How to solve setting a value to true inside a foreach loop while also setting the value to true on the outside of the loop in Cypress - foreach

I am having some issues trying to solve this problem. What I'd like to happen is if the forEach loop does NOT find the first text after running through all the cells. Then the final if block on the outside should run, and assert that the first text cell was not found.
Thank you :-)
Cypress.Commands.add("aCommand", (Locator, firstCellText, secondCellText) => {
let firstCellTextFound = false
cy.get("aDifferentLocator").find(Locator).each($cell => {
let text = $cell.text()
if (text.includes(firstCellText)) {
cy.wrap($cell).next().should("have.text", secondCellText)
firstCellTextFound = true
if(firstCellTextFound == false)

Your outside if block is synchronous code, while your cy.get() command is asynchronous, so the if block will execute while the cy.get().each() is still running. Wrapping that final if in a .then() block should solve your problem.
let firstCellTextFound = false
cy.get("aDifferentLocator").find(Locator).each($cell => {
... code ...
}).then(() => {
if(firstCellTextFound == false) {


Issue with CRMContainer in Twilio Flex

I built a simple plugin that shows in the CRMContainer the url of my CRM given some attributes parameters (if they are passed by), during inbound tasks this works fine, but the problem is that during outbound calls the behaviour is not the one expected, this is the piece of code:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
return task
? `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`
: 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';
I would need an additional condition that tells the code, if this is an outbound voice call to always show a default url.
I tried adding an if/else that checks if task.attributes.direction is outbound, but Flex says this is undefined.
Any tip?
The problem is that you aren't checking for the existence of the task. Your original code had this:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
return task
? `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`
: 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';
Which returns the URL with the task attributes in it only if the task exists, because of the ternary conditional.
So, when you try to use the attributes you need to make sure the task exists. So taking your code from the last comment, it should look like this:
flex.CRMContainer.defaultProps.uriCallback = (task) => {
if (task) {
if (task.attributes.direction === 'outbound'){
return `https://mycrm.zzz/${task.attributes.clicar}/${task.attributes.contacth}/`;
} else {
return `https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/`
} else {
return 'https://mycrm.zzz/contacts/';

Cypress: intercept and modify part of the response

Based on Cypress docs, I want to modify a field on the response and leave everything else unchanged, after first loading the fixture. I know I could easily do this with 2 fixtures but I would not like to duplicate it for a simple field change. I tried variations of the following code but to no success. Any ideas?
it('Should have the correct values in monthly', () => {
cy.intercept('POST', `**/full`, (req) => {
req.continue(res => { = 5000;
cy.route('POST', `**/full`, '#fixtures:monthlyRepayment').as(`request:fullData`);
cy.get('[data-test="calculator:monthlyRepayment"]').should('contain', '$5000.00');
I left a comment, but this will solve your problem, too. You'll want to modify your fixture data before using it:
it('Should have the correct values in monthly', () => {
cy.fixture('calculator/monthlyRepayment.json').then((json) => {
json.monthly = 5000;
cy.intercept('POST', '**/full', json);
// cy.visit called somewhere here
cy.get('[data-test="calculator:monthlyRepayment"]').should('contain', '$5000.00');

trying to store image as base64 and using it

I have a block of code that I found online and it seems to be working and not working at the same time. I think its probably my lack of understanding but I cant seem to get it to work the way I want it.
selectPicture() {
let context = imagepicker.create({
mode: "single" // use "multiple" for multiple selection
var imageBase64
.then(function() {
return context.present();
.then(function(selection) {
selection.forEach(function(selected) {
imageSourceModule.fromAsset(selected).then((imageSource) => {
imageBase64 = imageSource.toBase64String("jpg",60);
console.log("Image saved successfully!")
console.log("test test") //runs fine
this.image = "~/assets/images/account/camera.png" //cant seem to run
console.log("test test 2")
}).catch(function (e) {
// process error
console.log("got error 1")
}).catch(function (e) {
// process error
console.log("got error 2")
Within the imageSourceModule.fromAsset(selected).then((imageSource), I was trying to save the base64 info in another variable but cant seem to do anything within other than console log a string. When I run this.image = "~/assets/images/account/camera.png" (just a placeholder, even calling a method does not work too) for example it catches an error.
What could the problem be? thank you!
I changed console.log("got error 1") to log the actual update and what i got was:
undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.image = "~/assets/images/account/camera.png"')*
I now think that theres a problem with my understanding calling variable outside. My variable 'image' is within the script at
data() {
return {
image : ""
first of all check what this variable is, because you do not use es6 arrow functions, so this is probably not the vue instance.
the second thing: when you change vue-variables asynchronously use the $set method, like: this.$set(this, 'image', '~/assets/images/account/camera.png')

React Native: RNIap.getPurchaseHistory().then runs infinately

The project is at this Github Repository. The file with the code is at components/Soundboard.js
This code was working previously, but now it looks like the promise is running forever. It looks like neither the resolve function, nor the reject function are executing because if I uncomment all the commented lines below and call the function askForPurchase() the only things printed to the console are
an object that looks like "_40": 0, "_55": {"_40": 0, "_55": null, "_65": 0, "_72": null}, "_65": 3, "_72": null} for the line console.log(RNIap.getPurchaseHistory())
and then the word end.
The buyProduct() function also is no longer initializing an IAP.
const buyProduct = function(){
RNIap.requestPurchase("1985162691", false).then(purchase => {
await RNIap.finishTransaction(purchase, false) //developerPayloadAndroid?: string Should I use this argument? I don't get how to use it
}).catch((error) => {
const askForPurchase = function(){
if (!store.getState().purchase){
RNIap.getPurchaseHistory().then(purchase => {
if (purchase.length == 0){
//console.log(`test if`)
//console.log(`test else`)
}, reason => {
This code was working a few months ago and I even pulled a commit(1b9cb81f229680e173ce910892dddedc632c1651, comment: "Made the seal pic more cartoony") from that time to test out. After pulling this commit, I deleted my node_modules and pods, and cleaned my build folder, but the askForPurchase() and buyProduct() functions no longer work in that commit either.
I am testing this on a real iPhone SE running ios 13.6.1
I created a sandbox tester if you need to test it out, but I don't think you'll need it
pw: Somepassword1
hello #Sam problem is async await problem they are not able to get value because they are not waiting to get data before getting data its firing without data and it was returning promise so you have to use async function
so your code be like
const buyProduct = async()=>{
await RNIap.requestPurchase("1985162691", false).then(purchase => {
await RNIap.finishTransaction(purchase, false) //developerPayloadAndroid?: string Should I use this argument? I don't get how to use it
}).catch((error) => {
const askForPurchase = async()=>{
if (!store.getState().purchase){
//console.log(await RNIap.getPurchaseHistory())
await RNIap.getPurchaseHistory().then(purchase => {
if (purchase.length == 0){
//console.log(`test if`)
//console.log(`test else`)
}, reason => {
You will need to change from
console.log(await RNIap.getPurchaseHistory())

Sleep inside Future in Scala.js

Is it possible to sleep inside a Future in Scala.js ?
Something like:
Future {
If I try this then I get an exception saying that sleep method does not exist.
It seems like that it is possible to sleep in JS : What is the JavaScript version of sleep()? even though it is not possible to block.
You cannot really pause in the middle of the future body, but you can register your future as a followup to a "delay" Future, which you can define as:
def delay(milliseconds: Int): Future[Unit] = {
val p = Promise[Unit]()
js.timers.setTimeout(milliseconds) {
and which you can then use as:
val readyLater = for {
delayed <- delay(1000)
} yield {
