Generics in static methods in Dart - dart

I want to set up a mixin with standard persistence behavior. The mixin looks like that:
mixin Persistence<T> {
static late final PersistenceBase persistence;
static void add(T object) {
static void delete(T object) {
static T elementAt(int index) => persistence.elementAt(index);
static Iterable<T> getAll() => persistence.getAll();
static T get first => persistence.getFirst();
static T get last => persistence.getLast();
static int get length => persistence.getLength();
Usage of persistence would look like that:
class A with Persistence {
String var1;
int var2;
A.add(A("test", 1));
var length = A.getLength();
A firstElement = A.getFirst();
However Dart doesn't allow using generics with static methods:
Static members can't reference type parameters of the class.
Try removing the reference to the type parameter, or making the member an instance member
The point is that I don't want to create instance of A class just to access persistence functionality for the class.
So far I have done this way:
class PersistenceManager<T> {
late final PersistenceBase persistence;
void add(T object) {
void delete(T object) {
T elementAt(int index) => persistence.elementAt(index);
Iterable<T> getAll() => persistence.getAll();
T get first => persistence.getFirst();
T get last => persistence.getLast();
int get length => persistence.getLength();
class Asset {
static final persistenceMgr = PersistenceManager<Asset>();
That though requires adding mandatory static field for each class that would use persistence.
Is there other more elegant solution?

This is not going to work.
Dart mixin application works by mixing in the instance members of the mixin, and doing nothing to the static members.
You won't be able to do A.elementAt(...) with or without generics, because the A class doesn't have any static elementAt method. The Persistance mixin has one, but you have to call it as Persistance.elementAt. It's not the same namespace as A, and there is no inheritance, or mixin-in, of static members.
If you want a PersistanceBase per class, you do need to declare it yourself, and putting the methods which operate on the base onto the same per-class value seems like the optimal design.
So, no, there is no other more elegant solution. What you have is elegant.


In Dart, it is not possible to override a static method. but i can't understand output of this code

class Student {
static void getDetails() {
print('Get details method of Student class');
class DartStudent extends Student {
static void getDetails() {
print('Get details method of DartStudent class');
void main() {
Output : Get details method of DartStudent class
Expected : Error. static method cannot be overriden.. or something wrong..
what's wrong with me?
getDetails() in DartStudent class is not overriding parent class's method?
You can't override static methods.
The two static methods you declared there are in fact two different static methods, not the same, overriden one.
Answer for a different question, but related:
Dart doesn't inherit static methods to derived classes. So it makes no sense to create abstract static methods (without implementation).
Also check out Why shouldn't static methods be able to be overrideable?. It provides a thorough explanation of why static methods should not be overrideable in general.

Is it possible to force a Type to be used only in static fields?

