mosquitto is loaded but not running after command:sudo brew services start mosquitto - homebrew

my problem is it's not running!
hanpeng#hanpeng ~ % sudo brew services stop mosquitto
Stopping mosquitto... (might take a while)
==> Successfully stopped mosquitto (label: homebrew.mxcl.mosquitto)
hanpeng#hanpeng ~ % sudo brew services start mosquitto
==> Successfully started mosquitto (label: homebrew.mxcl.mosquitto)
hanpeng#hanpeng ~ % sudo brew services info mosquitto
mosquitto (homebrew.mxcl.mosquitto)
Running: ✘
Loaded: ✔
Schedulable: ✘
why it's just connot running. and the version of mosquitto is as below
hanpeng#hanpeng ~ % brew upgrade mosquitto
Warning: mosquitto 2.0.14 already installed


Find reason for Brew-error when running brew list services

On my Mac, when I write brew services I get this result:
dnsmasq error 512
httpd error 256
mysql#5.7 started
nginx error 256
php error 19968
php#7.4 started
I was try write Valet install, Valet restart, brew services restart, but it's not helped.

Failed to connect to http://localhost:8086, Please check your connection settings and ensure 'influxd' is running

Searched online but I don't see the solution. I have influx installed: InfluxDB shell version: v1.6.2. But it throws me this error:
Failed to connect to http://localhost:8086: Get http://localhost:8086/ping: dial tcp [::1]:8086: connect: connection refused
Please check your connection settings and ensure 'influxd' is running.
Just a couple things to check: make sure the the service is running (use the service manager on your OS or the influxd command to check). Another test you can do is to use the actual machine IP address http://:8086 instead of localhost. It could be access is restricted (iptables).
If none of that works, I would check out the discussion on this GitHub issue.
In my case on a Mac, I had to run influxd -config /usr/local/etc/influxdb.conf first before running influx.
I was facing the same challenge when I upgraded influxdb to 1.8.9, so I had to downgrade back to 1.8.5.
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo systemctl unmask influxdb.service
sudo systemctl start influxdb
sudo systemctl enable influxdb.service
First check and see if the influxdb instance is running or not. If it is already running you might need to kill the process by issuing command,
ps -ef |grep influxdb
influxdb 5781 1 99 18:15 pts/0 00:00:22 /usr/bin/influxd -pidfile /var/run/influxdb/ -config /etc/influxdb/influxdb.conf
pkill -f influxdb
Once the process is killed, there are chances that port is still in used, which can be verified by issuing command shown below.
sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN |grep influx
root#db1:/usr/bin# sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN |grep influx
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 28558/influxd
tcp6 0 0 :::8086 :::* LISTEN 28558/influxd
In the above example, kill the process 28558 by issuing command pkill -9 28558
Once the port is released, cd to /etc/init.d directory and run the below mention service.
root#jvision-db1:/etc/init.d# influx
DB instance should come back and can be verified by the ps -ef |grep influxdb command.
Also, cd to /usr/bin directory and issue below mention command to verify InfluxDB is also available.
root#db1:~# cd /usr/bin
root#db1:/usr/bin# ./influx
Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.7.9
InfluxDB shell version: 1.7.9
if :
bind-address = ""
$> influx -host
Connected to version 1.8.10
InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.10

