I want to TRIM the E column in the below query function in Google Sheets. I am not able to find the solution. Can you please help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({TRIM(E1:E50), F1:K50}, "order by Col7 desc", ))
Hi I would like to generate the result with descending order.
is it possible to use Query achieve this result? or is there alternative way ?
Thank you
=INDEX(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A&"×"&B1:D1&"×"&B2:D), "×"),
"where Col3 is not null order by Col3 desc", ))
I'm trying to trim this rows horizontaly and then transpose the values in two columns with this formula:
=FILTER(7:8, TRIM(FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(7:8),,9^9)))<>"") But it looks like it don't do anything. Here is the data:
Help with this please
The following formula should produce the behaviour you want:
=QUERY(TRANSPOSE(7:8),"select * where Col1 is not null")
Can try FILTER() function.
Also could use QUERY() like-
=QUERY(TRANSPOSE(A7:J8),"where Col1 is not null",0)
Based on some searches I tried some syntaxes, but it didn't work. I want to grab the averagehashrate
please help me
"where Col1 contains 'averageHashrate'"); "\d+(?:.\d+)?")
I am trying to figure out a formula to show all the projects for which there are hours assigned. From a first query I get the following output, listing projects and assigned hours:
Now I want to filter for projects with assigned hours. Since I want to add this to my existing query, I cannot use A1 notation. Any idea? :)
=unique(query(arrayformula(split(flatten((A1:C1&"~"&A2:C)),"~")),"select Col1 where Col2 is not null"))
transpose({transpose({A1:C1}),query(transpose(query({A2:C},"select "&textjoin(",",1,index("sum(Col"&sequence(1, 3,1)&")"))&"), "select Col1 where Col2 >0")})
I solved the issue with this formula. But yours also worked #Mike Steelson -thanks!
Here's another way you can do that:
I have the following table on Google Spreadsheet:
And would need to get the following transformation result:
I precise that for each vegetable i can have only 1 buy price, and 1 or several sell prices
I am pretty sure this can be achieved combining ArrayFormula() + Vlookup() but have not been able to find the right formula so far. Any help would be welcomed
Thanks in advance
{A2:C, IF(B2:B="buy", CHAR(13)&C2:C, C2:C)},
"select Col1,max(Col3) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col4"),
"offset 1", 0)),,9^9)), " "))