How to see dart core library code (StringBuffer)? - dart

I just wondered how the StringBuffer's concrete code is look like.
But I can only find abstract method like this. Well...
Could you please let me know how to get to the concrete code ? Thanks!
// Copyright (c) 2011, the Dart project authors. Please see the AUTHORS file
// for details. All rights reserved. Use of this source code is governed by a
// BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
part of dart.core;
class StringBuffer implements StringSink {
/// Creates a string buffer containing the provided [content].
external StringBuffer([Object content = ""]);
/// Returns the length of the content that has been accumulated so far.
/// This is a constant-time operation.
external int get length;
/// Returns whether the buffer is empty. This is a constant-time operation.
bool get isEmpty => length == 0;
/// Returns whether the buffer is not empty. This is a constant-time
/// operation.
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
/// Adds the string representation of [object] to the buffer.
external void write(Object? object);
/// Adds the string representation of [charCode] to the buffer.
/// Equivalent to `write(String.fromCharCode(charCode))`.
external void writeCharCode(int charCode);
/// Writes all [objects] separated by [separator].
/// Writes each individual object in [objects] in iteration order,
/// and writes [separator] between any two objects.
external void writeAll(Iterable<dynamic> objects, [String separator = ""]);
external void writeln([Object? obj = ""]);
/// Clears the string buffer.
external void clear();
/// Returns the contents of buffer as a single string.
external String toString();

It depends on what target platform you are interested in which is also the reason why the do this since the external function can point to different implementation depending on target.
The implementation for the different platforms can be found here:
So if you want to see the implementation used when running the Dart VM or compiled to AOT binary, the implementation of StringBuffer can be found here:
Another point here is that Dart VM code often have stuff like the following which you can see in the bottom of the StringBuffer implementation:
#pragma("vm:external-name", "StringBuffer_createStringFromUint16Array")
external static String _create(Uint16List buffer, int length, bool isLatin1);
This means that we do a call to the C++ code in the Dart runtime (which is bundled together with your compiled app). So the _create call will end up calling the following method:
If your target are instead JavaScript, the code used for that implementation (when compiled to a release ready JS bundle) can be found here:


F#: get source files to evaluate automatically

I'm making a project where there are separate source files/modules that add functions to a single Dictionary contained in a higher level file. However, I find that nothing in these source files evaluates on its own, even functions that take no arguments/code that isn't even inside a function.
As a result nothing is being added to the Dictionary. Is there a way to forcibly evaluate complete function calls in a module automatically? I'll give an example of what I'm trying to do:
let private functions = Dictionary<string, MessageHandler>()
let add type handler =
functions.Add(type, handler)
Registry.add "type1" (fun m -> ....
Registry.add "type2" (fun m -> ....
I believe you need to see this relevant topic. Loose method calls would get compiled as method calls inside of a static constructor for the enclosing type/module, when the F# code gets compiled to IL. This would roughly be equivalent to the following C# code, just to see the picture:
static class Handler1 {
static Handler1() {
// this is the static constructor
Registry.add "type1" ....
In .NET static constructors are not eagerly initialized1. This means, if you want to cause the .NET runtime to call the Handler1 static constructor, you need to access a static member of the type Handler1.
An example of using the type in a static context would be to
Expose a sufficiently accessible static member/method:
module Handler1 =
let Name = "Handler1"
Access that static member from your code, such as the main method:
let main args =
printf Handler1.Name
The above line will force the .NET runtime to load the Handler1 type's static context, which will result in invoking the static constructor if the type is encoutered by your code for the first time. If your code never encounters a given type's static context (any static member or method), then it will never be initialized -- the static constructors will never get called.
This behaviour is by design of the .NET framework (and that is regardless of the chosen language -- C#, F#, VB, others -- they all compile to similar IL). The point is to not allocate unnecessary resources by types that are never actually used.
1 Until .NET 4, static type context was initialized when the given type was first encountered by the executing code, regardless if the user code is interacting with instace or static members of that type. After .NET 4, this slightly changed -- the static context is initialized only when the user code interacts with static members of the type.

How to create read transform using ParDo and DoFn in Apache Beam

According to the Apache Beam documentation the recommended way
to write simple sources is by using Read Transforms and ParDo. Unfortunately the Apache Beam docs has let me down here.
I'm trying to write a simple unbounded data source which emits events using a ParDo but the compiler keeps complaining about the input type of the DoFn object:
message: 'The method apply(PTransform<? super PBegin,OutputT>) in the type PBegin is not applicable for the arguments (ParDo.SingleOutput<PBegin,Event>)'
My attempt:
public class TestIO extends PTransform<PBegin, PCollection<Event>> {
public PCollection<Event> expand(PBegin input) {
return input.apply(ParDo.of(new ReadFn()));
private static class ReadFn extends DoFn<PBegin, Event> {
public void process(#TimerId("poll") Timer pollTimer) {
Event testEvent = new Event(...);
//custom logic, this can happen infinitely
for(...) {
A DoFn performs element-wise processing. As written, ParDo.of(new ReadFn()) will have type PTransform<PCollection<PBegin>, PCollection<Event>>. Specifically, the ReadFn indicates it takes an element of type PBegin and returns 0 or more elements of type Event.
Instead, you should use an actual Read operation. There are a variety provided. You can also use Create if you have a specific set of in-memory collections to use.
If you need to create a custom source you should use the Read transform. Since you're using timers, you likely want to create an Unbounded Source (a stream of elements).

Call libc function from JNA

I use a C library from Java through JNA and one function does not flush properly (since the output appear all at once on program end). I have tried Java side System.out.flush(); with no luck.
In brief, I would like to call C fflush(stdout) from Java. With JNA already there (thus would prefer if no additional library) and without C to write.
I am aware of JNA Library mapping as in this question but that seems overkill to me.
The JNA library wrapping way code is actually not so heavy (at least for the flush all behavior).
protected interface CLibrary extends Library
static CLibrary clib = (CLibrary) Native.loadLibrary ("c", CLibrary.class);
int fflush (Pointer stream);
/* ... */
CLibrary.clib.fflush (null);
JNA also offer late binding method and these oneliners will do what you want
NativeLibrary.getInstance ("c").getFunction ("fflush").invokeInt (new Object[]{0});
// even shorter
Function.getFunction ("c", "fflush").invokeInt (new Object[]{0});
The tedious part comes when you want to limit flushing to stdout. You have to deal with vendor-specific code (stdout is either defined as a macro expanding to an array, Amtel avr-libc, to a function call, Microsoft msvcrt, or a pointer in GNU libc).
For the libc, you might use (two lines for legibility)
Pointer stdout = NativeLibrary.getInstance ("c").getGlobalVariableAddress ("stdout").getPointer (0);
Function.getFunction ("c", "fflush").invokeInt (new Object[]{stdout});
Adding this answer for Win32 / Win64 users, complementing FabienAndre's for GNU libc.
Selectively flushing the stdout stream calling the system's c library's fflush method via jna is hard and cumbersome. As FabienAndre already mentioned, it is difficult to get a hold of the stdout macro definition. For msvcrt (the Win32 / Win64 C library) it is defined via a function call to __iob_func(); the latter returning a pointer to an array of FILE structures. At index 0 is stdin, index 1 is stdout and index 2 is stderr. So for flushing stdout you even need to know the size of the FILE structure, of course, it is different for Win32 and Win64 ...
The following example is tested under Win64 but ought to work under Win32. It was inspired by the thread JNA solutions to catch stdout/stderr of DLL.
import com.sun.jna.Library;
import com.sun.jna.Native;
import com.sun.jna.Platform;
import com.sun.jna.Pointer;
public class JnaTest {
public interface CLibrary extends Library {
CLibrary INSTANCE = (CLibrary) Native.loadLibrary("msvcrt" , CLibrary.class);
Pointer __iob_func();
void printf(String format, Object... args);
int fflush (Pointer stream);
public static void main(String[] args) {
int sizeOfFileStructure = Platform.is64Bit() ? 48 : 32;
Pointer stdout = CLibrary.INSTANCE.__iob_func().share(sizeOfFileStructure);
CLibrary.INSTANCE.printf("Hello, World\n");

