ZKTeco SDK EnableCustomizeAttState - sdk

I would like to set the Check-In state and the Check-Out state in an SCR100 access control device, to analyze the logs more easily.
First I need to enable customized state values.
But when I use this function, I get -2001 error, which says: Return Fail to execute command.
Here is my code:
If app.AxCZKEM1.EnableCustomizeAttState(iMachineNumber, 0, 1) = True Then
operationSucced = app.AxCZKEM1.RefreshData(iMachineNumber) 'the data in the device should be refreshed
MsgBox("Check-In state written")
MsgBox("Operation failed,ErrorCode=" +str(idwErrorCode))
End If
The SDK manual says:
This function is a customization function. To use this function, the
extension function must be enabled for the machine and the machine must
support the attendance status definition function.
But I didn't find any description about the mentioned extension function.
I had a software which used these states, so I know that the device supports changing the states. Did anyone successfully changed these states?


iOS - KeyValueStore not working across devices

I have an app that will implement key value store in order to save some variables and sync across devices.
I have a view controller with the following:
var keyStore: NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore?
On viewDidLoad I do
keyStore = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore()
Then when a user finishes watching a video I run
keyStore?.set(num, forKey: "watched") // where num is a number
In order to check the value of the "watched" variable, I'm running this on didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
keyStore = NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore()
let val = keyStore?.string(forKey: "watched")
If I test the app several times, the value of val changes accordingly. However, when I test on a different device, val returns nul. If I use the application in this new device, the value for "watched" changes but values never sync between the two devices.
I read that there is a Notification Method to check if the stored value changed in real time, but in this case I'm reading the stored value during app launch. Wouldn't that make it unneeded?
My bad. Make sure you are logged into Cloud in your simulator.

Network extension view print statements

I am implementing a NEPacketTunnelProvider and loading it from my view controller using:
var vpnManager: NETunnelProviderManager = NETunnelProviderManager()
let providerProtocol = NETunnelProviderProtocol()
providerProtocol.providerBundleIdentifier = "AA.BB.CC"
providerProtocol.serverAddress = "<something>"
self.vpnManager.localizedDescription = "My app"
self.vpnManager.protocolConfiguration = providerProtocol
self.vpnManager.isEnabled = true
Parts marked with "..." seemed irrelevant.
My understanding (although it's really not clear in the documentation) is that when I do this, and I have a target that was created as type "NetworkExtension" with BundleId AA.BB.CC, that the extension would be loaded and executed properly. So, my understanding is that startTunnel (from NEPacketTunnelProvider) will implicitly be called from the code block above.
I put a NSLog("STARTING TUNNEL!!!!!") right at the top of the startTunnel method, but am not sure where to see that. So far, I have viewed the logs in:
Window > Devices and simulators > View device logs
None of these appear to show the logs from within the extension. The problem is that the extension seems to crash before I can attach to the running process, so I have the feeling I'm just "missing" that log because I can't attach quickly enough.
Short question
How can I attach to a running network extension quickly enough so that I don't miss an NSLog that is run immediately?
The logs from Network extensions do not go to Xcode console. to see the logs from Network extension you have to follow the bellow steps.
Open the console application.
Select your iOS device running the network extension you will see all the logs from your device.
Filter the logs by Network extension target name now you will see the logs only from your network extension.
How can I attach to a running network extension quickly enough?
What I have been doing to solve this problem was, put the thread on sleep right before log statement.
It will give you enough time to attach the Network Extension process for debug.

iOS 11.4 not asking Privacy Usage ( Privacy - Motion Usage Description has been set )

