Is it common practice to persist refresh tokens for background services - oauth

I build an application that must use delegated AAD permissions to interact with the Graph API. App permissions are no option due to secruity restrictions.
This application is a background service which has some minimal UI for configuration of the application. The idea is to have users log into the UI once (via AAD), granting the required permissions. After that users will mostly never need to use this UI as there is nothing vital to configure.
This creates a situation where the user will only once present a usable access token. After that initial onboarding, the application will have to use a refresh token once in a while to keep being able to use the Graph API.
Is my assumption correct that in order for this to work, I must persist refresh tokens of each user? Intuitively this seems like both a security risk (if not implemented properly) and also a kind of complex system which would not only store tokens but also have additional background refreshing tokens and potentially informing users about eventual expired tokens (in case of failing token refreshs).

Yes, the refresh token you receive back is unique for each user, so you really need to keep the refresh and access token separate between each user and store them in a secure way.
Please also note that in some systems you get a new refresh token each time you use it.
Either you use the refresh token with a timer and refresh them each XX minutes. Or you do the refresh when the user receives a 401 Not Authenticated response from the API.


How to create additional OAuth2 Access Tokens without user interaction

I have a web service that makes use of the Authorization Code grant type to get an Access Token for user data on a Resource Server, together with a Refresh Token. Now my web service launches jobs at certain points in time that should also access this user data. However,
there may be more than one job running at a time,
the user is not necessarily around when the jobs are spawned, and
the jobs may be long-running, in particular they may live longer than the validity of the Access Token.
My question is: How can I provide each job with an Access Token so that
no user interaction is required for every single job launch, and
each job can refresh its own Access Token if necessary, without invalidating other jobs' tokens?
While states that a refresh token can be used to obtain "additional access tokens" (emphasis mine), the spec is not so clear on whether the previous Access Token remains valid until it's expiry date (well, if it does not I wouldn't call it "additional"). Also, according to if a server issues a new Refresh Token to prevent replay attacks, then the old Refresh Token cannot be used any more, so now maybe I have an additional Access Token, but I can't really pass the Access Token and the new Refresh Token to the job, because if the job made use of that Refresh Token would then my web service couldn't use it any more.
Are there maybe any lesser-known flows that allow for this kind of unattended Access Token creation?
Normally access tokens and refresh tokens are valid till the exipration time.
Having multiple access and refresh tokens are also allowed.
However a refresh token can be revoked under following scenarios
the authorization server has revoked the refresh token
the user has revoked their consent for authorization
the refresh token has expired
the authentication policy for the resource has changed
Since you are having the background jobs running. I suggest not to use JWT Tokens for authentication. Instead you can have your custom security standards.
Like custom API Key, UserAgent for Jobs and you can pass the user information with the requset or as custom-header as well.

Are refresh tokens necessary for online applications

Per Google's docs it would seem refresh tokens are only necessary for offline applications (applications that may run into an expired access token when the user isn't around).
Access tokens periodically expire. You can refresh an access token
without prompting the user for permission (including when the user is
not present) if you requested offline access to the scopes associated
with the token.
Requesting offline access is a requirement for any application that
needs to access a Google API when the user is not present. For
example, an app that performs backup services or executes actions at
predetermined times needs to be able to refresh its access token when
the user is not present. The default style of access is called online.
However, a description of refresh tokens in general and this question in particular both seem to imply that refresh tokens are needed anytime you want to request a new access token.
I think I would agree with Google's explanation and not use refresh tokens. My experience with OIDC providers has been that refresh works as follows:
User requests protected resource from client server
Client server determines access token has expired.
Client server redirects user to OP auth endpoint
OP authenticates user without interaction due to cookies stored on user's browser with OP's domain.
Client server finishes the request.
The user might see a few redirects but other than that the re-authentication went by without any interaction from them. Given this, is it necessary to bother with refresh tokens if the user will always be present at the application?
My biggest concern with using refresh tokens for online apps is that it takes away transparency from the user.
Refresh tokens facilitate long term access and should be stored safely. But they also don't provide a natural way to "sign out", and (most importantly) it becomes completely opaque how, when and from where your data is accessed, as the often used scope name offline_access suggests.
OIDC offers a front channel mechanism prompt=none that largely leads to the same effect (i.e. new tokens), and without needing intermediate redirects if the re-authentication is performed inside an iframe.
Hence in my opinion you and Google are right and the answer must be: No, don't use refresh tokens if the user is present.
No, it is not necessary to bother with refresh tokens if the user will always be present at the application. The reasoning is largely the OP describes.
But there are reasons why one may still want a refresh token:
as the OP mentions the user might see a few redirects and both the UI expert and the branding guy on your team will hate this
when an access token expires in the middle of an HTML Form POST action, the redirect may have lost the context/POST-data on return; you may want to minimize this or you'll have to take appropriate (complex) POST-data-save actions
if your access token expiry is really short, the redirects create a lot of overhead and nuisance; you may not be able to control access token expiry when dealing a Providers in a different domain and when dealing with multiple Providers it will vary across them
when refreshing the access token with a redirect your application now depends on the Provider keeping an SSO session; not all Providers may do this and if they do they may do it in different ways: the SSO session duration may vary between them and the authentication method may vary; as an example: a Provider that doesn't keep an SSO session but does use 2-factor authentication will have large impact on the user experience
Imagine a scenario where you want to use the access token to update user information in almost real-time from the user info endpoint but the access token expiry is relatively short. Either you'll have to perform a lot of redirects with the nuisance as described, or you can use a refresh token.
Refresh token is essentialy a credential reference, that your client can exchange for access token, when there is no active user session.
For example if you want to periodicaly sync issues from Github with your inhouse system.
It is often misused like some kind of session. It is essential to diffirentiate those things. And scope name offline_access is there for a reason.
So in simple cases - you just rely on OP session and get new token with authorize/token endpoints combo. You should not be prompted to provide credentials as long as session is alive and consent is given for that particular app.
If you need to do some backgound stuff - ask for refresh token also.
As for question: no.
EDIT(More in-depth explanation):
if we are talking about web there are two main cases:
Client that can securely store secrets like usual web app with server page rendering and clients, that cant store secrets, like SPA apps. From that perspective there are two main flows (omitting hybrid to not over-complicate): Authorization Code Flow and Implicit Flow respectively.
Authorization Code Flow
On first request your app checks it own session(client session) and if there is none - redirects to external OP(OpenID Connect provider) authorize url. OP authenticates user according to requirements expressed in request, gathers consent and other stuff and returns authorization code. Then client asks token endpoint with it and receives access_token/id_token pair with optional refresh token if user granted offline access consent. This is important, because user can deny it for your app. After this client can request userInfo endpoint to get all user claims that were granted during consent. Those claims represent user identity and do not contain stuff like authentication method, acr etc. Those claims present in id_token alongside with expiration for example. After that client starts it own session and have option to set its lifetime equal to id_token lifetime or use it own to provide smooth UX for example. At this point you can discard access_token and id_token at all if you don't need access to other APIs(like all scopes in access_token are specific to OP and subject). If you need access to some API you can store access_token and use it for access. It becomes invalid - redirect to OP for new one. Expiration can be more lax here, because of more secure environment on server. So even 1hr is an option. No refresh tokens used at all.
Implicit Flow
In this case your lets say Angular app redirects to OP, gets its id_token and optional access_token from authorize endpoint directly and uses it to access some APIs. On every request expiration is checked an if needed, client sends request to OP in hidden iFrame, so there won't be any visible redirects as long as OP session is alive. There are some great libs for that like openid-client.js. No refresh is allowed here at all.
It is important to differentiate client session from OP session, token lifetime and session lifetime.
To address some specific needs there is Hybrid Flow. It can be used to get authorization code and id_token for your session in one request. No chit chat over network.
So when you think about refresh token just check your needs and map them to a spec :) And if you need it anyway - store it as secure as you can.
Refresh tokens are useful for applications that keep access tokens in a server session. For example if a web application doesn't call a protected service using JavaScript XHR, but calls its backend and the backend calls the service. In this scenario, it's easier to get a new access token whenever it's needed than asking a user for a new one.
In JavaScript applications running in browsers, refresh tokens cannot be used, because you need a client secret to get an access token from the /token endpoint and you cannot keep the secret safe in such applications.
The process for getting new access tokens you described can be improved - an application may ask for a new access token just before the current one expires, so the user doesn't get redirected to the OAuth2 server, but the application calls the /auth endpoint with prompt=none parameter in an iframe.

Using Spring oAuth2 impl, is it possible to "downgrade" the scopes of an access token during a refresh-token grant?