Cannot install docker on OS X Version 10.9.5

I first tried installing VirtualBox by downloading "VirtualBox 5.0 for OS X hosts (amd64)" from the VirtualBox download page, and then installed boot2docker and docker via brew.
The first apparent issue appeared when creating the boot2docker-vm image:
$ boot2docker init
2015/07/27 21:38:13 Creating VM boot2docker-vm...
2015/07/27 21:38:13 Apply interim patch to VM boot2docker-vm (
2015/07/27 21:38:13 Failed to modify VM "boot2docker-vm": exit status 1
Launching the VirtualBox manager application I can see the boot2docker-vm machine "Running", but looking at the log I see something like this which appears to indicate that the boot2docker-vm "machine" failed to boot:
00:00:04.169546 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=1, bootseq=4231
00:00:04.169711 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from Floppy 0 failed
00:00:04.170101 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=2, bootseq=0423
00:00:04.170490 Guest Log: BIOS: CDROM boot failure code : 0002
00:00:04.170800 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from CD-ROM failed
00:00:04.171190 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=3, bootseq=0042
00:00:04.171795 Guest Log: int13_harddisk: function 02, unmapped device for ELDL=80
00:00:04.172304 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from Hard Disk 0 failed
00:00:04.172706 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot : bseqnr=4, bootseq=0004
00:00:04.172991 Guest Log: BIOS: Booting from LAN...
00:00:04.191271 Display::handleDisplayResize(): uScreenId = 0, pvVRAM=0000000000000000 w=720 h=400 bpp=0 cbLine=0x0, flags=0x1
00:00:06.446949 Guest Log: BIOS: Boot from LAN failed
00:00:06.448852 Guest Log: Could not read from the boot medium! System halted.
I uninstalled everything and then tried downloading and installing from boot2docker download page, which installs VirtualBox, boot2docker, and docker all in one go. But I still see the same problem indicated above (the boot2docker-vm machine fails to boot).
I'm reluctant to make big changes to the OS X version on my laptop, since my hardware is old. But I'll try the installation sequence on a more modern machine and see if it works there.
Has anyone managed to make docker work on OS X Version 10.9.5?
EDIT (adding additional information which comments suggest might be relevant):
My machine has:
2.26GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
4Gb of RAM (1067 MHz DDR3)
NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB
OS X 10.9.5
I installed everything as the primary User (not root) on my system.
And the versions of everything which I installed are:
VirtualBox 4.3.30 r101610
boot2docker version 1.7.1
docker version 1.7.1
This issue on github might be of help (Latest version of virtual box 4.3.x works fine in the issue described). Though I would suggest to use docker-machine. Below are the steps (Installation):
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
$ eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
And then you can use docker commands as usual.
Some of the comments in the github issue suggested by nash_ag and this stackoverflow question pointed me in the right direction.
This is the sequence of steps I used to get VirtualBox, boot2docker, docker, and docker-machine working in my environment (where $USERNAME is my primary OS X User, who installed VirtualBox), with several wrong turns elided, and most output omitted:
$ rm -rf /Users/$USERNAME/VirtualBox\ VMs/
$ boot2docker delete
(ran VirtualBox Uninstall script from my desktop)
$ brew tap caskroom/cask
$ brew update
$ brew install brew-cask
$ brew cask install virtualbox
$ VBoxManage -v
$ boot2docker -v
Boot2Docker-cli version: v1.7.1
Git commit: 8fdc6f5
$ VBoxManage list vms
$ boot2docker init -v
$ boot2docker up
$ eval "$(boot2docker shellinit)"
(writes .pem files)
$ brew install docker-machine
$ docker-machine -v
docker-machine version 0.3.1 (HEAD)
$ docker-machine ls
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox dev
$ docker-machine ls
dev virtualbox Running tcp://
$ VBoxManage list vms
"boot2docker-vm" {99d5c5c1-e7cc-49bf-93c7-b0cbf626d62c}
"dev" {341fd11e-86f9-46ca-89e6-39ee78458a4b}
$ eval "$(docker-machine env dev)"
$ docker run -d -p 8000:80 nginx
$ curl $(docker-machine ip dev):8000
<!DOCTYPE html>
At this point things appear to be working well enough for me to use the "standard" docs/instructions for docker and docker-machine, so my original problem is solved.

