What are my options to convert OpenCV reduce loop to a native iOS code. SIMD anyone? - ios

Which native iOS framework is best used to eradicate this cpu hog written in OpenCV?
/// Reduce the channel elements of given Mat to a single channel
static func reduce(input: Mat) throws -> Mat {
let output = Mat(rows: input.rows(), cols: input.cols(), type: CvType.CV_8UC1)
for x in 0 ..< input.rows() {
for y in 0 ..< input.cols() {
let value = input.get(row: x, col: y)
let dataValue = value.reduce(0, +)
try output.put(row: x, col: y, data: [dataValue])
return output
takes about 20+ seconds to do those gets and puts on real world data I put this code through.

Assuming your input matrix is CV_64FC2, call computeSumX2 C function for each row.
#include <arm_neon.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stddef.h>
// Load 8 FP64 values, add pairwise, narrow uint64 to uint32, combine into a single vector
inline uint32x4_t reduce4( const double* rsi )
// Load 8 values
float64x2x4_t f64 = vld1q_f64_x4( rsi );
// Add them pairwise
float64x2_t f64_1 = vpaddq_f64( f64.val[ 0 ], f64.val[ 1 ] );
float64x2_t f64_2 = vpaddq_f64( f64.val[ 2 ], f64.val[ 3 ] );
// Convert FP64 to uint64
uint64x2_t i64_1 = vcvtq_u64_f64( f64_1 );
uint64x2_t i64_2 = vcvtq_u64_f64( f64_2 );
// Convert int64 to int32 in a single vector, using saturation
uint32x2_t low = vqmovn_u64( i64_1 );
return vqmovn_high_u64( low, i64_2 );
// Compute pairwise sum of FP64 values, cast to bytes
void computeSumX2( uint8_t* rdi, size_t length, const double* rsi )
const double* const rsiEnd = rsi + length * 2;
size_t lengthAligned = ( length / 16 ) * 16;
const double* const rsiEndAligned = rsi + lengthAligned * 2;
for( ; rsi < rsiEndAligned; rsi += 16 * 2, rdi += 16 )
// Each iteration of the loop loads 32 source values, stores 16 bytes
uint16x4_t low16 = vqmovn_u32( reduce4( rsi ) );
uint16x8_t u16 = vqmovn_high_u32( low16, reduce4( rsi + 8 ) );
uint8x8_t low8 = vqmovn_u16( u16 );
low16 = vqmovn_u32( reduce4( rsi + 8 * 2 ) );
u16 = vqmovn_high_u32( low16, reduce4( rsi + 8 * 3 ) );
uint8x16_t res = vqmovn_high_u16( low8, u16 );
vst1q_u8( rdi, res );
for( ; rsi < rsiEnd; rsi += 2, rdi++ )
// Each iteration of the loop loads 2 source values, stores a single byte
float64x2_t f64 = vld1q_f64( rsi );
double sum = vaddvq_f64( f64 );
*rdi = (uint8_t)sum;

For folks such as myself who have a poor comprehension of ARM Intrinsics
a simpler solution is to bridge into Objective C code as Soonts did
and thusly ditch crude Swift api to opencv bypassing costly memory copying with gets and puts.
void fasterSumX2( const char *input,
int rows,
int columns,
long step,
int channels,
char* output,
long output_step
for(int j = 0;j < rows;j++){
for(int i = 0;i < columns;i++){
long offset = step * j + i * channels;
const unsigned char *ptr = (const unsigned char *)(input + offset);
int res = ptr[0]+ptr[1];
if (res > 0) {
if (res > 255) {
*(output + output_step * j + i) = res;


how to convert uint32 to uint8 using simd but not avx512?

