REST API

I want to start doing some development with the preview edition of the Microsoft Teams APIs.
I currently have a solution working using the Azure AD v2 Endpoint but I wanted to get a working solution using the v1 Endpoint.
I can't find any Microsoft Teams permissions available in the Azure AD portal and I didn't see anything specifically about this in the Known Issues the Teams API.
Can anyone comment on whether there are any options for a pure v1 Endpoint solution using application registration available right now? If not, is it planned?
The v1 Endpoint uses the same permissions as the v2 Endpoint. The primary difference between the two is that v2 scopes can by dynamically requested during authentication while v1 Endpoint requires permissions to be pre-defined within the registration.
When using the Azure Portal, all of the permissions for Teams show up under "Microsoft Graph". For the Teams you'll generally need User.Read and Group.ReadWrite.All. The Azure Portal lists permissions by description (although you can see the underlying scope name in the tooltip):
Sign in and read user profile (
Read and write all groups (Group.ReadWrite.All)
Note that Group.ReadWrite.All does require Admin Consent. Before you can authenticate normal user's, you will first need to have an Administrator go through the Admin Consent process.
I'm posting this as the answer, because I'm pretty certain this will trip up other developers out there. Up to this point, when getting an access token for AAD v1 apps that use Microsoft Graph, you use "" as the Resource ID. The interwebs are replete with this example, and I have it in my own code that I use for OneNote and other services.
Now with the Graph endpoint for connecting to Teams (and probably other things), the Resource ID you need to use is "". Just ran through a quick test using an AAD v1 app with the Microsoft Graph API and Read All Groups permission. I'm sure there's an explanation out there from some MSFT person that might make sense, but I have not found it after many hours of searching the web.
Hope this helps someone.

Microsoft Graph schemaExtensions Authorization_RequestDenied

I'm trying to use Microsoft Graph from my app via REST API
Here is what I did:
Register app at
Checked for all Delegated and Application authorizations
Got access token without a user based on OAuth Client Credentials Grant flow
Asked for Admin Consent with access token retrieved from point 3. and it was successful using
POST to /beta/schemaExtensions with access token retrieved from point 3. and I have this error:
Authorization_RequestDenied - Insufficient privileges to complete the operation
So here are my questions, hoping someone could help me:
How do I check if delegate authorization is ok after Admin Consent request?
Which privileges are missing to use schemaExtensions?
My app should work without a user, it's the preferred approach.
Couple of things here.
Extensions is GA and available on the /v1.0 version. Please use that instead of /beta.
We don't support schema extension registration using application permissions. It requires the Directory.AccessAsUser.All permission today (we're also investigating if there's another less privileged permission we can use here) per the create schema extensions topic.
Registering a schema extension can be a separate process from your application actually using the extension to create custom data on target object instances.
As such we are making a change (should be available shortly) to allow you to register and manage schema extensions for your app using Graph Explorer. There is also a user voice request to have a UI experience in app registration for schema registration/management. Please vote for this if it's important to you.
I'll update this post once Graph Explorer supports registering and managing schema extensions.
Hope this helps,
To answer the follow up question, the calling user should have read/write access to add custom data to another user. However, you can use open extensions to add custom data using /me/extensions to calling user (as long as the app has user.readwrite or higher permissions).

SharePointOnline: How to authenticate user from Azure AD via CSOM

I have the following requirements:
Create a MVC site with Azure AD authentication.
Fetch lists from SharePointOnline/O365 which also uses the same Azure AD.
Fetch lists from SharePointOnline/O365 anonymously (is it even possible?)
Thanks to VS2015 the first step is trivial.
But how to authenticate the current user in SharePoint? User.Identity does not provide password, so I cannot use ClientContext.Credentials.
I heard there is some Token Provider but haven't found a working case yet. Can anyone help me out?
To get the list of SharePoint online from our MVC sites, you can consider using the Microsoft Graph REST API instead of CSOM.
You can refer here about the list operation of Microsoft Graph. However, since this API is in beta version, it is not recommend to use in the product version.
And you also can refer the link below to get started developing with Microsoft Graph:
App authentication with Microsoft Graph

