Getx not working correctly with firebase dynamic linking - deep-linking

I have a project that uses getX and initialRoute is "/root".
title: "Application",
getPages: AppPages.routes,
routeInformationParser: GetInformationParser(
initialRoute: Routes.ROOT,
I'm trying to use firebase dynamic linking to open app when click/open link.
When I run app from IDE (not by open link), the "GetInformationParser route location" is "/root" and everything goes correctly, but when I kill app and opens with the link (eg: so the "GetInformationParser route location" is "/ABC123" and I get the error "Bad state: No element" with black screen. If I change link to "" the app runs ok, but I have to create and use data from the link so I can't just use "".
If someone can help me understand the issue, that would be great.

If I understood your problem correctly. I faced a similar problem, but I didn't receive any error messages.
Instead, when I opened a dynamic link it would navigate me to a named page with the path of the link as in your example it would transfer me to a page route of ABC123 directly, before even triggering the onLink function from the FirebaseDynamicLinks.
So I always ended up on the start page. which had a routing of '/', so i changed it to '/startPage' and it worked for me. turns out that maybe some routing names are reserved.
So try to add initialRoute value as something like '/startPage' and make sure you don't have in your routes a page with a named route of '/' or any possibly reserved names.
this answer helped me solve my problem you can check it out


Issue with Microsoft EDGE and opening links in new tab. Specifically Google search results. Possibly a RendererCodeIntegrity Issue?

Opening Google Search Results in a new tab results in non functionining pages for me. However if I hit REFRESH on those problematic pages it takes me to the desired site without any issues.
The issue only appears to affect Microsoft EDGE and not Google Chrome. And the broken links seem to only be problematic when opening Google Search results in a new tab.
I reset my browser settings back to default.
I also added the following registry entry as described below for RendererCodeIntegrityEnabled:
Finally I changed the shortcut of EDGE to disabled the rendered cod eintegrity as well:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" – disable-features=RendererCodeIntegrity
On the problematic pages, the parameters in the URL look like the following:
url: 'sa=t'
rct: 'j'
q: [null]
esrc: 's'
source: 'web'
cd: [null]
This resolved itself after a Windows Update. Weird bug... returns me a File Not Found

I'm trying the API and I think I'm getting a weird problem because I'm not able to create my links properly: I can use the link for starting the app without parameter: this link
It works perfectly but as soon as I try to put some parameter following the doc for appending query parameters, it returns a File Not Found Webpage.
I tried: (that's the example they give)
I have the feeling I'm really missing something but no idea what. Is that so easy to add parameters: just a/ and then appending parameters??
Alex from here:
We recently made a major back-end change to accommodate some new technical limitations that Apple imposed with iOS 9.3.1, and unfortunately it looks like we didn't fully update all our docs yet!
Your links are correct, but the /a is no longer necessary. So they would be:
When you open these, you'll be able to see the link clicks coming through on this dashboard page
Thanks for noticing this. I'll make sure we get the documentation changedto reflect the new system.
Edit: also note that those examples above create new links with the specified parameters. If you simply want to append an additional parameter to an existing link, you'd do this:

Umbraco - Incorrect link to document when useDomainPrefixes = true

(To make this simpler - I've re-posted the first part of this question as a separate question, which has now been answered:)
Umbraco - Incorrect alternative link to document
Here's the full, original question:
On our website, we have the following structure:
for the Global > English page, the links to the page are showing as:
Link to document
Alternative Links
so the 'Link to document' is correct, but the alternative link isn't. On the UK > English page, I just get the correct 'Link to document'
On our development version, I've just turned on the useDomainPrefixes = true option in the umbracoSettings.config of of the site, and I've added a hostname for the top level 'sitename' node. Now I get the following as page links for the Global > English page:
Link to document
Alternative Links
I get the correct links for the UK > English page, showing the correct hostname in the URL like this:
Link to document
I've tried re-publishing the entire root node (sitename), however I get an unusual timeout error. I've increased the timeout for the app pool, and for the session and the umbraco timeout in the web.config, however this is a different error probably related to the proxy server contacting the web server.
Is republishing the entire site the only fix? I've tried only publishing the sitename > Global node, which completes successfully, but doesn't fix the issue.
This is sometimes caused by setting the domains for the content nodes incorrectly. If you've right clicked and selected "Manage Hostnames" then you can get issues like this.
Remove all hostnames and see if everything works with UseDomainPrefixes=true.
I would reinstall from scratch and rebuild the site if the worst happens and you really cannot fix.

Drupal 7: URL alias is getting ignored on pages when "provide a menu link" is unchecked on multilingual site

I'm hoping someone can help me because this is driving me crazy.
I have a multilingual DrupaL 7 site set up with English being the main language and French being the secondary language. I have url aliasing set up and for the most part it works correctly.
The problem arises when I have pages that I don't want included in a menu, so I leave the "provide a menu link" box unchecked. Even if the "Generate automatic URL aliases" box is checked for those pages without a menu link, the page completely ignore any url alias patterns I have set up and the url always shows up as 'node/31' instead of 'my-content-page'. If I hardcode in a URL alias via the URL path settings on the page, it WILL take those, but this is not what I want. I want it to take the url alias pattern I've set up for it. I even installed the "Pathauto persistent state" module and forced the "Generate automatic URL aliases" to remain checked just in case, but my alias patters are still ignored.
Both English and French pages do this if the page is not provided a menu link.
Has anyone seen this behaviour before? Does anyone have any ideas what might be wrong?
This can happen when you have tokens in your URL alias pattern that doesn't work for any reason. In your case it sounds like you have a pattern including a "menu item" token, so when you save your node without a menu item, the URL alias is not created.
The solution would be to either include a menu item, manually add your URL alias, or change anything looking like [node:menu-link] in your URL alias patterns to something else.
I think I had the same problem, and the point was that the "Basic Page" content-type needed to have available the menus of the appropiate languages in its "menu settings" (in admin/structure/ then "edit" basic-page) .
Hope this will work for you too.
If your have a non english site, follow the issue: and patch or solution.
I had the same problem and I solved it, "I hope forever", by reading the comment written by enzipher:
This can happen when you have tokens in your URL alias pattern that
doesn't work for any reason.
I'm using a custom pattern and I solved it by following these steps:
I went to pattern page, deleted custom token and save
I went to node and edit, then saved the node and url alias had been created like domain/language/title_node
I went to pattern page, insert same custom token and saved
I went to node again and edited it, then saved and the correct node url alias has been created

How do I link to an article on another web in TWiki?

I've got an article in Main.
I want to link to it from another Web, call it Acme.
I've tried
but can't get it to work.
What do I do now?
The general syntax for that is
so you should be fine with
if you want to link to a topic MyLink in a web named Main. If your web Acme (or your whole wiki) has disabled auto-linking in the preference settings, you need to use the square brackets notation, e.g.
[[Main.MyLink][my link]]
