How to use TRIM with QUERY function in Google Sheet? - google-sheets

I want to TRIM the E column in the below query function in Google Sheets. I am not able to find the solution. Can you please help me with this?
Thanks in advance.

=ARRAYFORMULA(QUERY({TRIM(E1:E50), F1:K50}, "order by Col7 desc", ))


How to use query to generate the result with descending order

Hi I would like to generate the result with descending order.
is it possible to use Query achieve this result? or is there alternative way ?
Thank you
=INDEX(QUERY(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A&"×"&B1:D1&"×"&B2:D), "×"),
"where Col3 is not null order by Col3 desc", ))

Trim rows and tranpose in Google Sheets

I'm trying to trim this rows horizontaly and then transpose the values in two columns with this formula:
=FILTER(7:8, TRIM(FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(7:8),,9^9)))<>"") But it looks like it don't do anything. Here is the data:
Help with this please
The following formula should produce the behaviour you want:
=QUERY(TRANSPOSE(7:8),"select * where Col1 is not null")
Can try FILTER() function.
Also could use QUERY() like-
=QUERY(TRANSPOSE(A7:J8),"where Col1 is not null",0)

Use google sheets to grab some values

Based on some searches I tried some syntaxes, but it didn't work. I want to grab the averagehashrate
please help me
"where Col1 contains 'averageHashrate'"); "\d+(?:.\d+)?")

Google sheets: filter columns if rows are not blank

I am trying to figure out a formula to show all the projects for which there are hours assigned. From a first query I get the following output, listing projects and assigned hours:
Now I want to filter for projects with assigned hours. Since I want to add this to my existing query, I cannot use A1 notation. Any idea? :)
=unique(query(arrayformula(split(flatten((A1:C1&"~"&A2:C)),"~")),"select Col1 where Col2 is not null"))
transpose({transpose({A1:C1}),query(transpose(query({A2:C},"select "&textjoin(",",1,index("sum(Col"&sequence(1, 3,1)&")"))&"), "select Col1 where Col2 >0")})
I solved the issue with this formula. But yours also worked #Mike Steelson -thanks!
Here's another way you can do that:

Google Spreadsheet ArrayFormula + VLookup Transformation

I have the following table on Google Spreadsheet:
And would need to get the following transformation result:
I precise that for each vegetable i can have only 1 buy price, and 1 or several sell prices
I am pretty sure this can be achieved combining ArrayFormula() + Vlookup() but have not been able to find the right formula so far. Any help would be welcomed
Thanks in advance
{A2:C, IF(B2:B="buy", CHAR(13)&C2:C, C2:C)},
"select Col1,max(Col3) where Col1 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col4"),
"offset 1", 0)),,9^9)), " "))