Microsoft Graph API auhetication for service apps

We are developing a web application using Microsoft Graph, where the signed in user can, Export all the calendar events to a third party calendar Application. After this initial export, we need to keep the exported data in sync with calendar changes via service app (a scheduled task running on server). This need to be a multi tenant application, as people from different organizations should be able to use this service.
Right now we did the authentication using OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect as described in this sample. Later we understood that the access token we get using this method cannot be used in the service app without user interaction. Considering our scenario what is the best way to achieve this?
I have read about App-only authorization method to do this. If we use this authentication method, the app need to be consented by a tenant administrator and the these applications are quite powerful in terms of what data they can access in the Office 365 organization. Considering we are developing a product used by different organizations, will it be feasible to use this method?
To use the client credentials OAuth2.0 flow (aka "App-only" or service account access depending on who's documentation you're reading) the admin for each tenancy will need to specify which scopes your daemon process can have for users in their tenancy. The end users can't give these scoping rights to your code themselves (as far as I know at least).
One thing to watch out for is that currently Graph API doesn't allow you to mess about with calendars that are attached to Office 365 Groups if you're using the client credentials flow. This is a pain for us, so we've raised it as an issue that needs fixing in the Office 365 feedback system. if that's an issue for you or anyone else, please throw a few votes at it so that it gets more attention at Microsoft. :-)

Changed domain error - OpenId auth request contains an unregistered domain

I set up a project on my main domain and then moved it to a subdomain
Now when I try to use the same (default ASP.NET MVC or on my Discourse forum) project with OpenId and click on the Google button to log in with my Google account it throws the following error -
That’s an error.
OpenID auth request contains an unregistered domain:
I have tried Googling that message but apparently I am one of the first four people to see it. Any ideas here?
According to this page,
Google closed registration to new OpenID 2.0 clients in May 2014 and will be shutting down the OpenID 2.0 service in April 2015.
The reason why some hosts work and some don't is that although Google isn't adding new hosts, you can still use the ones that are already registered.
Some people have asked for a simple explanation for how to fix this, or otherwise how to proceed.
Basically, you now have 2 options.
Use OAuth 2.0 (instead of openID protocols and older versions of OAuth)
Use Google+ login (which Google tried to "push" you towards)
For more details check the migration guide :
I would like to add some context to this thread together with a potential solution to developers that are currently blocked.
Back in February we announced the deprecation of OpenID 2.0 (OID2) scheduled for April 2015. We also announced that new OID2 relying parties (RPs) registrations† will no longer be accepted after April 2014.
Given that the API will be shut-down in less than a year’s time, our intention is to avoid having new RPs integrating with Google's OID2 API. Instead, we suggest to use our OpenID Connect API which we consider more secure and easier to implement.
Registrations were effectively closed on May 19th (as documented in the Google’s OID2 developer documentation). All RPs already using OID2 should not be affected by this the closure.
As for developers currently working on an integration with our OID2 API (presumably because they missed the announcement and warnings in our OID2 documentation), we will do our best to minimize the friction caused by the registration closure. If you are in such situation, please let us know by posting a registration request before June 15th. The post should contain a sample OID2 request used by your application, in case you prefer not to disclose such information, please post an email address and we will reach out. We plan to look into each case and try to get you unblocked in the best possible way.
† OID2 does not have a registration procedure for RPs integrating with an identity provider. RPs are associated to the realm value (e.g., used when contacting Google OID2 API. Thus, a RP is considered "registered" if its realm value has been used to contact our OID2 API.
You can easily change to OAuth 2, this article shows you how to register your app with Google and add the key to MVC. Scroll down to: "Creating a Google app for OAuth 2 and connecting the app to the project."
And you may need to add the Microsoft.Owin.Security.Google package via NuGet.
I had the identical problem but when using nodejs / expressjs
I have migrate my code using below url code and fixed that issue
Passport strategies for authenticating with Google using OAuth 1.0a and OAuth 2.0.
The sub-domains that fail are those that had never seen any user requests before. As per, Google is not allowing new domains in the OpenID2 API.
I have this exact problem, we use googles login to run a platform, its a brand new problem.
A few things I have discovered if this helps
Full domains trying to use openID never fail and are not having this problem
Subdomains on the platform have this problem sometimes, but the same subdomains always fail and the others always work.
It started around Monday and is still happening now.
Take a deep breath and just change Startup.Auth.cs file
clientId: "",
clientSecret: "00000000000");
refer to the page.