Say there are a lot of uint32s store in aligned memory uint32 *p, how to convert them to uint8s with simd?
I see there is _mm256_cvtepi32_epi8/vpmovdb but it belongs to avx512, and my cpu doesn't support it 😢
If you really have a lot of them, I would do something like this (untested).
The main loop reads 64 bytes per iteration containing 16 uint32_t values, shuffles around the bytes implementing the truncation, merges result into a single register, and writes 16 bytes with a vector store instruction.
void convertToBytes( const uint32_t* source, uint8_t* dest, size_t count )
// 4 bytes of the shuffle mask to fetch bytes 0, 4, 8 and 12 from a 16-bytes source vector
constexpr int shuffleScalar = 0x0C080400;
// Mask to shuffle first 8 values of the batch, making first 8 bytes of the result
const __m256i shuffMaskLow = _mm256_setr_epi32( shuffleScalar, -1, -1, -1, -1, shuffleScalar, -1, -1 );
// Mask to shuffle last 8 values of the batch, making last 8 bytes of the result
const __m256i shuffMaskHigh = _mm256_setr_epi32( -1, -1, shuffleScalar, -1, -1, -1, -1, shuffleScalar );
// Indices for the final _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32
const __m256i finalPermute = _mm256_setr_epi32( 0, 5, 2, 7, 0, 5, 2, 7 );
const uint32_t* const sourceEnd = source + count;
// Vectorized portion, each iteration handles 16 values.
// Round down the count making it a multiple of 16.
const size_t countRounded = count & ~( (size_t)15 );
const uint32_t* const sourceEndAligned = source + countRounded;
while( source < sourceEndAligned )
// Load 16 inputs into 2 vector registers
const __m256i s1 = _mm256_load_si256( ( const __m256i* )source );
const __m256i s2 = _mm256_load_si256( ( const __m256i* )( source + 8 ) );
source += 16;
// Shuffle bytes into correct positions; this zeroes out the rest of the bytes.
const __m256i low = _mm256_shuffle_epi8( s1, shuffMaskLow );
const __m256i high = _mm256_shuffle_epi8( s2, shuffMaskHigh );
// Unused bytes were zeroed out, using bitwise OR to merge, very fast.
const __m256i res32 = _mm256_or_si256( low, high );
// Final shuffle of the 32-bit values into correct positions
const __m256i res16 = _mm256_permutevar8x32_epi32( res32, finalPermute );
// Store lower 16 bytes of the result
_mm_storeu_si128( ( __m128i* )dest, _mm256_castsi256_si128( res16 ) );
dest += 16;
// Deal with the remainder
while( source < sourceEnd )
*dest = (uint8_t)( *source );

