Is it possible to have a timestamp (date and time) field in a modal? - slack-api

Reading through the docs, I see a date picker and time picker field separately but not just one timestamp field that includes both. Is there any way to accomplish this same idea outside the box?

What about datetimepicker? Check it out here:


xforms - orbeon Date field input correction

I'm trying to get rid of fixing date input by user on Date field in Orbeon forms.
I had formatted my Date field to DD/MM/YYYY and when I type:
It automatically changes to 13/08/2022 (moves extra days to next month)
I just want to validate wrong input without "fixing" it and ask user to correct it by himself. Is it possible to disable this feature by prop or make any workarounds? I checked documentation and didn't find any clues.

Dygraphs timestamp with timezone

I know there was a lot of discussion about datetime parsing in dygraphs and problems with Javascript. But still, I have a problem how to correctly pass datetime.
I'm using dygraph to show data (points with 5 seconds interval) and it's crucial to have correct datetime. But if I pass datetime as timestamp (1401580800) or as ISO 8601 (2014-06-01T00:00:00+00:00), I always get datetime modified to my local time.
My question is, how to correctly pass the datetime to dygraph so datetime doesn't change?
Dygraphs use Javascript Dates, which display according to your local timezone (unfortunately, there's no way to display them using an arbitrary timezone).
One solution is to modify the data - I've encountered a similar problem in my own work, and I made a small helper function to make fake Javascript UTC dates (basically ending up with a Javascript date that's actually the wrong time but shows up looking correct when displayed in local time). This worked for my application, which used moments ( to represent dates everywhere unless required by some other library to use Javascript's Dates.
Another (probably more correct) solution is to modify Dygraph's functions to display the right things, as demonstrated in the answer to this post: Dygraph showing dates in an arbitrary Timezone
The JavaScript Date object will always use the local time of the computer it's running on. If you don't want that behavior, you'll need to use something else. Consider building a pre-formatted string using something like moment.js and then just pass the string to dygraphs instead of the date.

Is it possible to create a UIDatePicker with the format YYYY-MM-DD in iOS in English?

I'm trying to implement a UIDatePicker that allows a user to select a date of birth. This would be relatively straightforward, but there's also a requirement that the user be over 18. This isn't a problem (UIDatePicker has a minimumDate property that allows me to specify that), but it does present a usability issue.
If you select the date, lets say for example, May 4th. With the locale set to en_GB, this will appear as May 4th 2014. Lets assume for the moment that this date is after today. Before you get a chance to change the year to, lets say, 1977, the date picker will force the date back to today.
I'd like to solve this by changing the display format to YYYY-MM-DD without having to implement a UIPickerView (a solution that may require a fair amount of work to implement properly). Is there a way to do this with UIDatePicker that allows the same enforcement of date while having better usability? Preferably I'd like to do this without a custom class either (and obviously private APIs are out to - can't risk rejection from the App Store). Alternatively, is there a better way of implementing a date of birth picker?
you want to switch the order of columns of the picker:
no this isn't doable right away.
maybe you can find some locale that has the Y/M/D format
The only way I see without creating a custom picker is using
-(void)pickerView:(UIPickerView *)pickerView didSelectRow:(NSInteger)row inComponent:(NSInteger)component
You can check if user is on a valid selection, if not you can force the picker to stay on a valid position. Saying that every time user scrolls one of the rows you should perform a validation check, instead of setting min and max date for your datePicker

JIRA - the date/time format of versions on a project

In a project we can create versions, but the release date format is just d/MMM/yy
Is it possible to have this display the time as well ?
Our datepicker properties are: d/MMM/yy %e/%b/%y dd/MMM/yy h:mm a %e/%b/%y %I:%M %p
we are running JIRA version 6.1.2, build 6157
realspirituals is right. With standard date field you won't be able to display a time.
Although opposing to the 'Configuring JIRA Options', I found 'Changing the Due Date Input Format', which states the possibility of adding a time component to the due date field. But I couldn't find something similar for Release Dates.
A similar feature request was raisied in May '13 to atlassian.
The only thing I can think of is to add metadata to your version and use a custom field to display it. See here: new field in version tab panel. This way you can further handle with it. If you just want to display the time and not "work" with it, just use the description field for that.
As per documentation
Date fields, which have no time component, such as due dates, release
dates (associated with versions) and custom date fields, solely record
date information (and no time zone-related information) so are not
affected by time zone settings.
My answer is Not possible and even if you print them, you should get 0's

How do I let user pick date for time object?

I don't know why this is so difficult and I'm sure there's an easy answer, but i've been looking for about an hour and cannot find it. I have a form where I want someone to enter a time into a text field in the form hh:mm:ss . What I have now is:
<%= f.text_field :complete_time %>
:complete_time is an attribute of data type 'time'. So if someone enters '15:53:00', the :complete_time is stored as:
2000-01-01 15:53:00 UTC
I can't figure out how to let the user set the date of the time. Above the time field, I also have a datepicker field, but it is mapped to its own attribute. I would use the date picker in conjunction with the time text field if i knew how, but I don't. How do I let the user pick the date of the time object?
Well, there is this plugin you can use in with date picker to pick the time, it's really easy to use.
