How can I suppress Ant warnings for overrided properties? - ant

I have build.xml with some global properties:
<project default="build">
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="root.dir" location=".."/>
<property name="subdir.dir" location="${root.dir}/subdir"/>
My builds work fine but every time I do an <antcall>, I get a mess of override warnings for these global properties:
Override ignored for property "env.VAR1"
Override ignored for property "env.VAR2"
Override ignored for property "root.dir"
I get them even though I haven't actually overridden the properties in the task. The warning messages have made my ant log very verbose and hard to follow. Is there a way to suppress the warnings?
I'm using ant 1.9.4, which I can upgrade if needed.


Call Ant target directly and indirectly based on condition

I have the following default target defined in my build file:
<target name="main" depends="generate.doc" unless="generated.doc.present"/>
The property is set when the doc files already exist. In that case I don't want to do anything. However, it doesn't work since the dependent target is always executed before the condition is evaluated.
I still need to be able to call the dependent target directly and execute it, no matter if the output already exists or not. Hence something like this would not work:
<target name="main" depends="generate.doc"/>
<target name="generate.doc" unless="generated.doc.present">...</target>
Is there a solution without using antcall in the main target?
In the example below, the main <target> has been changed to have two dependencies. A new <target> named -pre-conditions will run before generate.doc.
The -pre-conditions <target> sets the skip-generate.doc property only if the generated.doc.present property has already been set.
The generate.doc <target> has been changed so it will be skipped if -pre-conditions set the skip-generate.doc property.
With these changes, generate.doc will always run when it's called directly.
<target name="-pre-conditions">
<condition property="skip-generate.doc">
<isset property="generated.doc.present"/>
<target name="main" depends="-pre-conditions, generate.doc"/>
<target name="generate.doc" unless="skip-generate.doc">
<echo>generate.doc running</echo>

How to acess property within a property in ant

Hi all please give a look to this code
in my properties file i have
Now below i am trying to call PrintInstallerName_build from my build.xml,while as PrintInstallerName_build is in test.xml. In build.xml file,${} has value=win-x86 in the calling target and in called target param1 also has value=win-x86
<target name="PrintInstallerName" >
<ant antfile="test.xml" target="PrintInstallerName_build">
<property name="param1" value="${}"/>
<target name="PrintInstallerName_build" >
as you can see only the last statement gives correct output but it is hardcoded,i want to use param1 and the output should be E:\\Ant_Scripts i tried to use $ and # but none works,may be i am doing wrong somewhere can someone help please,i am struck and tomorrow is its DOD.
See Nesting of Braces in the Properties page of the Ant Manual.
In its default configuration Ant will not try to balance braces in
property expansions, it will only consume the text up to the first
closing brace when creating a property name. I.e. when expanding
something like ${a${b}} it will be translated into two parts:
the expansion of property a${b - likely nothing useful.
the literal text } resulting from the second closing brace
This means you can't use easily expand properties whose names are
given by properties, but there are some workarounds for older versions
of Ant. With Ant 1.8.0 and the the props Antlib you can configure Ant
to use the NestedPropertyExpander defined there if you need such a
You can use <propertycopy> to make it happen.
Consider that you need to have the property value of ${propA${propB}}
Use ant tag of propertycopy as follows:
<propertycopy property="myproperty" from="PropA.${PropB}"/>
<echo >${myproperty}</echo>
This will echo the value of ${propA${propB}}
<target name="PrintInstallerName_process" >
<macrodef name="testing">
<attribute name="v" default="NOT SET"/>
<element name="some-tasks" optional="yes"/>
<echo>Source Dir of ${param1}: ${#{v}}</echo><!-- Dir of Win-x86:E:\Ant_Scripts-->
<testing v="${param1}.pc-shared-location">
this is the way it works and for me it works fine anyways #sudocode your tip took me there so thank you very much

Ant: How to test if a target exist (and call it not if it doesn't)?