Need help in Parallelizing if and else condition in CUDA C program

I have written a filter for image blurring in C and it's working fine, I am trying to run in on GPU using CUDA C for faster processing. The program has a few if and else conditions as can be seen below for the C code version,
The input to the function being input image, output image, and size of columns.
void convolve_young1D(double * in, double * out, int datasize) {
int i, j;
/* Compute first 3 output elements */
out[0] = B*in[0];
out[1] = B*in[1] + bf[2]*out[0];
out[2] = B*in[2] + (bf[1]*out[0]+bf[2]*out[1]);
/* Recursive computation of output in forward direction using filter parameters bf and B */
for (i=3; i<datasize; i++) {
out[i] = B*in[i];
for (j=0; j<3; j++) {
out[i] += bf[j]*out[i-(3-j)];
//Calling function below
void convolve_young2D(int rows, int columns, int sigma, double ** ip_padded) {
/** \brief Filter radius */
w = 3*sigma;
/** \brief Filter parameter q */
double q;
if (sigma < 2.5)
q = 3.97156 - 4.14554*sqrt(1-0.26891*sigma);
q = 0.98711*sigma - 0.9633;
/** \brief Filter parameters b0, b1, b2, b3 */
double b0 = 1.57825 + 2.44413*q + 1.4281*q*q + 0.422205*q*q*q;
double b1 = 2.44413*q + 2.85619*q*q + 1.26661*q*q*q;
double b2 = -(1.4281*q*q + 1.26661*q*q*q);
double b3 = 0.422205*q*q*q;
/** \brief Filter parameters bf, bb, B */
bf[0] = b3/b0; bf[1] = b2/b0; bf[2] = b1/b0;
bb[0] = b1/b0; bb[1] = b2/b0; bb[2] = b3/b0;
B = 1 - (b1+b2+b3)/b0;
int i,j;
/* Convolve each row with 1D Gaussian filter */
double *out_t = calloc(columns+(2*w),sizeof(double ));
for (i=0; i<rows+2*w; i++) {
convolve_young1D(ip_padded[i], out_t, columns+2*w);
Tried the same approach with blocks and threads in CUDA C but wasn't successful I have been getting zeros as output and even the input values seem to change to Zeros don't know where I am going wrong please do help. I am pretty new to CUDA C programming. Here is my attempted version of the CUDA Kernel.
__global__ void convolve_young2D( float *in, float *out,int rows,int columns, int j,float B,float bf[3],int w) {
int k;
int x = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
if((x>0) && (x<(rows+2*w)))
//printf("%d \t",x);
if(j ==0)
// Compute first output elements
out[x*columns] = B*in[x*columns];
else if(j==1)
out[x*columns +1 ] = B*in[x*columns +1] + bf[2]*out[x*columns];
else if (j== 2)
out[2] = B*in[x*columns +2] + (bf[1]*out[x*columns]+bf[2]*out[x*columns+1]);
// Recursive computation of output in forward direction using filter parameters bf and B
out[x*columns+j] = B*in[x*columns+j];
for (k=0; k<3; k++) {
out[x*columns + j] += bf[k]*out[(x*columns+j)-(3-k)];
//Calling function below
void convolve_young2D(int rows, int columns, int sigma, const float * const ip_padded, float * const op_padded) {
float bf[3], bb[3];
float B;
int w;
/** \brief Filter radius */
w = 3*sigma;
/** \brief Filter parameter q */
float q;
if (sigma < 2.5)
q = 3.97156 - 4.14554*sqrt(1-0.26891*sigma);
q = 0.98711*sigma - 0.9633;
/** \brief Filter parameters b0, b1, b2, b3 */
float b0 = 1.57825 + 2.44413*q + 1.4281*q*q + 0.422205*q*q*q;
float b1 = 2.44413*q + 2.85619*q*q + 1.26661*q*q*q;
float b2 = -(1.4281*q*q + 1.26661*q*q*q);
float b3 = 0.422205*q*q*q;
/** \brief Filter parameters bf, bb, B */
bf[0] = b3/b0; bf[1] = b2/b0; bf[2] = b1/b0;
bb[0] = b1/b0; bb[1] = b2/b0; bb[2] = b3/b0;
B = 1 - (b1+b2+b3)/b0;
int p;
const int inputBytes = (rows+2*w) * (columns+2*w) * sizeof(float);
float *d_input, *d_output; // arrays in the GPU´s global memory
cudaMalloc(&d_input, inputBytes);
cudaMemcpy(d_input, ip_padded, inputBytes, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
for (p = 0; p<columns+2*w; p++){
cudaMemcpy(op_padded, d_input, inputBytes, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
The first problem is that you call convolve_young<<<4,500>>>(d_input,d_output,rows,columns,p,B,bf,w); but you defined a kernel named convolve_young2D.
Another possible problem is that to do the convolution you do:
for (p = 0; p<columns+2*w; p++){
Here you're looping over the columns instead of the rows compared to the CPU algorithm:
for (i=0; i<rows+2*w; i++) {
convolve_young1D(ip_padded[i], out_t, columns+2*w);
First you should try to do a direct port of your CPU algorithm, computing one line at the time, and then modify it to transfer the whole image.

OpenCL :Access proper index by using globalid(.)

I am coding in OpenCL.
I am converting a "C function" having 2D array starting from i=1 and j=1 .PFB .
cv::Mat input; //Input :having some data in it ..
//Image input size is :input.rows=288 ,input.cols =640
cv::Mat output(input.rows-2,input.cols-2,CV_32F); //Output buffer
//Image output size is :output.rows=286 ,output.cols =638
This is a code Which I want to modify in OpenCL:
for(int i=1;i<output.rows-1;i++)
for(int j=1;j<output.cols-1;j++)
float xVal = input.at<uchar>(i-1,j-1)-input.at<uchar>(i-1,j+1)+ 2*(input.at<uchar>(i,j-1)-input.at<uchar>(i,j+1))+input.at<uchar>(i+1,j-1) - input.at<uchar>(i+1,j+1);
float yVal = input.at<uchar>(i-1,j-1) - input.at<uchar>(i+1,j-1)+ 2*(input.at<uchar>(i-1,j) - input.at<uchar>(i+1,j))+input.at<uchar>(i-1,j+1)-input.at<uchar>(i+1,j+1);
output.at<float>(i-1,j-1) = xVal*xVal+yVal*yVal;
Host code :
//Input Image size is :input.rows=288 ,input.cols =640
//Output Image size is :output.rows=286 ,output.cols =638
OclStr->global_work_size[0] =(input.cols);
OclStr->global_work_size[1] =(input.rows);
size_t outBufSize = (output.rows) * (output.cols) * 4;//4 as I am copying all 4 uchar values into one float variable space
cl_mem cl_input_buffer = clCreateBuffer(
(input.rows) * (input.cols),
static_cast<void *>(input.data), &OclStr->returnstatus);
cl_mem cl_output_buffer = clCreateBuffer(
(output.rows) * (output.cols) * sizeof(float),
static_cast<void *>(output.data), &OclStr->returnstatus);
OclStr->returnstatus = clSetKernelArg(OclStr->objkernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&cl_input_buffer);
OclStr->returnstatus = clSetKernelArg(OclStr->objkernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), (void *)&cl_output_buffer);
OclStr->returnstatus = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(
clEnqueueMapBuffer(OclStr->command_queue, cl_output_buffer, true, CL_MAP_READ, 0, outBufSize, 0, NULL, NULL, &OclStr->returnstatus);
kernel Code :
__kernel void Sobel_uchar (__global uchar *pSrc, __global float *pDstImage)
const uint cols = get_global_id(0)+1;
const uint rows = get_global_id(1)+1;
const uint width= get_global_size(0);
uchar Opsoble[8];
Opsoble[0] = pSrc[(cols-1)+((rows-1)*width)];
Opsoble[1] = pSrc[(cols+1)+((rows-1)*width)];
Opsoble[2] = pSrc[(cols-1)+((rows+0)*width)];
Opsoble[3] = pSrc[(cols+1)+((rows+0)*width)];
Opsoble[4] = pSrc[(cols-1)+((rows+1)*width)];
Opsoble[5] = pSrc[(cols+1)+((rows+1)*width)];
Opsoble[6] = pSrc[(cols+0)+((rows-1)*width)];
Opsoble[7] = pSrc[(cols+0)+((rows+1)*width)];
float gx = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[1]+2*(Opsoble[2]-Opsoble[3])+Opsoble[4]-Opsoble[5];
float gy = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[4]+2*(Opsoble[6]-Opsoble[7])+Opsoble[1]-Opsoble[5];
pDstImage[(cols-1)+(rows-1)*width] = gx*gx + gy*gy;
Here I am not able to get the output as expected.
I am having some questions that
My for loop is starting from i=1 instead of zero, then How can I get proper index by using the global_id() in x and y direction
What is going wrong in my above kernel code :(
I am suspecting there is a problem in buffer stride but not able to further break my head as already broke it throughout a day :(
I have observed that with below logic output is skipping one or two frames after some 7/8 frames sequence.
I have added the screen shot of my output which is compared with the reference output.
My above logic is doing partial sobelling on my input .I changed the width as -
const uint width = get_global_size(0)+1;
Your suggestions are most welcome !!!
It looks like you may be fetching values in (y,x) format in your opencl version. Also, you need to add 1 to the global id to replicate your for loops starting from 1 rather than 0.
I don't know why there is an unused iOffset variable. Maybe your bug is related to this? I removed it in my version.
Does this kernel work better for you?
__kernel void simple(__global uchar *pSrc, __global float *pDstImage)
const uint i = get_global_id(0) +1;
const uint j = get_global_id(1) +1;
const uint width = get_global_size(0) +2;
uchar Opsoble[8];
Opsoble[0] = pSrc[(i-1) + (j - 1)*width];
Opsoble[1] = pSrc[(i-1) + (j + 1)*width];
Opsoble[2] = pSrc[i + (j-1)*width];
Opsoble[3] = pSrc[i + (j+1)*width];
Opsoble[4] = pSrc[(i+1) + (j - 1)*width];
Opsoble[5] = pSrc[(i+1) + (j + 1)*width];
Opsoble[6] = pSrc[(i-1) + (j)*width];
Opsoble[7] = pSrc[(i+1) + (j)*width];
float gx = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[1]+2*(Opsoble[2]-Opsoble[3])+Opsoble[4]-Opsoble[5];
float gy = Opsoble[0]-Opsoble[4]+2*(Opsoble[6]-Opsoble[7])+Opsoble[1]-Opsoble[5];
pDstImage[(i-1) + (j-1)*width] = gx*gx + gy*gy ;
I am a bit apprehensive about posting an answer suggesting optimizations to your kernel, seeing as the original output has not been reproduced exactly as of yet. There is a major improvement available to be made for problems related to image processing/filtering.
Using local memory will help you out by reducing the number of global reads by a factor of eight, as well as grouping the global writes together for potential gains with the single write-per-pixel output.
The kernel below reads a block of up to 34x34 from pSrc, and outputs a 32x32(max) area of the pDstImage. I hope the comments in the code are enough to guide you in using the kernel. I have not been able to give this a complete test, so there could be changes required. Any comments are appreciated as well.
__kernel void sobel_uchar_wlocal (__global uchar *pSrc, __global float *pDstImage, __global uint2 dimDstImage)
//call this kernel 1-dimensional work group size: 32x1
//calculates 32x32 region of output with 32 work items
const uint wid = get_local_id(0);
const uint wid_1 = wid+1; // corrected for the calculation step
const uint2 gid = (uint2)(get_group_id(0),get_group_id(1));
const uint localDim = get_local_size(0);
const uint2 globalTopLeft = (uint2)(localDim * gid.x, localDim * gid.y); //position in pSrc to copy from/to
//dimLocalBuff is used for the right and bottom edges of the image, where the work group may run over the border
const uint2 dimLocalBuff = (uint2)(localDim,localDim);
if(dimDstImage.x - globalTopLeft.x < dimLocalBuff.x){
dimLocalBuff.x = dimDstImage.x - globalTopLeft.x;
if(dimDstImage.y - globalTopLeft.y < dimLocalBuff.y){
dimLocalBuff.y = dimDstImage.y - globalTopLeft.y;
int i,j;
//save region of data into local memory
__local uchar srcBuff[34][34]; //34^2 uchar = 1156 bytes
srcBuff[i+1][j+1] = pSrc[globalTopLeft.x+i][globalTopLeft.y+j];
//compute output and store locally
__local float dstBuff[32][32]; //32^2 float = 4096 bytes
if(wid_1 < dimLocalBuff.x){
float gx = srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i - 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i + 1)]+2*(srcBuff[wid_1+ (i-1)]-srcBuff[wid_1+ (i+1)])+srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i - 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i + 1)];
float gy = srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i - 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i - 1)]+2*(srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i)])+srcBuff[(wid_1-1)+ (i + 1)]-srcBuff[(wid_1+1)+ (i + 1)];
dstBuff[wid][i] = gx*gx + gy*gy;
//copy results to output
srcBuff[i][j] = pSrc[globalTopLeft.x+i][globalTopLeft.y+j];

