I'm not able to create refresh token for google by setting up client_id and Secret_id - oauth

Here is the issue which i'm facing.
Image is here click this link
I'm passing the redirect url as https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/ but it's not working for me. . and getting error shown in image.


Flutter Auth on iOS hangs when retrieving token with code exchange

I have the following code in flutter trying to retrieve an oauth2 token via auth code with PKCE flow:
final FlutterAppAuth appAuth = FlutterAppAuth();
final request = AuthorizationTokenRequest(
discoveryUrl: 'https://$B2C_DOMAIN/.well-known/openid-configuration',
scopes: ['openid', 'profile', 'offline_access'],
// promptValues: ['login']
final AuthorizationTokenResponse result =
await appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(request);
When this code is run in iOS, the browser opens and I can see it tries to load the signin page, but then immediately closes. No exceptions are thrown or anything. The code basically hangs at appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode almost like it doesn't know that the browser has closed.
I am not sure what could be causing this.
The code correctly determines the url for showing credentials using the discoveryUrl (i.e. it makes the http request first using the discoveryUrl) but not sure why it basically hangs after.
I am using azureb2c for authentication here.
Ok turns out this is a problem with using azure b2c in particular as tried it with a different identity provider and works fine.
I managed to locate the issue and fix it now a login page shows in the browser. After entering credentials, browser closes, but code still hangs on appAuth.authorizeAndExchangeCode(request); and does not proceed.
Also found existing issue. on github: https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_appauth/issues/182
I managed to solve this following the below answer on the Github repository of the flutter_appauth plugin.
Eventually, all I had to do was to add a trailing slash to the redirect url parameter in AuthorizationTokenRequest.
(It looks like Azure AD appends on a trailing slash to the redirect url which causes the validation in AppAuth to fail).
My app worked correctly with the slash both on Android and iOS.
P.S. If this doesn't work for someone, try to adjust the redirect url in your App Registration as suggested in the respective thread https://github.com/MaikuB/flutter_appauth/issues/223.
I suspect this is related to the call to resumeExternalUserAgentFlow, so here is a plan of action for you:
Follow the steps in my blog post to get the AppAuth Swift + Carthage sample working - which also uses a Private URI Scheme. Use my online configuration details as specified in the blog post and you should have a working solution. I have just verified that my instructions still work.
Update the same sample to use your Azure AD configuration and see if it still works. If so then there is nothing wrong with AppAuth and the problem is in the Flutter layer.
If the Swift sample fails when you update to Azure AD configuration, add some print messages for the URL being supplied to resumeExternalUserAgentFlow in the AppDelegate class, and see if this is different to the original redirect URI. If the redirect URIs are different, reset to the original value and hopefully that will resolve things.

YouTube API - Option for "Authorized redirect URIs" not showing on credentials page

I am creating an internal project application with the YouTube Data v3 API. Following the tutorial given in this post, I am trying to add "https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground" as a link under "Authorized redirect URIs" when editing the client_id and client_secret entry.
When I go into the console and edit the credentials, I cannot find this option anywhere. See the screenshot below to see what I see when I edit the Oauth 2.0 Client IDs.
Does anyone have an idea about why I cannot see this option or where I have to go in order to find it?
Screenshot of what I see
I found out why. It's because I had set my credentials to "Other (Windows)". When I created new credentials with "Web server" selected instead, the option started showing.

linkedin oauth authorization fails with "Bummer, something went wrong"

Bummer, something went wrong
when I use the above url I am getting "Bummer, something went wrong.
We're having difficulty connecting."
you need to add Sign In with LinkedIn permission in product tabs
from the app settings page go to the product tab and add Share on linkedin and Signin with linkedin to get the following permissions r_emailaddress, r_liteprofile, w_member_social
Hello I had a similar problem and I fixed it by doing this ;
You have to ensure that everything in your APP page ( https://www.linkedin.com/developer/apps ) matches the parameters in your authorization URL . SO for example in your case , https://www.linkedin.com/oauth/v2/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=test&redirect_uri=http://test.custom.com/abc/linkedin&state=DCEeFWf45A53sdfKef424asgTyhgTR5 ;
You would have to ensure that your client_id in the auth URL matches the Client-Id on your APP page and also ensure that the redirect_uri you specified in your auth URL has been authorized on your app page as shown below . If you are passing in scopes as well, also ensure that they match perfectly . As you can see in the image below , my redirect_uri has been authorized from my app page .
Recreate a application after 12/15/2018 solved the problem for me.
(Any developer application created through the LinkedIn Developer Portal after December 15, 2018 automatically has access to the v2 API.) https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/linkedin/consumer/integrations/self-serve/migration-faq?context=linkedin/consumer/context
I ran into same issue.
Changing value of redirect_uri in linkedin app from http to https helped solved the issue. See picture below:
In your case, url should have been:
https://www.linkedin.com/oauth/v2/authorization?response_type=code&client_id=test&redirect_uri=https://test.custom.com/abc/linkedin&state=DCEeFWf45A53sdfKef424asgTyhgTR5 ;
The best is to inspect how is the link generated by linkedin developer tool for you and then you just have to change the redirect url
then "create token" then select all permission and click on "Request access token"
if you have the development window open you can see a query authorisation is done, then you can just copy this url and change the redirect_url.
so for me

