Does anyone know how to define possible enum values in an OpenAPI 2.0 definition so that they will be displayed in the Model tab of Swagger UI? Example here has an enum option for the status property. How to do define such an enum in OpenAPI 2.0?
"enum" works like this in OpenAPI 2.0:
"in": "query",
"name": "sample",
"description": "a sample parameter with an enum value",
"type": "string",
"enum": [ "1", "2"],
"required": true
and in OpenAPI 3.0:
"in": "query",
"name": "sample",
"description": "a sample parameter with an enum value",
"schema": {
"type": "string",
"enum": [ "1", "2"]
"required": true
As you can see, there's a query parameter called sample of type string, and has an enum stating two possible values. In this case, the sample states the parameter is required, so the UI will not show an empty value as an option.
For a minimal working sample, try this:
"swagger": "2.0",
"info": {
"title": "title",
"description": "descriptor",
"version": "0.1"
"paths": {
"/sample": {
"post": {
"description": "sample",
"parameters": [
"in": "query",
"name": "sample",
"description": "a sample parameter with an enum value",
"type": "string",
"enum": [
"required": true
"responses": {
"200": {
"description": "Successful request."
To test it locally, you can declare a variable (for example spec) in your javascript, and pass it into the SwaggerUi object.
var spec = { ... };
window.swaggerUi = new SwaggerUi({
url: url,
spec: spec,
dom_id: "swagger-ui-container",
supportedSubmitMethods: ['get', 'post', 'put', 'delete'],
onComplete: function(swaggerApi, swaggerUi){
The url parameter will be ignored in this case.
Eventually, the output looks like this:
Updating this with YAML syntax.
OpenAPI 2.0:
- in: query
name: sample
description: a sample parameter with an enum value
type: string
- 1
- 2
required: true
OpenAPI 3.0:
- in: query
name: sample
description: a sample parameter with an enum value
type: string
- 1
- 2
required: true
This should work:
"name": "bookingType",
"in": "path",
"type": "array",
"items": {
"enum": [
"packages", "accommodations"
"description": "lorem ipsum"
This isn't the exact answer, but it might work for you until they add this functionality.
Simply declare the property like so
"type":"Value1 or Value2 or Value3"
Your ModelSchema will show {}, but The Model will show MyEnum(Value1 or Value2 or Value3, optional)
I created a custom map using Inkscape as described on the HighMaps docs pages at:
Everything up to step 16 seems to go smoothly.
Step 16 says that the only remaining thing to do is to add data or use the MapData option and this is where I am struggling.
How does one link the custom shapes in the map to data points? Using the shape name in a JoinBy?
$(function () {
// Initiate the chart
$('#container').highcharts('Map', {
legend:{enabled: false},
"type": "map",
"data": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M0,-695,0,-682C1,-682,2,-683,3,-683,15,-683,25,-672,25,-658,25,-645,15,-634,3,-634,2,-634,1,-634,1,-634L1,-622,108,-622,107,-694,0,-695z"
"name": "Status1-Period-1",
"path": "M0,-684,1,-633C15,-635,26,-646,26,-658,26,-672,14,-682,0,-684z"
"name": "Status2-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M178,-695,178,-682C179,-682,180,-683,181,-683,193,-683,203,-672,203,-658,203,-645,193,-634,181,-634,180,-634,180,-634,179,-634L179,-622,286,-622,285,-694,178,-695z"
"name": "Status2-Period-1",
"path": "M178,-684,179,-633C193,-635,204,-646,204,-658,204,-672,193,-682,178,-684z"
"name": "Status3-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M357,-695,357,-682C358,-682,359,-683,360,-683,372,-683,382,-672,382,-658,382,-645,372,-634,360,-634,359,-634,359,-634,358,-634L358,-622,465,-622,464,-694,357,-695z"
"name": "Status3-Period-1",
"path": "M357,-684,358,-633C372,-635,383,-646,383,-658,383,-672,372,-682,357,-684z"
"name": "Status4-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M535,-695,535,-682C536,-682,537,-683,538,-683,550,-683,560,-672,560,-658,560,-645,550,-634,538,-634,537,-634,536,-634,536,-634L536,-622,643,-622,642,-694,535,-695z"
"name": "Status4-Period-1",
"path": "M535,-684,536,-633C550,-635,561,-646,561,-658,561,-672,549,-682,535,-684z"
"name": "Status5-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M713,-695,713,-682C714,-682,715,-683,716,-683,728,-683,738,-672,738,-658,738,-645,728,-634,716,-634,715,-634,715,-634,714,-634L714,-622,821,-622,820,-694,713,-695z"
"name": "Status5-Period-1",
"path": "M713,-684,714,-633C728,-635,739,-646,739,-658,739,-672,728,-682,713,-684z"
"name": "Status6-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M892,-695,892,-682C893,-682,894,-683,895,-683,907,-683,917,-672,917,-658,917,-645,907,-634,895,-634,894,-634,893,-634,893,-634L893,-622,1000,-622,999,-694,892,-695z"
"name": "Status6-Period-1",
"path": "M892,-684,893,-633C907,-635,918,-646,918,-658,918,-672,907,-682,892,-684z"
There's a couple of ways:
1.) The easiest is to add it into your data using the value property. This is discouraged because it hardcodes the value for the map paths:
"data": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M0,-695,0,-682C1,-682,2,-683,3,-683,15,-683,25,-672,25,-658,25,-645,15,-634,3,-634,2,-634,1,-634,1,-634L1,-622,108,-622,107,-694,0,-695z",
"value": 6 // <-- here's a numerical value for this path
2.) Seperate your mapData from your data. Map the values in mapData to the values in data with a joinBy. This makes your map paths reusable:
series: [{
"type": "map",
"joinBy": ['name', 'name'], // <- mapping 'name' in data to 'name' in mapData
"data": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"value": 6
"mapData": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M0,-695,0,-682C1,-682,2,-683,3,-683,15,-683,25,-672,25,-658,25,-645,15,-634,3,-634,2,-634,1,-634,1,-634L1,-622,108,-622,107,-694,0,-695z"
Update fiddle here.