How can I plot the x-axis on a highchart like this? - highcharts

I'm building a chart using the highcharts javascript library
I'm expecting to get a chart like
And here's what I already have. enter link description here
enter code here

You define x values on a categorized axis and because of the default pointPlacement, your chart is distorted. You can change pointRange, but in that case, I would recommend removing axis type (the linear will be by default) and set series.pointPlacement to between
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPlacement: "between"
The label's position can be set by xAxis.labels.x option.
API Reference:


highcharts y axis value display left

I want to change the display position of the chart y axis value.
In the example chart, the y-axis values are displayed to the right of the entire chart.
But I want to display it on the left rather than on the right.
What to do in this case?
enter link description here
You need to use the opposite property:
yAxis: {
opposite: false
Live demo:
API Reference:

Highchart - give to series-marker other zIndex then to the series-lines

I work in angular project and use highchart.
The situation is:
At my chart, I have single series, type area.
I wanted the yAxis grid line to be displayed above my series, so I give it: gridZIndex: 10.
The problem is:
The yAxis is displayed also above the series markers, and I want it to appear only on the series area and line, not on markers.
Any solution?
Please the the demo that I draw:
There is no solution for this case using the regular API options because Z index in SVG is defined by the order the elements appear in the document. You can try to manipulate the DOM, however, this solution might not work well for all cases - like dynamic chart changes, so just keep in mind this is more like a POC then a solid fix.
chart: {
polar: true,
type: 'line',
events: {
load() {
API to the load event:

Remove spacing between Histogram columns on date-time axis

I have a stock price chart with variance along xAxis (its a special chart). I want to plot this variance as histogram.I can draw it successfully but I can't get rid of the space between histogram columns. fiddle here (click on price series to generate histogram)
I have set
groupPadding: 0,
pointPadding: 0
but doesn't work.
I tried a simpler fiddle And this one works fine.
I can't find what is the difference.
Any help is highly appreciated.
You need to set ordinal option to false:
xAxis: {
ordinal: false
Live demo:
API Reference:

Prevent xAxis of column highchart taking negative labels on hiding one of other series(on legendItemClick event)

On hiding both the series using legends, and then clicking one of the series shows xAxis starting from '-1', when ideally it should show only not null categories.
Using 'ignoreHiddenSeries: false' solves the purpose but again on hiding both the series using legend and then enabling other series tends to overlap both the series. Although on window resize event, series get aligned properly.
chart: {
type: 'column'
// ignoreHiddenSeries: false
Example for reference:
You can simply set for xAxis min:0, see:
Grouped column charts work best with equal number of data points per series.
Best solution I have found for this is to fill any missing data points with null values:
data: [49.9, 71.5,null,null,null,null,null,null]

Highstock with numbers instead of date in x-axis

I need to output a plot on page, and I'm considering Highstock or Highcharts to implement this. Highstock interface is more preferable due to navigator pane showing the rest of plot after rezooming.
However my plot has numbers in x-asis, but not date/time. Is there any way to use Highstock with numerical x-scale? Or add similar navigator to Highcharts?
Below X Axis formatter can be used with high Stock for displaying numbers in X-Axis:
xAxis: {labels: { formatter: function () {return this.value;}} }
Highstock's only type of xAxis is datetime, so using it with numbers is not an option. (Maybe if you make some tricky formatting actions and define a custom tooltip with the same formatting options it might be possible).
Leaves only Highcharts and there is an example called master-detail chart that could meet your requirements.
Hope that helps.
xAxis: {
type: 'linear' // Other types are "logarithmic", "datetime" and "category"