I'm working on a library, and I have a implementation pattern users are required to follow:
class MyView extends LibView {
static Foo f = Foo();
void render(){
use(f); // f should be static, otherwise things not work correctly
I would like to tell the compiler that, if someone ever does this, it's incorrect:
class MyView {
Foo f = Foo(); // Error: Foo can only be used in Static field.
Anyone know if this is possible? I find it really hard to find good docs on these sorta of language details when it comes to dart.
[EDIT] Since the "why" question always comes up, imagine something like:
class ViewState{
Map<int, Object> props = {};
ViewState _state = ViewState();
class View {
ViewState state;
static int _key1 = getRandomInt();
void render(){
// These should both print the same value off of state since the 'random' int is cached
If the key's were not static, everything would compile fine, but they would not print the same results.
What you properly need are a singleton which can be created in different ways in Dart. One way is to use a factory constructor like this:
class Foo {
static final Foo _instance = Foo._();
factory Foo() => _instance;
// Private constructor only used internally
void main() {
final a = Foo();
final b = Foo();
print(identical(a, b)); // true
By doing it like this, there will only be one instance of Foo which are then shared each time an instance are asked for. The instance are also first created the first time it is asked for since static variables in Dart are lazy and only initialized when needed.
I just want to do the functional equivalent of
int someUniqueKey = 0, or MyViewEnums.someUniqueKey but do it with a typed object rather than a int/enym, like: Object<Foo> someUniqueKey = Object<Foo>(). In order for this to work with Objects, it needs to be static. It's similar to how int someUniqueKey = random.nextInt(9999) would have to be static in order to be used as a key that all instances could share. That way keys are auto-managed and unique, and people don't need to assign int's, strings, or whatever. It also has the advantage of letting me use the type later for compile time checks.
bool prop = getPropFromRef(_prop1Ref); //Will throw error prop1Ref is not Ref<bool>
I think I've figured out something that does the trick using darts package-level methods.
class Ref<T> {}
// Re-use existing ref if it already exists
Ref<T> getRef<T>(Ref<T> o) => o ?? Ref<T>();
class RefView {}
// In some other package/file:
class MyView extends RefView {
static Ref<bool> prop1Ref = getRef(prop1Ref);
static Ref<int> prop2Ref = getRef(prop2Ref);
This will make sure that prop1 and prop2 have the same values across all instances of MyView and it will throw an error if these are not static (since you can not pass an instance field before Constructor)
This still has the downside of a potential hard to spot error:
class MyView extends RefView {
static Ref<bool> prop1 = getRef(prop1);
static Ref<bool> prop2 = getRef(prop1); // passing prop1 to prop2's getRef, and they have the same<T>, compiler will miss it
But I think it might be preferable than having this potential error:
class MyView extends RefView {
//Both of these will fail silently, keys will change for each instance of MyView
Ref<bool> prop1 = getRef(prop1);
Ref<bool> prop2 = getRef(prop2);

How can I initialize a mixin's immutable data in Dart?

I am programming in Flutter using Dart 2.1.0, and come across this situation:
mixin Salt {
final int pinches; // Immutable, and I want to delay initialization.
// Cannot declare constructors for mixin
class Meat with Salt {
Meat(int pinches) ... // How to initialize it?
Salt has no constructor, so I cannot use initializer list. pinches is final, so I cannot set it in Meat's constructor.
I don't want to make Salt a class because Meat may need to extend from something else.
And I want to keep pinches immutable.
Any way to do it? Thanks in advance.
You can change the declaration of your mixin to:
mixin Salt {
int get pitches;
And then define the field inside the implementation class
class Meat with Salt {
final int pitches;
By design it is not possible to declare a final member into a mixin because it is not possible to declare a constructor for initializing the final member,
citing the docs:
However, in this proposal, a mixin may only be extracted from a class that has no declared constructors. This restriction avoids complications that arise due to the need to pass constructor parameters up the inheritance chain.
A compromise may be to declare a private member and implement only a getter.
_pinches is visible only inside the library, it is read-only for library users.
mixin Salt {
int _pinches;
get pinches => _pinches;
class Meat with Salt {
Meat(int pinches) {
_pinches = pinches;
Note: the above pattern, because of the visibility rules, works only if the mixin and the mixed classes reside in the same library.
I offer my take on a solution to this. By marking the variable late you can make it final. No warning will appear if you fail to initialize it so use with caution.
mixin Salt {
late final int pinches;
class Vegetable with Salt {
Vegetable(int pinches) {
this.pinches = pinches;
Similar to attdona's suggestion, but a little bit closer to what you really wanted, you could do it like
mixin Salt {
int _pinches;
int get pinches => _pinches;
void initSalt(int pinches) {
assert(_pinches == null);
_pinches = pinches;
class Meat with Salt {
Meat(int pinches) {
It's still not strictly final, but (so long as the mixin's in a different library so you can't change the private member directly) it's immutable at runtime. Not as good as if it could be properly final, but maybe close enough.
The following method allows you to set the data at a later time, and gets rid of the warning:
This class (or a class that this class inherits from) is marked as '#immutable', but one or more of its instance fields aren't final
mixin Salt {
final SaltData _saltData = SaltData();
int get pinches => _saltData.pinches;
set pinches(int extraData) {
_saltData.pinches = extraData;
class SaltData {
int pinches = 0;
So what I did is create a class SaltData. This will store all the variables you need.
The private _saltData variable is final, this will stop the warning.
Then use a getter and setter to retrieve and update the data.
int get pinches => _saltData.pinches;
set pinches(int extraData) {
_saltData.pinches = extraData;
If you want you can could expose the entire saltData object as well:
SaltData get saltData => _saltData;