Couchdb not starting. -- Failure to start Mochiweb: eaddrinuse

I have configure and installed couchdb 1.6.1 on ubuntu 10.04. While configuring and installing it said successfully done. But when I start couchdb it gives me error.
When start first..
Apache CouchDB 1.6.1 (LogLevel=info) is starting.
Apache CouchDB has started. Time to relax.
**[info] [<0.32.0>] Apache CouchDB has started on**
When starting again
Apache CouchDB 1.6.1 (LogLevel=info) is starting.
**Failure to start Mochiweb: eaddrinuse**
[error] [<0.127.0>] {error_report,<0.31.0>,
{"init terminating in do_boot",{{badmatch,{error,{bad_return,{{couch_app,start,[normal,["/usr/local/etc/couchdb/default.ini","/usr/local/etc/couchdb/local.ini"]]},{'EXIT',{{badmatch,{error,shutdown}},[{couch_server_sup,start_server,1},{application_master,start_it_old,4}]}}}}}},[{couch,start,0},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}
Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
init terminating in do_boot ()
in local.ini I changed
Port to 5983 and also ip to from
Nothing helped
When i run sudo netstat -tulpn
I get following output
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21688/beam.smp
couchdb -s says Apache CouchDB is not running.
Thanks in advance
If you came here because you recently upgrade you CouchDB 2.0, make sure you updated your local.ini config file. The section for the web server configuration has changed (the name changed from something like httpd to chttpd). Because of that the port directive wasn't being picked up and it was defaulting to 80 which was the same as the web server.
Based on the error message entries provided, CouchDB is already up & running on your machine/ server with port 5984
**Failure to start Mochiweb: eaddrinuse**
That's why When you run sudo netstat -tulpn command on Linux based machine, you are getting the following output :
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 21688/beam.smp
Solutions :
couchdb is not a service script in the way you're trying to use it. It is just trying to start up again and failing because one is already running (erlang beam.smp process is still running).
Check & kill all CouchDB processes using following commands :
/bin/ps aux | grep couchdb | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}' | xargs killl
Start CouchDB again using following command using root linux user :
service couchdb start
Note :
When you enter couchdb -s command, You are getting the message like Apache CouchDB is not running.
When you enter couchdb -d command, You are getting the message like Apache CouchDB is not running.
Reason for above outputs, You are executing above mentioned commands as non privileged linux users accounts.
Try to execute above mentioned commands as root Or couchDB running linux users accounts.
Even i faced same problem. I just did..
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install couchdb
Note:i just re-installed couchdb now it's working fine. before re-install i did below configuration.
Install ICU and use locate to find the icu-config command:
locate icu-config
sudo apt-get install libicu-dev
for more details refer below link
I face the same problem...
Luckily there's a fix in the Couchdb Error messages documentation.
$ couchdb
Apache CouchDB 0.9.0a747640 (LogLevel=info) is starting.
Failure to start Mochiweb: eaddrinuse
{"init terminating in do_boot",{{badmatch,{error,shutdown}},[{couch_server_sup,start_server,1},{erl_eval,do_apply,5},{erl_eval,exprs,5},{init,start_it,1},{init,start_em,1}]}}
Edit your /etc/couchdb/couch.ini file and change the Port setting to an available port.
But mine didn't have couch.ini but had default.ini.
I changed that to another port that i guessed should be free and it worked
I have encountered this error in starting couchdb on ubuntu 16.04
The reason being erlang running on the port 5984, you would be something like below when running the command "netstat -tulpn"
0 0* LISTEN 13967/beam.smp
open the file /etc/couchdb/default.ini in super user mode and change the httpd port to some other port which is available and you would be able to start couchdb without any fail.

running freeradius on ubuntu 12.04 LTS fails

i am trying to get mikrotik,freeradius and daloradius work together.
all this are working but for freeradius.
when i run '~$ sudo service freeradius restart' i get
'jazabilling#jazawifi:~$ sudo service freeradius restart
* Stopping FreeRADIUS daemon freeradius
* /var/run/freeradius/ not found... [ OK ]
* Starting FreeRADIUS daemon freeradius [fail]
i have tried 'jazabilling#jazawifi:~$ sudo apt-get purge freeradius'
but nothing heeeelp!
Run freeradius manually in debugging mode to find out why it didn't start /usr/sbin/freeradius -X.
Depending on the version edit the port configuration item in the listen {} section in raddb/radiusd.conf or raddb/freeradius.conf or for version 3, do the same but in raddb/sites-available/defatult. Note: Those bind warnings usually mean a version of the server has already started check with ps aux.
