Vaadin gridpro - select all checkbox - not all checkbox are visually selected - vaadin

We are using Vaadin gridpro v23.0.2 with Grid.SelectionMode.MULTI.
When I click on the select all check box all the record are selected (getAllSelectedItems), but the interface (view) is not updated, some rows of the list remain unselected. If i call refreshAll on the data provider than the rows are shown as selected. Is it a bug in the gridpro version ?
Kind regards,

Make sure you have hashCode and equals properly implemented in your data bean; see . If you don't have them, the selection might not show up correctly.


Vaadin 14 TreeGrid MultiSelection mode with hierarchical data

I use TreeGrid to implement my filter with hierarchical data in multi-selection mode.
As you can see on the image above, the checkbox are checked for all three items. I would like to modify the parent checkbox(in this case "Default") to have some sort of selection indicator. If all children are selected, the checkbox will use a check mark as the indicator. If children are partially selected(not all), the checkbox will have ("-") sign to indicate that part of the items under this parent are selected and empty checkbox for zero item selected under parent.
I was trying implement this feature on my own, but i couldn't find a way to access the checkbox. Any idea?

How to select just one row, prevent to unselect item in singleselect mode

My question is very simple but I really didn't find any solution here.
I have a Table setSelectable(true), setMultiselect(false), setImmediate(true).
It works fine by first click and moving through the table using arrows.
But if I click again to the row already having been selected,
then it becomes unselected. How to prevent it?
I'd like to have kept just one row always selected.
As from the Vaadin Book here:
If the user clicks on an already selected item, the selection will deselected and the table property will have null value. You can disable this behaviour by setting setNullSelectionAllowed(false) for the table.

listgrid smartgwt select deselect feature

I use SmartGwt Listgrid to show a list of objects, each object contains many subobjects. So when I click on a specific row, I show a popup that allows me to update this subobject's list.
The second constraint is to allow the user to select many rows, to be merged into one row. For that I use checkbox selection type like the following code :
All work perfectly for the first load. The problem is when I show / hide the popup, the select/deselect feature of the Listgrid stops functioning. Once the checkbox is clicked, it remains unchanged.
Thank you for your suggestions.
I answering my own question,
After many hours of investigation, the problem is that I mix listGrid of smartGwt and dialogBog of GWT, when I changed DialogBox with Dialog of smartGwt the problem is solved

Simple question, value not being display in DevExpress's LookupComboBox

This is a Delphi project, but I suspect DevExpress's component works similar for Delphi and .NET.
I have a DevExpress GridDBTableView, when selecting a cell in one of the column, I want a LookupComboBox to show up, where user can select an item, and the value gets display in the table cell. Simple.
I've set the column's Properties set to 'LookupComboBox'.
I have ListColumns setup with 'LocationName' and 'QuantityOnHand'.
ListSource is set to a datasource that's linked a dataset of 'LocationID', 'LocationName', and 'QuantityOnhand'.
ListFieldNames is set to 'LocationName;QuantityOnHand'
When I click on the cell, the combo box shows up with locations for me to choose, but when I choose a location, the table cell doesn't show the location name. In fact, I can't type anything in the cell.
What am I missing?
Ideally, I would like to be able to select a location from the combo box, the location name shows up in the table cell, and I can somehow store the corresponding LocationID that was selected.
I think that you should also set the column's Properties.KeyFieldName property to the KeyField of the Lookup DataSource. In this case, everything should work properly.
OK, all the answer is in the Express Editors' help file article 'Using Lookup Editors'.
The only step I missed was setting the LookupComboBox's KeyFieldNames property to 'LocationID'.

How to create Combobox with multiselect capability?

How to create a Combobox having Multiselect Capability using Jquery?
Does JQuery Combobox has this functionality or Property?
if it helps, take a look for multi select values
Edited : I found one more link it's really great
Combobox displays the selected value when its list of options is collapsed. You may want to use multiple selection list.
to use multiple select in combobox you will have to create your own user control using checked listbox, textbox and a button.
and on click of button just make checked list box visible and let the user select items from that checkedListBox and as user select items on it you take those values and concatenate it in textbox with comma seperated. and then again on click on button hide that list box.
as it is on :
which is asking for select technology
some good samples
for jquery:
