Docker Image on Google Cloud Exiting (No detached mode) - docker

I have a docker image on the container registry of google. The issue i'm facing is that it I do not see an option to add docker run-type arguments like:
I would run my container by calling
docker run -t -d -p 3333:3333 -p 3000:3000 --name <name> <image_ID>
Im using a VM instance on Gcloud and the container option seems to not have this detached argument (which is killing my ubuntu-based container from stopping when not used). Both using the Computing Engine OS and Google Cloud Run service option eventually results in an error.

Your question lacks detail. Questions benefit from details including the specific steps that were taken, the errors that resulted or the steps that were taken to diagnose the error etc.
I assume from your question that you're using Cloud Console to create a Compute Engine instance and your're selecting "Container" to deploy a container image to it.
The default configuration is to run the container detached i.e. equivalent to docker run --detach.
You can prove this to yourself by SSH'ing in to the instance and running e.g. docker container ls to see the running containers or docker container ls --all to see all containers (stopped too).
You can also run the container directly from here too as you would elsewhere although you may prefer to docker run --interactive --stdin or docker container logs ... to determine why it's not starting correctly :
docker run \
--stdin \
--detach \
--publish=3333:3333 \
--publish=3000:3000 \
--name=<name> \


Can't save file on remote Jupyter server running in docker container

I'm trying to work in Jupyter Lab run via Docker on a remote machine, but can't save any of the files I open.
I'm working with a Jupyter Docker Stack. I've installed docker on my remote machine and successfully pulled the image.
I set up port forwarding in my ~/.ssh/config file:
Host mytunnel
HostName <remote ip>
User root
ForwardAgent yes
LocalForward 8888 localhost:8888
When I fire up the container, I use the following script:
docker run \
-p 8888:8888 \
-v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
The container is running:
c8fc3c720af1 jupyter/tensorflow-notebook "tini -g -- start-no…" 8 minutes ago Up 8 minutes>8888/tcp, :::8888->8888/tcp adoring_khorana
I get the regular Jupyter url back:<token>
But when I access the server in my browser, the Save option is disabled.
I've tried some of the solutions proposed elsewhere in SO, but no luck.
Is this something about connecting over SSH? The Jupyter server thinks it's not a secure connection?
It is possible that the problem is related to the SSH configuration, but I think is more probably related to a permission issue with your volume mount.
Please, try reviewing your docker container logs looking for permissions related errors. You can do that using the following:
docker container logs <container id>
See the output provided by your docker run command too.
In addition, try opening a shell in the container:
docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash
and see if you are able to create a file in the default work directory:
touch /home/jovyan/work/test_file
Finally, the Jupyter docker stacks repository has a troubleshooting page almost entirely devoted to permissions issues.
Consider especially the solutions provided in the Additional tips and troubleshooting commands for permission-related errors and, as suggested, try providing launching the container with your OS user:
docker run \
-p 8888:8888 \
--user "$(id -u)" --group-add users \
-v "${PWD}":/home/jovyan/work jupyter/tensorflow-notebook
After that, as suggested in the mentioned documentation as well, see if the container is properly mounted using the following command:
docker inspect <container_id>
In the obtained result note the value of the RW field which indicates whether the volume is writable (true) or not (false).

Running docker command from docker container

Need to write a Dockerfile that installs docker in container-a. Because container-a needs to execute a docker command to container-b that's running alongside container-a.
My understanding is you're not supposed to use "sudo" when writing the Dockerfile.
But I'm getting stuck -- what user to I assign to docker group? When you run docker exec -it, you are automatically root.
sudo usermod -a -G docker whatuser?
Also (and I'm trying this out manually inside container-a to see if it even works) you have to do a newgrp docker to activate the changes to groups. Anytime I do that, I end up sudo'ing when I haven't sudo'ed. Does that make sense? The symptom is -- I go to exit the container, and I have to exit twice (as if I changed users).
What am I doing wrong?
If you are trying to run the containers alongside one another (not container inside container), you should mount the docker socket from the host system and execute commands to other containers that way:
docker run --name containera \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
With the the docker socket mounted you can control docker on the host system.

Docker issue commands to an app inside container?