I have a set of build files, some of them calling others -- importing them first. End of line builds may have or may not have a specific target (e.g. "copyother"). I want to call it from my main build file if that target is defined within the end-of-line build script. How can I do it?
Part of the calling script:
<!-- Import project-specific libraries and classpath -->
<property name="build.dir" value="${projectDir}/build"/>
<import file="${build.dir}/build_libs.xml"/>
<!-- "copyother" is a foreign target, imported in build_libs.xml per project -->
<target name="pre-package" depends=" clean,
I do not want every project to define "copyother" target. How can I do a conditional ant call?
I'm guessing you aren't importing the "other" build scripts into your main build.xml. (Because that wouldn't work. Ant treats imports as local.)
At the same time, you are using depends and not ant/ant call so maybe you are importing them, but one at a time.
You can't do what you want in native Ant. As you noted testing for a file is easy but a target is not. Especially if that other project isn't loaded yet. You definitely have to write a custom Ant task to accomplish what you want. Two avenues:
1) Call project.getTargets() and see if your target is there. This involves refactoring your script to use ant/antcall instead of pure depends, but doesn't feel like a hack. Writing a custom Java condition isn't hard and there is an example in the Ant manual.
2) Add a target to the current project if not already there. The new target would be a no-op. [not sure if this approach works]
For the same of completeness. Another approach is to have some target for checking the target.
The approach is discussed here: (vimil's post). Check is done using scriptdef. So it is not that different from other answer(Jeanne Boyarsky), but script is easy to add.
<scriptdef name="hastarget" language="javascript">
<attribute name="targetname"/>
<attribute name="property"/>
var targetname = attributes.get("property");
if(project.getTargets().containsKey(targetname)) {
project.setProperty(attributes.get("property"), "true");
<target name="check-and-call-exports">
<hastarget targetname="exports" property="is-export-defined"/>
<isset property="is-export-defined"/>
<antcall target="exports" if="is-export-defined"/>
<target name="target-that-may-run-exports-if-available" depends="check-and-call-exports">
You should explore use of the typefound condition, added to ANT in 1.7. You can use it, for example, with the if task from antcontrib like this, but you have to check for a macrodef and not a taskdef due to how it works:
<typefound name="some-macrodef"/>
With this, ant files that have a macrodef named "some-macro-or-taskdef" will get it invoked and other ant files without it will not get an error.

How can I allow an Ant property file to override the value set in another?

I have an ant file that does the following:
<property file="" description="Project configuration properties"/>
<property file="" description="default build configuration."/>
<property file="" description="local build configuration overrides"/>
I want to have defaults set in (which is checked in to SCM) but allow developers to override values in a local so that they can work with local paths.
The problem is, it doesn't seem to be working; I've set this up, created an override in, but the value of my path remains the one set in How do I accomplish this?
The initial problem with your set up is that you've got and reversed.
Ant Properties are set once and then can never be overridden. That's why setting any property on the command line via a -Dproperty=value will always override anything you've set in the file; the property is set and then nothing can override it.
So the way you want this set up is:
<property file="" description="local build configuration overrides"/>
<property file="" description="Project configuration properties"/>
<property file="" description="default build configuration."/>
This way:
Anything set at the command line takes precedence over
Anything set in overrides other values
etc. on down the line.
Actually ant properties may be overriden. See the documentation of the property task:
Normally property values can not be changed, once a property is set,
most tasks will not allow its value to be modified.
One of the tasks that are able to override the property value is script. Also any custom task may use this backdoor. Other proposals are in question Ant loadfile override property. This is against the spirit of ant and usually unnecessary. But it's good to know that, because I just had an opposite problem: why the property value changed although it is immutable.
Here is a sample target that uses script task to change the value of a property. It shows the basic methods to work with properties. All methods are described in Ant Api which is not available online. You need to download the Ant Manual. In its api directory there is the api documentation.
<target name="t1">
<property name="a" value="one" />
<script language="javascript">
sProp = project.getProperty("a");
sProp = sProp.replace("e", "ly");
project.setProperty("a", sProp);
project.setNewProperty("a", "new value");
<property name="a" value="two" />
How to easily setup the script task? Making the script task running with beanshell language is a bit tricky and non-trivial, but it's explained in this answer. However as Rebse noted, using javascript language is supported out of the box in jdk 6.
Ant property can't be overwritten unless using macro and javascript plug-in to do:
Step 1: define a macro function to overwrite property
<!--overwrite property's value-->
<macrodef name="set" >
<attribute name="name"/>
<attribute name="value"/>
<script language="javascript">
project.setProperty("#{name}", "#{value}");
Step 2: use the macro in the ant xml
value="your_value" or "${another_property}"

How to call some Ant target only if some environment variable was not set?

I would like to not call a target in build.xml in the case that there is a certain environment variable.
Using Ant 1.7.0, the following code does not work:
<property environment="env"/>
<property name="app.mode" value="${env.APP_MODE}"/>
<target name="someTarget" unless="${app.mode}">
<target name="all" description="Creates app">
<antcall target="someTarget" />
Target "someTarget" executes whether there is the environment variable APP_MODE or not.
The docs for the unlessattribute say:
the name of the property that must not be set in order for this target to execute, or something evaluating to false
So in your case, you need to put the name of the property, rather than an evaluation of the property:
<target name="someTarget" unless="app.mode">
In Ant 1.7.1 and earlier, these attributes could only be property names.
As of Ant 1.8.0, you may instead use property expansion; a value of true (or on or yes) will enable the item, while false (or off or no) will disable it.
Other values are still assumed to be property names and so the item is enabled only if the named property is defined.
if/unless on the ant manual
Unless attribute suggest in simple language that if property is set then the task would not be get executed. for ex.
<target name="clean" unless="clean.not">
<delete dir="${src}" />
<property name="clean.not" value="true" />
<delete dir="${dest}" />
Here , if you call clean target , it gets executed first then its value is set. And if you want to call it again in script then it would not as property must not be set in order to get the task executed.
