var/lib/docker/containers/* eats my hard disk space - docker

My raspberrypi suddenly had no more free space.
By looking at the folder sizes with the following command:
sudo du -h --max-depth=3
I noticed that a docker folder eats an incredible amount of hard disk space. It's the folder
The folder seems to contain some data for the current running docker containers. The first letters of the filename correspond to the docker container-ID. One folder seems to grow dramatically fast. After stopping the affected container and removed him, the related folder disappeared. So the folder seems to have belonged to it.
Problem solved.
I wonder now what the reason could be that this folder size increases so much. Further, I wonder what is the best way to not run into the same problem again later.
I could write a bash script which removes the related container at boot and run it again. Better ideas are very welcome.

The container ids are directories, so you can look inside to see what is using space in there. The two main reasons are:
Logs from stdout/stdere. These can be limited with added options. You can view these with docker logs.
Filesystem changes. The underlying image filesystem is not changed, so any writes trigger a copy-on-write to a directory within each container id. You can view these with docker diff.


Kubernetes/Docker uses too much disk space

I have a Kubernetes-cluster with 1 master-node and 3 worker-nodes. All Nodes are running on CentOS 7 with Docker 19.06. I'm also running Longhorn for dynamic provisioning of volumes (if that's important).
My problem is that every few days one of the worker nodes grows the HDD-usage to 85% (43GB). This is not a linear increase, but happens over a few hours, sometimes quite rapidly. I can "solve" this problem for a few days by first restarting the docker service and then doing a docker system prune -a. If I don't restart the service first, the prune removes next to nothing (only a few MB).
I also tried to find out which container is taking up all that space, but docker system df says it doesn't use the space. I used df and du to crawl along the /var/lib/docker subdirectories too, and it seems none of the folders (alone or all together) takes up much space either. Continuing this all over the system, I can't find any other big directories either. There are 24GB that I just can't account for. What makes me think this is a docker problem nonetheless is that a restart and prune just solves it every time.
Googling around I found a lot of similar issues where most people just decided to increase disk space. I'm not keen on accepting this as the preferred solution, as it feels like kicking the can down the road.
Would you have any smart ideas on what to do instead of increasing disk space?
It seems like it is expected behavior, from Docker documentation you can read:
Docker takes a conservative approach to cleaning up unused objects
(often referred to as “garbage collection”), such as images,
containers, volumes, and networks: these objects are generally not
removed unless you explicitly ask Docker to do so. This can cause
Docker to use extra disk space. For each type of object, Docker
provides a prune command. In addition, you can use docker system prune to clean up multiple types of objects at once. This topic shows
how to use these prune commands.
So it seems like you have to clean it up manually using docker system/image/container prune. Other issue might be that those containers create too much logs and you might need to clean it up.

Creating a volume size limit in docker that enforces limit - without first downloading whole huge file and only afterwards saying download failed?

I'm trying to create a container disk size limit in docker. Specifically, I have a container that downloads data, and I want this data to be under a limit, that I can cap beforehand.
So far, what I've created works on the surface-level, (prevents the file from actually being saved onto the computer) - however I can watch the container doing it's work, and I can see the download complete to 100%, before it says 'Download failed.' Therefore it seems like it's downloading to a temporary directory, and then checking the size of the file before passing it to the final location. (or not)
This doesn't fully resolve the issue I was trying to fix, because obviously the download consumes a lot of resources. I'm not sure what exactly I am missing here..
This is what creates the above behavior:
sudo zfs create new-pool/zfsvol1
sudo zfs set quota=1G new-pool/zfsvol1
docker run -e "TASK=download" -e "AZURE_SAS_TOKEN= ... " -v /newpool/zfsvol1:/data containerName azureFileToDownload
I got the same behavior while running the container interactively without volumes and downloading into the container. I tried changing the storage driver (inside $docker info) to zfs (from overlay) and it didn't help. I looked into docker plugins but they didn't seem like they would resolve the issue.
This is all run inside an Ubuntu VM; I made a zfs pool to test all of this. I'm pretty sure this is not supposed to happen because it's not very useful. Would anyone have an idea why this is happening?
Ok- so I actually figured out what was going on, and like #hmm suggested the problem wasn't because of Docker. The place it was buffering to was my memory, before downloading to the disk, and that was the issue. It seems like azcopy (Azure's copy command) first downloads to memory before saving to the disk, which is not great at all, but there is nothing to be done about it in this case. I think my approach itself works completely.