I am using nodeBB to start a server you can run ./nodebb start to stop you can do ./nodebb stop. Now that I have dockerized it I am not sure how I can interact with it.
I have followed the steps "Using docker-machine mac os x"
docker run --name my-forum-redis -d -p 6379:6379 nodebb/docker:ubuntu-redis
docker run --name my-forum-nodebb --link my-forum-redis:redis -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -p 4567:4567 -P -t -i nodebb/docker:ubuntu
docker start my-forum-nodebb
I had an issue with redis address in use, so I want to fix that and restart but I am not sure how? Also I would like to issue the command grunt in the project directory, again not sure how?
My question is how can I interact with an app inside a docker container as if I had direct access to the project folder itself? Am I missing something?
All code in this answer is untested, as I'm currently at a computer without docker.
See whether the containers are still running
docker ps
Stop misconfigured containers
docker stop my-forum-redis
docker stop my-forum-nodebb
Remove misconfigured containers and their volumes
(The docker images they are based on will be retained.)
docker rm --volumes --force stop my-forum-nodebb
docker rm --volumes --force my-forum-redis
Start again
Then, issue your 3 commands again, now with the correct ports.
Execute arbitrary commands inside container
Also I would like to issue the command grunt in the project directory, again not sure how?
You probably want to do the following after the docker run --name my-forum-nodebb ... command but before docker start my-forum-nodebb.
docker run accepts a command to execute instead of the container's default command. Let's first use this to find out where in the container we'd land:
docker run my-forum-nodebb pwd
If that is the directory where you want to run grunt, just go forward with it:
docker run my-forum-nodebb grunt
If not, you'll have to stuff several commands into a single one. You can do that by invoking a shell:
docker run my-forum-nodebb bash -c 'cd /path/to/project/dir; grunt'
where /path/to/project/dir is to be replaced by where you want to run grunt.

Start and attach a docker container with X11 forwarding

There are various articles like this, this and this and many more, that explains how to use X11 forwarding to run GUI apps on Docker. I am using a Centos Docker container.
However, all of these approaches use
docker run
with all appropriate options in order to visualize the result. Any use of docker run creates a new image and performs the operation on top of that.
A way to work in the same container is to use docker start followed by docker attach and then executing the commands on the prompt of the container. Additionally, the script (let's say that I intend to run on Docker container resides inside a folder MyFiles in the root directory of the container and accepts a parameter as well
So is there a way to run the script using docker start and/or docker attach while also X11-forwarding it?
This is what I have tried, although would like to avoid docker run and instead use docker start and docker attach
sudo docker run -it \
--env="DISPLAY" \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
centos \
cd MyFiles \
./ param1
export containerId='docker ps -l -q'
This in turn throws up an error as below -
/usr/bin/cd: line 2: cd: MyFiles/: No such file or directory
How can I run the script under MyFiles on the Docker container using docker start and docker attach?
Also since the location and the name of the script may vary, I would like to know if it is mandatory to include each of these path in the system path variable on the Docker container or can it be done at runtime also?
It looks to me your problem is not with X11 forwarding but with general Docker syntax.
You could do it rather simply:
sudo docker run -it \
--env="DISPLAY" \
--volume="/tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix:rw" \
-w MyFiles \
--rm \
centos \
bash -c param1
I added:
--rm to avoid stacking old dead containers.
-w workdir, obvious meaning
/bin/bash -c to get sure your script is interpreted by bash.
How to do without docker run:
run is actually like create then start. You can split it in two steps if you prefer.
If you want to attach to a container, it must be running first. And for it to be running, there must be a process currently running inside.

OS name for docker images

I am trying to build a new docker image using docker provided base Ubuntu image. I'll be using docker file to run few scripts and install applications on the base image. However my script requirement is that the hostname should remain same. I couldn't find any information on OS names for docker images. Does anybody has an idea that once we add layers to a docker image does the OS name remains same.
You can set the hostname with the -h argument to Docker run, otherwise it gets the short form of the container ID as the hostname:
$ docker run --rm -it debian bash
root#0d36e1b1ac93:/# exit
$ docker run --rm -h myhost -it debian bash
root#myhost:/# exit
As far as I know, you can't tell docker build to use a given hostname, but see Dockerfile HOSTNAME Instruction for docker build like docker run -h.
