In a batch file, show a working symbol after a pause - symbols

In my batch file, after a user taps a key for a pause, it then starts a process where nothing shows on the screen. During this time, the user might be tempted to hit a key again, thinking they did not continue the pause. After the user hits pause, I just want to show a working symbol on the screen so the user knows that the process is working in the background and that the file is processing something in the background.


What should an ARKit app do when the user leaves the current screen?

Should the app keep the ARKit session open or pause it while the user leaves the current view controller or app? I've noticed a battery drain when using ARKit.
You should not pause the session when the user leaves the app to the background, as sessionWasInterrupted delegate automatically handles that:
An interruption is equivalent to manually pausing the session. Do not
call pause() in response to this callback, as that prevents your app
from being notified when the interruption ends.
And if the user stays on your app, but leaves the AR experience section, it depends on what your app does and its logic. You could pause and resume the session, or stop the session, save the world map and restore the session the next time user enters AR section later (even after terminating the app), just like how it was before the user left, including virtual contents that have been added before, or just start a new session.
ARKit is processor intensive and performs heavy processes on each frame the app is running, so the battery usage is heavy as well.

What really happen to loaded data when the app becomes in background

I am new to IOS development. I am still confused about data lifecycle inside the UIViewController. If I had a property called "userData" and I identified it as following
let userData : UserData! {
didSet {
// do something
and I used this data to handle click events later. What could happen if the app went to background then -say after 1 hour- the user reopened the app and found the page still displaying the content, then he clicked a button inside page. I am not sure if userData will be kept or the page lost it when it went to background!?
My app crashes when I come later and open it, but I am not sure if that's because of identifying variables like this or not
The term background is confusing. Apple generally uses it to mean a state where your app is still getting processor time but another app is front-most. You have to ask if you want more than a few seconds of background time when the user hits the home button.
If the user presses the home button and then swaps to another app your app gets a few seconds of background time to save it's state, and then it moves to the "suspended" state, where it is still in memory, but no longer gets processor time.
Once you've been suspended, if the user switches back to your app while it's still in memory you get a resume message and then you continue running, with everything that was in memory still in memory.
However, once you've been suspended your app can be terminated at any time after that without any warning. That's why you have to save your app state when you get suspended.
If you do get terminated then the next time the user selects your app you get re-launched. You are usually expected to restore state and make it look like the app simply picked up where it left off, but it is a cold launch.
If you are crashing after your app is resumed (not terminated) then you might need help debugging that crash.

VoiceOver stops announcing UIAccessibilityPostNotification messages

I'm working on an application that is designed to speak some information about the data it captures from video as the video is being captured. Right now I'm using UIAccessibilityPostNotification to get VoiceOver to say what I want it to say with UIAccessibilityAnnouncementNotification. This typically works great until the user attempts to navigate between my UI controls. After swiping back and forth along the elements (a menu and an info button) a little bit, the application stops speaking the persistent notifications. I also find that posted notifications do not announce if I background the app and then return it to the foreground
I have a magic tap handler that pauses and resumes that persistent announcement and once it is triggered (which also triggers speech about the last rendered info), manually triggered speech works again and upon resume from a second magic tap the announcements continue as if nothing had stopped.
Is there a mechanism to get voiceover to reliably resume speaking without requiring some other kind of user-screen input in between?
Fortunately this was, following the rule of "it's probably your own code's fault first", my own fault. A timer was inadvertently changing the state of things and what I was using to track when to announce was being set to an invalid state which stopped the announcements.

Home button does not terminate program in simulator

I'm new to programming and have been using this site for a while now but everything I've had to ask has been answered somewhere but I couldn't find an answer to this:
I am programming a game for the Apple AppStore using Xcode and test it on the iOS Simulator. When I "Build and Run the current Scheme" (the play button on Xcode), I can test out my game, and when I am done I can hit the "Stop the running scheme or application" (the stop button on Xcode), and of course it ends my game.
However, on the iOS Simulator, an icon for my game appears on the main screen along with apple programs such as "safari". When I click this, it enters my game and I can play it fine. However when I click the "Home button" or the "lock button" and re-enter my game, the game is continuing from where I left off; I want the game to end so when I re-enter my game it goes back to its original state.
I was wondering if anyone had a solution to this problem? Thank you in advance for your time and help!
When you hit the Home button on your device or simulator, you are simply "backgrounding" the app. That is, you are not quitting or killing the application, you are simply sending it to an 'idle' sort of state.
iOS will automatically kill/quit applications that are in the background if it needs memory, but what you are probably seeing is that you background your app (hit the Home button), and then you tap the game's icon to open it again. This will resume the game where it left off.
When you hit the square (stop) button in Xcode, you are killing/quitting your application. If you run your application from the simulator (not by hitting the play button in Xcode) and you want to quit the app entirely, hit the Home button twice or use the Command+Shift+H shortcut twice to show the app switcher, and then just drag your application's card up.
This will quit the app and make it launch from scratch when you tap the icon in the home screen again.
Return your game to the original state using this method in the AppDelegate.m:
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
// Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
// Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and throttle down OpenGL ES frame rates. Games should use this method to pause the game.
Now when you hit the home button and start the app next time it will be in the state you left it (however you want this to be).

Loading state of in-progress game in iOS

One of the iOS games that I really like (Fieldrunners 2) allows user to continue his/her game even after the app is killed mid-level (during game play). When the user launches the app again, it asks whether the user wants to continue the in-progress level.
How are they doing this? WHat is the easiest and smartest way (cocos2d and ios) to reload an in-progress game? It seems to me that there are so many states that need to be saved. Is it as tedious as I think it is?
When I say killed, I double clicked the home button and then I pressed and held on the app's icon and click the x icon.