Instagram oauth api gives { "code": 400, "error_type": "OAuthException", "error_message": "No matching code found." }

I am working on an application that integrates with Instagram API to access the user information. I successfully fetch the Access Token using the authorize url but unable to fetch the userId using access_token url:
i am tried both the endpoints:
with the post body as:
(The data in the request is modified), But i am getting the follwing
"code": 400,
"error_type": "OAuthException",
"error_message": "No matching code found."
I have seen tons of queries and questions but could not find any solution to the problem.
The couple of questions i have is:
1) is the field code in the URL is same as access_token, if not how could i get the code field's value.
2) is there any other mechanism(API) to fetch the user details given the username is not known.
Please help me as i am completely stuck and running out my deadlines.
For me unchecking Disable implicit OAuth in instagram developer -> manage clients fixed the issue
I found that using either form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded works fine. The most important is the code you get from redirect uri is only used by one request. It means you could request the access token once for the code. If the you request more than one time with same code, you'll get the error like this:
code: 400,
error_type: "OAuthException",
error_message: "Matching code was not found or was already used."
Wish you all the best ;)
Try to urlEncode the redirect_uri param to
And your code param contains the "." character which might be a error.
might caused the problem
"error_message": "No matching code found."
"5dc92c4d15ea4a4ea1b0d33eaf0eef19" seems to be the correct code
I got same error. It seems that instagram's spam system disable user's access to any non-official application. Just change user's password. In my case it was help.
Also try create another application.
From my answer to another question
It looks like users get more than one code, and you see first code, but need second. Try relogin users, if you gets error. User will not see instagram page with confirm button, just redirections.
Possible algorithm of error:
1. User click auth link.
2. Get first code.
3. User click auth link (twice, redirection problem, public auth system, etc.)
4. Get another code (even on the same client_id, redirect_uri).
5. You get first code.
6. But first code already doesn't exists.
The problem is here that need redirect url set as http://localhost/signin-instagram
signin-instagram part is very important
So go to Instagram.com/developer ->Manage Client-> Security -> Valid redirect URIs set with that end http:/../signin-instagram
Off late instagram python snippet fails due to missing content-type HTTP header
response, content = http_object.request(url, method="POST", body=data,headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"})
adding application/x-www-form-urlencoded worked for me
I will mention what worked for me.
Step 1. Generate a new client secret from you panel.
Step 2. Follow the step 1 mentioned here to obtain the code again.
Step 3. Send the request again with the changed parameters.
Make sure you are logged in the browser when you send the request. You will get the required response.
Go into Facebook for Developers > Your app. Click on "Roles" and add an Instagram test-account under "Instagram Testers".
Log into instagram.com and go to: Settings > Security > Apps and Websites, where you will accept the test invitation.
Prepare your URL link, which you will paste into the web browser. Make sure to use a valid redirect URI from "Valid OAuth Redirect URIs" from the Instagram Basic Display settings.
If you did everything right, the Instagram tester account for the app, will have the option to gain access to user_profile,user_media. Continue the process to get the code which you can exchange for a short-lived access token.

Facebook Graph API doesn't return profile image for one page

Apologies, I can only include 2 URLs as a new user so I have had to econonomize.
I am having a problem where the user object in Facebook's Graph API is not returning a profile image correctly. I can only find one case of this problem. For all other uses I have tested it appears to be working correctly. The profile image doesn't seem to have any privacy settings, since I'm able to view it normally from the profile page.
I am using Facebook's Graph API to load the profile image for a user/page by putting this URL into an IMG tag:
This has worked in all cases I found during testing, including pages and users. For one of our users deploying the app on a page, however, the URL is loading the question mark image, as though there is no profile image for the page. Their page clearly has a profile image, as you can see here:
But if you click through to the Egan's Calendar tab, you'll see the question mark image. The image URL is the following, which returns the question mark:
I've checked the ID using the following link format, to ensure it's the right ID for the page:
My first theory was that there were privacy settings on the profile image, but my personal account (as a non-fan of the page) is able to view the profile image. My only other idea is that perhaps it is because the page uses a short URL (EgansRestaurantPub) that doesn't include the page ID. For similar pages, I found using the following worked:
But when using the same method for my client's page, it still returns a question mark.
Does anyone know why this is not returning the profile image for this page? This is the only page where I have found this problem.
I am using the PHP SDK and a bit of the JS SDK. I would prefer to avoid making another call to the API that would delay loading the page. That's why I liked being able to throw the URL straight into the IMG tag. But I will make another call if there is no other way.
It seems there is some kind of restriction as mentioned in the user document (picture field):
access_token required for pages with whitelisting/targeting
restrictions, otherwise no access_token required
You just need to supply a user access_token for this to work:
To test this, you can directly get an access_token from the Access Token Tool.