Openni opencv kinect Bad Memory allocation

Basically I've got a loop which goes through all the kinects depth pixels. If they are greater than 3000mm it sets the pixel value to black.
For some reason this works only at a close range while pointed to a wall. If I pull the kinect back (giving it a larger area to scan) I get a Bad Memory allocation error. My code can be found below. I get the bad memory allocation error inside that try catch statement. Most of the code is from the opencv kinect sample here and here.
i figured out the problem, its because the depth values are stored in an array instead of matrix, i need a better way of finding out which location in the array, the x.y of the pixels which start from 1,1 point to instead of the (i = x+y*640)
#include <opencv.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <OpenNI.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main()
openni::Device device;
openni::VideoStream depth;
const char* device_uri = openni::ANY_DEVICE;
openni::Status ret = openni::OpenNI::initialize();
// Open
ret =device.open( device_uri );
ret = depth.create( device, openni::SENSOR_DEPTH );
if ( ret == openni::STATUS_OK )
// Start Depth
// Get Depth Stream Min-Max Value
int minDepthValue = depth.getMinPixelValue();
int maxDepthValue = depth.getMaxPixelValue();
//cout << "Depth min-Max Value : " << minDepthValue << "-" << maxDepthValue << endl;
// Frame Information Reference
openni::VideoFrameRef depthFrame;
// Get Sensor Resolution Information
int dImgWidth = depth.getVideoMode().getResolutionX();
int dImgHeight = depth.getVideoMode().getResolutionY();
// Depth Image Matrix
cv::Mat dImg = cv::Mat( dImgHeight, dImgWidth, CV_8UC3 );
Mat grey= cvCreateImage(cvSize(640, 480), 8, 1); ;
depth.readFrame( &depthFrame );
openni::DepthPixel* depthImgRaw = (openni::DepthPixel*)depthFrame.getData();
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( depthFrame.getDataSize() / sizeof( openni::DepthPixel ) ) ; i++ )
int idx = i * 3; // Grayscale
unsigned char* data = &dImg.data[idx];
int gray_scale = ( ( depthImgRaw[i] * 255 ) / ( maxDepthValue - minDepthValue ) );
data[0] = (unsigned char)~gray_scale;
data[1] = (unsigned char)~gray_scale;
data[2] = (unsigned char)~gray_scale;
openni::DepthPixel* depthpixels = (openni::DepthPixel*)depthFrame.getData();
cvtColor(dImg, grey, CV_RGB2GRAY);
int i ;
for( int y =0; y < 480 ; y++){
//getting in to each pixel in a row
for(int x = 0; x < 640; x++){
//getting out the corresponding pixel value from the array
i = x+y*640;
if (depthpixels[i] >3000)
grey.at<unsigned char>(x,y) = 0;
}catch(exception e)
{cout << e.what() <<endl ;
cout <<depthpixels[i] <<endl ;
cout << i <<endl ;
// cv:imshow( "depth", dImg );
imshow("dpeth2", grey);
int k = cvWaitKey( 30 ); // About 30fps
if ( k == 0x1b )
// Destroy Streams
// Close Device
// Shutdown OpenNI
return 0;
solved the problem simply by swapping my x and y around
for( y =0; y < 480 ; y++)
//getting in to each pixel in a row
for( x = 0; x < 640; x++)
if (depthpixels[i]>1500)
grey.at<unsigned char >(y,x) = 0;
if (depthpixels[i] <500)
grey.at<unsigned char >(y,x) = 0;