Creating an interface for construction

A few times now I've run into a use case where I need to define an interface for how classes construct themselves. One such example could be if I want to make an Interface Class that defines the interface by which objects can serialize and unserialize themselves (for input into a database, to be sent as JSON, etc). You might write something like this:
abstract class Serializable {
String serialize();
Serializable unserialize(String serializedString);
But now you have a problem, as serialize() is properly an instance method, and unserialize() should instead be a static method (which isn't inheritable or enforced by the Interface) or a constructor (which also isn't inheritable).
This leaves a state where classes that impliment the Serializable interface are required to define a serialize() method, but there is no way to require those classes to define a static unserialize() method or Foo.fromSerializedString() constructor.
If you make unserialize() an instance method, then unserializing an implementing class Foo would look like:
Foo foo = new Foo();
foo = foo.unserialize(serializedString);
which is rather cumbersome and ugly.
The only other option I can think of is to add a comment in the Serializable interface asking nicely that implementing classes define the appropriate static method or constructor, but this is obviously prone to error if a developer misses it and also hurts code completion.
So, is there a better way to do this? Is there some pattern by which you can have an interface which forces implementing classes to define a way to construct themselves, or something that gives that general effect?
You will have to use instance methods if you want the inheritance guarantees. You can do a bit nicer than manual instantiation though, by using reflection.
abstract class Serializable {
static Serializable fromSerializedString(Type type, String serializedString) {
ClassMirror cm = reflectClass(type);
InstanceMirror im = cm.newInstance(const Symbol(''), []);
var obj = im.reflectee;
return obj;
String serialize();
void unserialize(String serializedString);
Now if someone implements Serializable they will be forced to provide an unserialize method:
class Foo implements Serializable {
String serialize() {
// TODO: implement serialize
void unserialize(String string) {
// TODO: implement unserialize
You can get an instance like so:
var foo = Serializable.fromSerializedString(Foo, 'someSerializedString');
This might be a bit prettier and natural than the manual method, but keep in mind that it uses reflection with all the problems that can entail.
If you decide to go with a static method and a warning comment instead, it might be helpful to also provide a custom Transformer that scans through all classes implementing Serializable and warn the user or stops the build if any don't have a corresponding static unserialize method or constructor (similar to how Polymer does things). This obviously wouldn't provide the instant feedback the an editor could with instance methods, but would be more visible than a simple comment in the docs.
I think this example is a more Dart-like way to implement the encoding and decoding. In practice I don't think "enforcing" the decode signature will actually help catch bugs, or improve code quality. If you need to make the decoder types pluggable then you can make the decoders map configurable.
const Map<String,Function> _decoders = const {
'foo': Foo.decode,
'bar': Bar.decode
Object decode(String s) {
var obj = JSON.decode(s);
var decoder = _decoders[obj['type']];
return decoder(s);
abstract class Encodable {
abstract String encode();
class Foo implements Encodable {
encode() { .. }
static Foo decode(String s) { .. }
class Bar implements Encodable {
encode() { .. }
static Foo decode(String s) { .. }
main() {
var foo = decode('{"type": "foo", "i": 42}');
var bar = decode('{"type": "bar", "k": 43}');
A possible pattern I've come up with is to create a Factory class that utilize instance methods in a slightly less awkward way. Something like follows:
typedef Constructable ConstructorFunction();
abstract class Constructable {
ConstructorFunction constructor;
abstract class Serializable {
String serialize();
Serializable unserialize(String serializedString);
abstract class SerializableModel implements Serializable, Constructable {
abstract class ModelFactory extends Model {
factory ModelFactory(ConstructorFunction constructor) {
return constructor();
factory ModelFactory.fromSerializedString(ConstructorFunction constructor, String serializedString) {
Serializable object = constructor();
return object.unserialize(serializedString);
and finally a concrete implementation:
class Foo extends SerializableModel {
//required by Constructable interface
ConstructorFunction constructor = () => new Foo();
//required by Serializable interface
String serialize() => "I'm a serialized string!";
Foo unserialize(String serializedString) {
Foo foo = new Foo();
//do unserialization work here to populate foo
return foo;
and now Foo (or anything that extends SerializableModel can be constructed with
Foo foo = new ModelFactory.fromSerializedString(Foo.constructor, serializedString);
The result of all this is that it enforces that every concrete class has a method which can create a new instance of itself from a serialized string, and there is also a common interface which allows that method to be called from a static context. It's still creating an extra object whose whole purpose is to switch from static to instance context, and then is thrown away, and there is a lot of other overhead as well, but at least all that ugliness is hidden from the user. Still, I'm not yet convinced that this is at all the best way to achieve this.
I suggest you define the unserialize function as named constructor like so:
abstract class Serializable<T> {
String serialize();
Serializable.unserialize(String serializedString);
This eliminates the need of static methods.
A possible implementation could look like this:
import 'dart:convert';
class JsonMap implements Serializable<JsonMap> {
Map map = {};
JsonMap() {
String serialize() {
return JSON.encode(map);
JsonMap.unserialize(String serializedString) { = JSON.decode(serializedString);
You can (de)serialize like so:
JsonMap m = new JsonMap(); = { 'test': 1 };
JsonMap n = new JsonMap.unserialize('{"hello": 1}');
While testing this, I noticed that Dart will not throw any errors at you if you dont actually implement the methods that your class promises to implement with implements. This might just be a hicc-up with my local Dart, though.