I'm stumped, iOS 11.4 ( 15F79 ), iPhone 6. Cannot get the App to Ask for Motion Data. info.plist has been set via the editor and double checked via the info.plist open in textWrangler, Also deleted key and saved via textWrangler.
<string>This app needs your Phones motion manager to update when the phone is tilted. Please allow this App to use your phones tilt devices</string>
I have deleted then reinstalled the app about 10 times. I have restared the phone 5 times. I have checked through settings and my app does NOT show up in Privacy-Motion and Fitness or anywhere else in settings. I am using a free developer account, maybe that has something to do with it?
I created a new Xcode game template and changed nothing apart from importing CoreMotion and this code
**** Edited, sorry I forgot to say I had started the instance, just forgot to put it here, just in case someone thinks that's the problem ************
let motionManager = CMMotionManager()
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
if motionManager.isDeviceMotionActive == true {
motionManager.accelerometerUpdateInterval = 0.2
motionManager.startAccelerometerUpdates(to: OperationQueue.current!, withHandler: {
(accelerometerData: CMAccelerometerData!, error: NSError!) in
let acceleration = accelerometerData.acceleration
} as! CMAccelerometerHandler)
which prints a 0 ( an Enum - case not determined ) to the console.
In my actual app it was a 3 ( same Enum - case Denied ).
As I've said, I have uninstalled, reinstalled, edited plist via Xcode and text wrangler ( a code editor ) , tried different versions of the code above, tried the code in different places ( in did move to view, in class )tried code off apple docs. etc.... I haven't been asked the NSUsage question and the App keeps crashing.
I have looked for ways to get the Alert fired up, As in CLLocationManager.requestWhenInUseAuthorization() but I cannot find a comparable CMMotion version ( I don't think there is one. ) I have created a new swift file , imported Foundation and CMMotion and just put that code there, But still no Alert asking for Motion Data.
I tried a single view app template instead of a game template thinking that might be the issue, Nope.
What do I do?
Any help Appreciated. Thanks
You are confusing two related but different classes.
CMMotionManager gives access to accelerometer, magnetometer and gyroscope data. It does not require any user permission as this information is not considered privacy related.
In your else clause you are checking the authorisation status of CMMotionActivityManager. This object reports the device motion type (walking, running, driving). This information is considered privacy related and when you create an instance of this class and request data from it, the permissions alert is displayed.
The reason your else is being triggered is because you are checking isDeviceMotionActive; this will be false until you call startDeviceMotionUpdates, which you never do. Even if you used isAccelerometerActive you would have a problem because you call startAccelerometerUpdates in the if clause which will never be reached.
You probably meant to check isAccelerometerAvailable. If this returns false then there isn't much you can do; the device doesn't have an accelerometer.
It doesn't make sense to check isDeviceMotionActive immediately after calling startDeviceMotion:
You know it's active; you just started it
I imagine the start up takes some time, so you could expect to get false if you check immediately.
Apple recommends that you do not have more than one observer in place for each motion device type, so the purpose of check the is...Active to ensure you don't call start... again if you have already done so.
If you only want gyroscope data then you don't need to call startDeviceMotionUpdates at all.

How to test right-to-left language in iOS XCTest unit tests?

Is there a way to switch an XCTest unit test into the right-to-left mode to test Arabic version of the app where sentences are written from right to left of the screen? My app code logic behaves differently based on language direction. I would like to verify this functionality in a unit test. What I need to do is to switch the app into the right-to-left language mode from an XCTest unit test case.
One can run the app in the right-to-left mode by changing the Scheme's Application language settings to Right-to-left Pseudolanguage. Is there a way to do similar thing in a unit test?
My imperfect solution
I ended up changing semanticContentAttribute of a view under test to .ForceRightToLeft. It does what I need to do. It does not feel like a very clean approach though. Firstly, it only works in iOS 9. Secondly, it looks like I am tinkering with my app views on a low level from the unit test. Instead, I would prefer to switch the whole app's language to right-to-left if it is possible.
class MyTests: XCTestCase {
func testRightToLeft() {
if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
let view = UIView()
view.semanticContentAttribute = .ForceRightToLeft
// Test code involving the view
There's no easy way to do this right now with testing/UI testing besides passing in environment flags or setting the semanticContentAttribute as you are doing now. Filing a bug to Apple is highly recommended.
You can also change the device language & region in the scheme. This means you'll need separate schemes for the various LTR/RTL tests you want to run:
Xcode even provides pseudo-languages for extra-long string & RTL testing.
You can detect the writing direction via
let writingDirection = UIApplication.sharedApplication().userInterfaceLayoutDirection
switch writingDirection {
case .LeftToRight:
case .RightToLeft:
break // what now? You are obviously using iOS 11's topToBottom direction…
To set different languages and locales on startup this might be a proper solution.
What you are looking for is Automated UI-Testing
This example JavaScript code changes the device orientation for example:
var target = UIATarget.localTarget();
var app = target.frontMostApp();
//set orientation to landscape left
UIALogger.logMessage("Current orientation now " + app.interfaceOrientation());
//reset orientation to portrait
UIALogger.logMessage("Current orientation now " + app.interfaceOrientation());
For testing, if your layout has changed to RTL or LTR you could try to access specific UI Elements and check their content against an expected content. So here is another example to check the contents of a TableViewCell from the official docs:
The crux of testing is being able to verify that each test has been performed and that it has either passed or failed. This code example runs the test testName to determine whether a valid element recipe element whose name starts with “Tarte” exists in the recipe table view. First, a local variable is used to specify the cell criteria:
var cell = UIATarget.localTarget().frontMostApp().mainWindow() \
.tableViews()[0].cells().firstWithPredicate("name beginswith 'Tarte'");
Next, the script uses the isValid method to test whether a valid element matching those criteria exists in the recipe table view.
if (cell.isValid()) {
} else {
If a valid cell is found, the code logs a pass message for the testName test; if not, it logs a failure message.
Notice that this test specifies firstWithPredicate and "name
beginsWith 'Tarte'". These criteria yield a reference to the cell for
“Tarte aux Fraises,” which works for the default data already in the
Recipes sample app. If, however, a user adds a recipe for “Tarte aux
Framboises,” this example may or may not give the desired results.
If you want to test a specific scheme:
Executing an Automation Instrument Script in Xcode
After you have created your customized Automation template, you can execute your test script from Xcode by following these steps:
Open your project in Xcode.
From the Scheme pop-up menu (in the workspace window toolbar), select Edit Scheme for a scheme with which you would like to use your script.
Select Profile from the left column of the scheme editing dialog.
Choose your application from the Executable pop-up menu.
Choose your customized Automation Instrument template from the Instrument pop-up menu.
Click OK to approve your changes and dismiss the scheme editor dialog.
Choose Product > Profile.
Instruments launches and executes your test script.

For plug in running on iOS

What I want to implement is as follow:
A-app (calling app) : request the return value of a-string sent as parameter : request(a-string) -> b-string.
B-app (plug-in installed separately by me or others, it plays the role of dictionary or database ) : search a-string from database and return the result (b-string).
With successful experiences of plug-in on android and with Apple's confident rhetoric of plug-in, I thought plug-in, of course, run on iOS. After a lot of hard work, however, I finally found out:
* Note : The creation and use of loadable bundles is not supported in iOS.*
Nonetheless, not giving up, I finally made it with custom URl and pasteboard:
A-app : write a-string and false state to pasteboard & call B-app via custom URL.
B-app : viewDidLoad runs following func and thereafter exit program ; func { read pasteboard and search from database & write the result(b-string) and true state to pasteboard }
A-app : while-loop detects whether state is false or true. if true, catch b-string from pasteboard.
Anyway it works but it's too long thus almost useless. Do you have any idea for better solutions? Why doesn't Apple allow plug-in for iOS? Any responses are welcome. Thank you.
I can't answer why Apple doesn't allow plug-ins, but I can offer some advice on what you're trying to achieve.
The common pattern for sending data back to your application is to implement a callback url, so the A-app would also implement a custom URI and add that to the uri sent to B-app.
B-app would then process the uri as you have already implemented, but then instead of exiting, it simply sends the data you requested in the uri passed to it.
See http://x-callback-url.com for more details and example implementations.