Why do operations with an array corrupt the values?

I'm trying to implement the Particle Swarm Optimization on CUDA. I'm partially initializing data arrays on host, then I allocate memory on CUDA and copy it there, and then try to proceed with the initialization.
The problem is, when I'm trying to modify array element like so
__global__ void kernelInit(
float* X,
size_t pitch,
int width,
float X_high,
float X_low
) {
// Silly, but pretty reliable way to address array elements
unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int r = tid / width;
int c = tid % width;
float* pElement = (float*)((char*)X + r * pitch) + c;
*pElement = *pElement * (X_high - X_low) - X_low;
//*pElement = (X_high - X_low) - X_low;
It corrupts the values and gives me 1.#INF00 as array element. When I uncomment the last line *pElement = (X_high - X_low) - X_low; and comment the previous, it works as expected: I get values like 15.36 and so on.
I believe the problem is either with my memory allocation and copying, and/or with adressing the specific array element. I read the CUDA manual about these both topics, but I can't spot the error: I still get corrupt array if I do anything with the element of the array. For example, *pElement = *pElement * 2 gives unreasonable big results like 779616...00000000.00000 when the initial pElement is expected to be just a float in [0;1].
Here is the full source. Initialization of arrays begins in main (bottom of the source), then f1 function does the work for CUDA and launches the initialization kernel kernelInit:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <cuda.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
const unsigned f_n = 3;
const unsigned n = 2;
const unsigned p = 64;
typedef struct {
unsigned k_max;
float c1;
float c2;
unsigned p;
float inertia_factor;
float Ef;
float X_low[f_n];
float X_high[f_n];
float X_min[n][f_n];
} params_t;
typedef void (*kernelWrapperType) (
float *X,
float *X_highVec,
float *V,
float *X_best,
float *Y,
float *Y_best,
float *X_swarmBest,
bool &termination,
const float &inertia,
const params_t *params,
const unsigned &f
typedef float (*twoArgsFuncType) (
float x1,
float x2
__global__ void kernelInit(
float* X,
size_t pitch,
int width,
float X_high,
float X_low
) {
// Silly, but pretty reliable way to address array elements
unsigned int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
int r = tid / width;
int c = tid % width;
float* pElement = (float*)((char*)X + r * pitch) + c;
*pElement = *pElement * (X_high - X_low) - X_low;
//*pElement = (X_high - X_low) - X_low;
__device__ float kernelF1(
float x1,
float x2
) {
float y = pow(x1, 2.f) + pow(x2, 2.f);
return y;
void f1(
float *X,
float *X_highVec,
float *V,
float *X_best,
float *Y,
float *Y_best,
float *X_swarmBest,
bool &termination,
const float &inertia,
const params_t *params,
const unsigned &f
) {
float *X_d = NULL;
float *Y_d = NULL;
unsigned length = n * p;
const cudaChannelFormatDesc desc = cudaCreateChannelDesc<float4>();
size_t pitch;
size_t dpitch;
cudaError_t err;
unsigned width = n;
unsigned height = p;
err = cudaMallocPitch (&X_d, &dpitch, width * sizeof(float), height);
pitch = n * sizeof(float);
err = cudaMemcpy2D(X_d, dpitch, X, pitch, width * sizeof(float), height, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
err = cudaMalloc (&Y_d, sizeof(float) * p);
err = cudaMemcpy (Y_d, Y, sizeof(float) * p, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
dim3 threads; threads.x = 32;
dim3 blocks; blocks.x = (length/threads.x) + 1;
kernelInit<<<threads,blocks>>>(X_d, dpitch, width, params->X_high[f], params->X_low[f]);
err = cudaMemcpy2D(X, pitch, X_d, dpitch, n*sizeof(float), p, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
err = cudaFree(X_d);
err = cudaMemcpy(Y, Y_d, sizeof(float) * p, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
err = cudaFree(Y_d);
float F1(
float x1,
float x2
) {
float y = pow(x1, 2.f) + pow(x2, 2.f);
return y;
* Generates random float in [0.0; 1.0]
float frand(){
return (float)rand()/(float)RAND_MAX;
* This is the main routine which declares and initializes the integer vector, moves it to the device, launches kernel
* brings the result vector back to host and dumps it on the console.
int main() {
const params_t params = {
{-5.12, -2.048, -5.12},
{5.12, 2.048, 5.12},
{{0, 1, 0}, {0, 1, 0}}
float X[p][n];
float X_highVec[n];
float V[p][n];
float X_best[p][n];
float Y[p] = {0};
float Y_best[p] = {0};
float X_swarmBest[n];
kernelWrapperType F_wrapper[f_n] = {&f1, &f1, &f1};
twoArgsFuncType F[f_n] = {&F1, &F1, &F1};
for (unsigned f = 0; f < f_n; f++) {
printf("Optimizing function #%u\n", f);
srand ( time(NULL) );
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++)
X[i][j] = X_best[i][j] = frand();
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
X_highVec[i] = params.X_high[f];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++)
V[i][j] = frand();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
Y_best[i] = F[f](X[i][0], X[i][1]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < n; i++)
X_swarmBest[i] = params.X_high[f];
float y_swarmBest = F[f](X_highVec[0], X_highVec[1]);
bool termination = false;
float inertia = 1.;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < params.k_max; k++) {
F_wrapper[f]((float *)X, X_highVec, (float *)V, (float *)X_best, Y, Y_best, X_swarmBest, termination, inertia, &params, f);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < p; i++)
for (unsigned j = 0; j < n; j++)
printf("%f\t", X[i][j]);
printf("F = %f\n", Y[i]);
Update: I tried adding error handling like so
err = cudaMallocPitch (&X_d, &dpitch, width * sizeof(float), height);
if (err != cudaSuccess) {
fprintf(stderr, cudaGetErrorString(err));
after each API call, but it gave me nothing and didn't return (I still get all the results and program works to the end).
This is an unnecessarily complex piece of code for what should be a simple repro case, but this immediately jumps out:
const unsigned n = 2;
const unsigned p = 64;
unsigned length = n * p
dim3 threads; threads.x = 32;
dim3 blocks; blocks.x = (length/threads.x) + 1;
kernelInit<<<threads,blocks>>>(X_d, dpitch, width, params->X_high[f], params->X_low[f]);
So you are firstly computing the incorrect number of blocks, and then reversing the order of the blocks per grid and threads per block arguments in the kernel launch. That may well lead to out of bounds memory access, either hosing something in GPU memory or causing an unspecified launch failure, which your lack of error handling might not be catching. There is a tool called cuda-memcheck which has been shipped with the toolkit since about CUDA 3.0. If you run it, it will give you valgrind style memory access violation reports. You should get into the habit of using it, if you are not already doing so.
As for infinite values, that is to be expected isn't it? Your code starts with values in (0,1), and then does
X[i] = X[i] * (5.12--5.12) - -5.12
100 times, which is the rough equivalent of multiplying by 10^100, which is then followed by
X[i] = X[i] * (2.048--2.048) - -2.048
100 times, which is the rough equivalent of multiplying by 4^100, finally followed by
X[i] = X[i] * (5.12--5.12) - -5.12
again. So your results should be of the order of 1E250, which is much larger than the maximum 3.4E38 which is the rough upper limit of representable numbers in IEEE 754 single precision.