Instance method with Guice

I would like to have a static instance method with Guice for one of the components (non-managed bean should be able to access this class). I created something like this:
public class LookupService {
private static Provider<Injector> injector = null;
private final ILookup<IWS> lookup;
public LookupService(ILookup<IWS> lookup) {
this.lookup = lookup;
public static LookupService instance() {
return injector.get().getInstance(LookupService.class);
public <T extends IWS> T lookup(Class<T> localInterface) {
return lookup.lookup(localInterface);
What do you think about this design ? Any other ideas on this ? (accessing managed beans from non-managed objects)
Basically, the pattern you're looking for is called "requesting static injection" and there's a Binder method dedicated to it. Once you have that down, your code looks a lot like this example from the Guice docs.
public class MainModule extends AbstractModule {
#Override public void configure() {
public class LookupService {
/** This will be set as soon as the injector is created. */
static Provider<LookupService> provider = null;
private final ILookup<IWS> lookup;
public LookupService(ILookup<IWS> lookup) {
this.lookup = lookup;
public static LookupService instance() {
return provider.get();
public <T extends IWS> T lookup(Class<T> localInterface) {
return lookup.lookup(localInterface);
A few notes:
While you can still set your field to be private, remember that this means you cannot set it in tests (or in future non-Guice usage) without Guice's private-field-access magic. When using injected fields, we often make them package-private and then put the tests in the same package.
Static injection is generally seen as something to endorse only when migrating to Guice, or when you use other code you can't change. When possible, try to avoid global state--even if this means making FooBean data-only and creating an injected FooBeanService.
Even though you can inject an Injector wherever you'd like, you might find it easier to test if you simply inject a Provider<LookupService> instead. Only inject an Injector if you don't know what type you're going to need until runtime--for example, if you implement LookupService.lookup(...) using an Injector by passing the class literal to the injector to get an instance.
In fact, it's hard to say from here, but ILookup seems to act a lot like the Service Locator pattern, which solves the exact type of problem that Guice solves with dependency injection! If that's the case, you might as well rewrite ILookup to use Guice: Just remove calls to LookupService.instance().lookup(Foo.class) and instead create a matching pair of #Inject static Provider<Foo> fooProvider and requestStaticInjection(FooUser.class).
Hope that helps!