Conditional imports / code for Dart packages

Is there any way to conditionally import libraries / code based on environment flags or target platforms in Dart? I'm trying to switch out between dart:io's ZLibDecoder / ZLibEncoder classes and zlib.js based on the target platform.
There is an article that describes how to create a unified interface, but I'm unable to visualize that technique not creating duplicate code and redundant tests to test that duplicate code. game_loop employs this technique, but uses separate classes (GameLoopHtml and GameLoopIsolate) that don't seem to share anything.
My code looks a bit like this:
class Parser {
Layer parse(String data) {
List<int> rawBytes = /* ... */;
/* stuff you don't care about */
return new Layer(_inflateBytes(rawBytes));
String _inflateBytes(List<int> bytes) {
// Uses ZLibEncoder on dartvm, zlib.js in browser
I'd like to avoid duplicating code by having two separate classes -- ParserHtml and ParserServer -- that implement everything identically except for _inflateBytes.
EDIT: concrete example here: It's a TMX (Tile Map XML) parser.
You could use mirrors (reflection) to solve this problem. The pub package path is using reflection to access dart:io on the standalone VM or dart:html in the browser.
The source is located here. The good thing is, that they use #MirrorsUsed, so only the required classes are included for the mirrors api. In my opinion the code is documented very good, it should be easy to adopt the solution for your code.
Start at the getters _io and _html (stating at line 72), they show that you can load a library without that they are available on your type of the VM. Loading just returns false if the library it isn't available.
/// If we're running in the server-side Dart VM, this will return a
/// [LibraryMirror] that gives access to the `dart:io` library.
/// If `dart:io` is not available, this returns null.
LibraryMirror get _io => currentMirrorSystem().libraries[Uri.parse('dart:io')];
// TODO(nweiz): when issue 6490 or 6943 are fixed, make this work under dart2js.
/// If we're running in Dartium, this will return a [LibraryMirror] that gives
/// access to the `dart:html` library.
/// If `dart:html` is not available, this returns null.
LibraryMirror get _html =>
Later you can use mirrors to invoke methods or getters. See the getter current (starting at line 86) for an example implementation.
/// Gets the path to the current working directory.
/// In the browser, this means the current URL. When using dart2js, this
/// currently returns `.` due to technical constraints. In the future, it will
/// return the current URL.
String get current {
if (_io != null) {
return _io.classes[#Directory].getField(#current).reflectee.path;
} else if (_html != null) {
return _html.getField(#window).reflectee.location.href;
} else {
return '.';
As you see in the comments, this only works in the Dart VM at the moment. After issue 6490 is solved, it should work in Dart2Js, too. This may means that this solution isn't applicable for you at the moment, but would be a solution later.
The issue 6943 could also be helpful, but describes another solution that is not implemented yet.
Conditional imports are possible based on the presence of dart:html or dart:io, see for example the import statements of resource_loader.dart in package:resource.
I'm not yet sure how to do an import conditional on being on the Flutter platform.

Documenting F# Code

In a C# class with a single constructor, I can add class summary XML documentation and constructor XML documentation:
///This class will solve all your problems
public class Awesome
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Awesome"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sauce">The secret sauce.</param>
public Awesome(string sauce)
//...implementation elided for security purposes
How do I do the same with the equivalent F# class such that the generated documentation is the same?
type Awesome(sauce: string) =
//...implementation elided for security purposes
CLARIFICATION: I'm aware that the standard XML documentation tags can be used in F#. My question is how to add them to the above snippet so that both the type and the constructor are documented.
I looked at the source of the open-source F# compiler and I think Dr_Asik is right - there is no way of documenting the implicit constructor with an XML comment. The node that represents the implicit constructor in the AST (See ImplicitCtor in ast.fs here) does not include a field for stroing the XML documentation (represented as PreXmlDoc type).
You can still document all public API - you'd have to use the method that Dr_Asik mentioned and mark the implicit constructor as private. I agree this is a bit ugly, but I think it is more convenient than not using implicit constructors:
type MyType private(a:int, u:unit) =
/// <summary>Creates MyType</summary>
/// <param name="a">Parameter A</param>
new(a:int) = MyType(a, ())
I added a dummy parameter u to the implicit constructor, so that it can be called from the public constructor. Anyway, I think this should be considered as a language bug and so I'd suggest reporting this to fsbugs at microsoft dot com.
As an aside, I think the XML documentation is mainly useful as a source of data for IntelliSense (which still needs documentation for the constructor, though) and I created some alternative F# tools that let you create tutorials and documentation by writing an F# script file with special comments using Markdown (there is a blog post about it) - so you may consider that as a useful addition to the standard XML tooling.
In exactly the same way as you do in C#:
If you don't put any tags, F# assumes it is "summary":
/// This is the documentation
type MyType() = ....
... is equivalent to
/// <summary>This is the documentation</summary>
type MyType() = ...
If you want to document a constructor, you'll have to declare it explicitely. AFAIK there is no way to document the primary constructor.
/// [Type summary goes here]
type MyType(a : int) =
let m_a = a
/// [Parameterless constructor documentation here]
new() = MyType(0)
There is no way to document the implicit constructor with an XML comment inside an F# source file (.fs). One workaround is to declare the constructor explicitly (see Dr Asik's answer). Another is to put your XML comments into an F# Signature File (.fsi).
module File
type Awesome(sauce: string) =
member x.Sauce = sauce
module File
type Awesome =
/// Implicit constructor summary for the Awesome type
new : sauce:string -> Awesome
member Sauce : string
The XML documentation for this assembly will now contain the correct summary:
<member name="M:File.Awesome.#ctor(System.String)">
Implicit constructor summary for the Awesome type
This really is an annoying problem.
Another solution I ended up using is to not rely on a primary constructor:
/// Documentation type.
type Awesome =
val sauce : string
/// <summary>Documentation constructor.</summary>
/// <param name="sauce">Sauce. Lots of it.</param>
new (sauce) = { sauce = sauce }
More verbose, but no extra files or private constructors needed...
