codecept js CLI does not produce .ts files even after i select the typescript option - codeceptjs

codecept js init does not produce .ts files even after i select the typescript option in the CLI. it is giving me files in .js. and when i change the file name it does not recognise functions such as click etc etc. Are there issues with the codecept CLI?


How do I add file copying functionality to my .csproj file?

This is using C# coded using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 Professional
I have an XML file used as a configuration in my program that I am coding. The executable reads and writes to the XML file. So I would naturally like to have an automatic process where the XML file is moved from where it resides among of the source to where the compiled executable will be built. I imagine the moving of the xml file could be done during the pre-build or post-build process. And so, I tried adding some "xcopy" messages in the "Build Events" box that is found in the Properties setting of the project file. Another optioni, I assume, is to edit the project file by hand using a text editor. But I am not accustomed to the scripting language of this code. When I tried to type the pre-build commands I tried:
xcopy config.xml $(OutDir)config.xml
and the error during the Build is
The command "xcopy config.xml bin\x64\Debug\config.xml" exited with code 4.
Please help.

Using the Robot Framework plugin, how to copy files outside the log folder into Jenkins?

I am running Robot Framework tests through Jenkins, and the tests use a custom Python library to take screenshots, save them into a specific folder (that is not the log folder), and embed them into the log. In the Jenkins job, I have a post-build action set to publish the Robot results, and I can get Jenkins to copy image files that are generated within the log folder, but I can't figure out how to copy image files that are generated outside the log folder.
The project's %WORKSPACE% is d:\git\product\registration
The directory of Robot output is \log\patient_search (the log directory is generated inside the registration directory)
The directory where the other images are generated is d:\git\product\registration\verify\images
If I put *.png into the "Other files to copy" box, Jenkins will copy any images within the log\patient_search directory and they embed correctly into the log. What I have in that box now is *.png,%WORKSPACE%\verify\images\**, and I have tried using backslashes instead, using a relative path (..\..\verify\images\**\*.png), and various combinations of asterisks and slashes. Those images always show as broken links in the log.
Are these paths wrong, or can this just not be done for files outside of the log folder?
I believe Robot Framework plugin "Other files to copy" works only inside "Directory of Robot output". A workaround would be to create a build step where you execute a shell and copy files to Robot output directory.

Publishing GulpJs minified/concatenated javascript via MSDeploy and Teamcity

Apologies if this question has been asked before. I have found variants on this theme but nothing that seems to fit our particular configuration.
We have developed a custom GulpJS task which parses a .json file located inside our folder assets/javascript. This json file contains an array of relative paths to javascript files (both our own and library) in a specific order for minification. They are then outputted to the folder assets/javascript/build and concatenated. The javascript source files are in the project but the minified and concatenated versions of the scripts, in fact the entire build folder itself, are not included in the Visual Studio project.
Ideally, I would like to have a step in the MSDeploy configuration which would copy all the files in the javascript build folder to the destination. Otherwise I could potentially include another step in Teamcity to do so.
Has anyone successfully instituted a similar build configuration and could share some insight? I tried using the MSBuild copy task but that didn't seem to copy the files to the output location. One option that I am considering is including the minified scripts in the project file but this might potentially trip up other developers who don't have Gulp running in their development environments (hilarious as that might be)

How to make `pub build` pick up javascript & css files from packages

Using pub build will pick up packages/browser/dart.js but it won't pick up javascript files included from other libraries. How can you make pub build pick up those external javascript & css files?
You should put that files in assets.
On a discussion about Assets-only Pub Packages Bob Nystrom gave some explaination about browser package and pub build:
It has some gross special-case code to handle the JS files in the browser package. That's been in there since before the idea of an "asset" directory existed, and it got Grandfathered in.

Is there any documentation about build.dart?

Based on how web_ui projects work, it looks like the IDE will run any build.dart file in the project as soon as some file is changed (or saved?). Is there any documentation about what arguments are passed to that script by the IDE?
There's now an article on Build.dart and the Dart Editor Build System available on
I couldn't find any official documentation, so this information is taken from build implementation in web_ui/component_build.dart, valid for version 0.5.3_r22223:
here are the arguments that build function understands:
clean - delete all generated files
machine - use machine readable format (json) for output
changed - list of file which have been changed
removed - file which has been removed
full - rebuild all files
When one or more files are changed of deleted, the editor calls build.dart script with arguments --machine and list of changed/removed files, e.g.:
arguments when some files were changed:
--machine --changed=web\out\webui_test.css --changed=web\out\webui_test.dart
arguments when some files were removed:
--machine --removed=web\xclickcounter.dart --removed=web\xclickcounter.html
Of course, one call can contain both changed and removed files.
BTW, if you want to stop automatic building, just right click on build.dart file in files explorer window of the editor, and click Don't run build.dart