I have two clients, one Public Client used by regular end-users logging in via our web page or native apps and one Confidential Client for our admin system. Both issues two JWT's, one Access Token and one Refresh Token.
The Public Client is not allowed to issue admin rights. The Access Token is short lived, and the Refresh Token has infinite life span.
The Confidential Client is allowed to issue admin scopes. The Access Token is short lived, and the Refresh Token lives 24 hrs.
Is it possible, using Spring Security and their oAuth2 implementation, to downgrade the admin user once the refresh token is expired? That is, once the user have been logged in for 24hrs, the user is not totally logged out, but on the next login he gets two new JWT's, one Access Token for regular user access and one matching Refresh Token for that access level. I guess I'm looking for some kind of hook in the Spring Security framework that allows me to handle token expiration in a customised way.
There's a sentence on your question that confuses me a bit, but I wanted to elaborate on other aspects so this did not fit in a comment.
... the user is not totally logged out, but on the next login he gets two new JWT's, one Access Token for regular user access and one matching Refresh Token for that access level.
What do you exactly mean with on the next login? My confusion here is that if the objective is not to logout the user, then there won't be a next login. I guess this could mean that almost to the end of the refresh token expiration you would want to do your downgrade request and use the still valid refresh token to get a new pair of tokens with less permissions.
According to the OAuth specification you can perform a refresh token request and ask the server for an access token that has less scopes than the one you currently have. However, it also dictates that if a new refresh token is returned, then that token needs to have the exact same scope as the refresh token included in the request.
Personally, for this scenario I would consider instead of downgrading tokens just ensure that in order to perform any administrator related operation the user must be an administrator and actually provided his credentials in the last 24 hours. You could accomplish this by tracking the date and time a given user actually performed a login (by providing their credentials) and then authorize administrator actions based on that value. This way you can increase the lifetime of refresh tokens for the confidential client and only force the administrators to login again if they want to perform a privileged tasks and their current tokens aren't fresh enough.
Finally, still on the subject of refresh tokens (with focus on the security considerations section)... when you say web app for the public client I'm assuming it's a browser-based Javascript application. If this is correct it's generally not recommended to use refresh tokens for these applications because refresh tokens are usually long-lived (in your case they seem to never expire) and the browser cannot ensure secure storage for them. This increases the likelihood of them leaking which would give an attacker access to the application for the lifetime of the token. You may have other constraints that make this security consideration not applicable, but I wanted to call your attention to it nonetheless.

OAuth for server side apps

I need to interact with an API that only supports OAuth2.
The problem is, I would like to write a purely server side application which should sit there without a GUI polling an API every day.
The API gives me the ability to get the application token programatically, but it looks like I need to implement the entire GUI flow to get the subsequent access token. This is because I need to log in via the application providers web based login screen.
It looks like I then need to get that access token, and copy this out as my server side credential where I recreate it. If that ever expires or goes bad, I'll need to go back via the GUI flow to get my server side access token.
Is my understanding correct here as this feels very clunky?
Can I avoid implementing the process where we link over to the application providers login form?
Is it right that after doing this, I have to unpick an access token and store this within my server side application. I don't appear to have any control over whether that will expire?
I can see that e.g. Facebook specifically support server side and client side flow. I wonder if I'm coming up against limitations in this particular implementation of OAuth 2?
I don't know how you actually want the app to behave, but one thing is certain - you do have to input the user credentials once.
Once you authenticate and authorize (there are a lot of open questions on SO, about automatic authentication), your app will get not only an access token, but also a Refresh Token. A refresh token is just what you need in your use case. You can store it your the server side - A refresh token does not have an expiration time. It lives till the user explicitly revokes permissions.
For any OAuth service provider there is a token exchange endpoint where you can exchange the refresh token for a (refresh token + access token) pair. So, at the backend (your server) you can at any time hit this endpoint - get a short-lived access token and perform the operation that you need to. This saves you all the effort of following the GUI flow every time.
See this link -
EDIT - Made some changes after reading your comment. You simply need to know how to use refresh tokens in your app.
I've found that the typical solution to the problem I asked in this question is to use XAuth.
Many providers such as Twitter and the application I am currently working against support XAuth to provide a simplified flow without the user interface based authentication.
What is the difference among BasicAuth,OAuth and XAuth?

How to save refresh tokens?

I'm trying to add authentication feature to my application.
The authentication server implements oauth 2.0
I'm not sure how to save the refresh_token. I want to save it to a file, so next time when the application starts and there is a refresh_token available, it can ask for a new access_token. The user won't need to re-login again.
But this doesn't sound secure to me, because if someone copies my file that has the refresh_token to another computer, he can hack into my account.
You are correct with the attack that you describe. Refresh tokens have to be stored securely in order to be used as intended. As I understand, you are building a standalone application. Therefore, you can rely on file system security to prevent a refresh token being copied by an unauthorized user. You may want to use encryption for the refresh token, too, but the key would need to be bound to a user's session at your local machine (otherwise, the user would need to provide it during "sign in" process in order for the application to decrypt the refresh token).
Consider reading the thread from the OAuth WG, that discusses similar problems to the one described and provides some guidance:
Refresh tokens are used to obtain access (this process requires HTTP Basic Auth). So, unless user has your (id,secret) combination he can't do much about it. However, storage of refresh token must be considered very seriously.
Here's my two cents:
Store your tokens in a DB
Whenever you use refresh token to obtain access token reset the refresh token as well. (Oauth2.0 has this feature, you can let the refresh token unchanged too, but it's wise in terms of security perspective to keep it changing and updating the DB)
Hope this gives some insights!!
You are right about your concern - you should not save the refresh token. By doing so, you jeopardize your client's data (and you know the reason; you wrote it in the question).
oAuth is not supposed to work this way.
You should keep the refresh token in-memory.