Files deleted from within /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/

The Docker docs state:
Warning: Do not directly manipulate any files or directories within /var/lib/docker/. These files and directories are managed by Docker.
Let's say someone hasn't read that hint and deleted some files from /var/lib/docker/aufs/diff to free up some disk space. These files didn't live in a Docker volume and are not part of the original Docker image but have been created in the container writable layer. Restarting the given container frees up the disk space but are there any known side effects?
And for the next time: Does removing that kind of files or directories from within the container (via docker exec .. rm ..) result in a proper removal or are they only marked as deleted? The documentation currently doesn't describe this special case.
Restarting the given container frees up the disk space but are there any known side effects?
As you stated in your question, you should not "manipulate any files or directories within /var/lib/docker/", as any side-effect may appear and no documentation trace anything about this: it's internal Docker plumbing which may highly change other Docker versions, ut's not supposed to be exposed to end-users nor be tempered with. You could look at Docker code for your Docker version and all it's dependencies to understand what happened, but it's not really practical :-)
are there any known side effects?
There maybe be side effects - I insist on the may as anything can happen depending on your Docker version and configuration. Even if it may seem to be working, some things may be broken.
Well known side effect is Docker installation corruption, which may have present itself in various fashions: random container crash, data loss, unexplained bug, etc.
Best case scenario, you just discarded some data in your container and everything will work fine in the future.
Not-so-good scenario: you actually broke something in your installation and corrupted it, you'll be better of re-installing Docker entirely.
Does removing that kind of files or directories from within the container (via docker exec .. rm ..) result in a proper removal or are they only marked as deleted?
Deleting a file in the container will not always remove it from the system, it depends on the drive your are using. Doc has a section about writing files for all of them:
AUFS - it seemed implied that file is deleted, AUFS will copy the file from the image layer and work on it, it should then delete the copy
When a file is deleted within a container, a whiteout file is created in the container layer. The version of the file in the image layer is not deleted [...] Subsequent writes to the same file operate against the copy of the file already copied up to the container.
BTRFS - deleted and space reclaimed, doc is quite clear:
If a container creates a file and then deletes it, this operation is performed in the Btrfs filesystem itself and the space is reclaimed.
devicemapper - may not be deleted depending on config:
if you are using direct-lvm, the blocks are freed. If you use loop-lvm, the blocks may not be freed
OverlayFS - seemed implied that file is deleted, but the image file is kept
When a file is deleted within a container, a whiteout file is created in the container (upperdir). The version of the file in the image layer (lowerdir) is not deleted
ZFS - deleted:
If you create and then delete a file or directory within the container’s writable layer, the blocks are reclaimed by the zpool.
VFS is using a copy of the previous layer and work directly in a directory representing that layer, a deletion in the container should probably delete it from the related directory on host machine
The documentation currently doesn't describe this special case.
Yes, and it probably won't ;)

How to synchronize 2 docker container's overlay2 filesystems?

I happen to use docker in a questionable way for a specific purpose:
I have a container with a few development tools and their configurations. These are typically tools found in operating systems that are configured with dotconf files usually found in home directories (like tmux, vim, git, programming languages...). This is normally handled by configuring an OS with tools and dotfiles.
But with the setup becoming more complex over the years, properly setting up a new OS is becoming very hard. On the other hand, moving a container around machines is very simple. So for that precise case, I happen to use docker in a way that goes against the "docker way". But that is really comfortable to me.
That being said, I also want to synchronize the container's filesystem with another container (which, in my understanding is definitely not the "docker way", but yet.) I want to run 2 instances of the same image, on different machines. Then I want to synchronize their read write layer that is on top of the image. So when a file is created, deleted or modified on one, this is replicated on the other.
I was thinking of using rsync or unison to do that. But I don't know how the overlay2 driver works. Are the directories in /var/lib/docker/overlay2/<container-id> the actual containers filesystem layer? Or should it be mounted? I saw some people mount their containers filesystem on the host with the device mapper driver fairly easily. Would that make sense with overlay2?
I think your best option here is to use a bind mount. This changes your initial design a bit - but it will likely be the cleanest, and easiest to implement.
First things first - you'll want to ensure that any files that you want to have synced are in a specific folder; so rather than rsyncing the entire underlying filesystem - you'll just do, for example /app/my_files inside your container and set your application to read/write from there.
Now - create your directory and setup the rsync between your machines; let's say it's at /rsync
Lastly - run your containers and use a bind-mount; which if you're just bringing up a container would look like: docker run -d -v /rsync:/app/my_files my_image
After reading this page: and experimenting with image / container creation and deletion, I have found out a few things.
When creating an image, the folder /var/lib/docker/overlay2 is populated with a new folder, called with what seems to be a hash (let's call it 123), and is itself populated with the image content / filesystem.
Then when creating the container from this same image, two more folders get created inside /var/lib/docker/overlay2, also named with what seems to be another hash, with one of them having -init at the end. Let's call them 456 and 456-init. They seem to contain the container layer.
When looking at the output of docker inspect <container-name>, the GraphDriver section has some info about how docker uses the overlay2. The lower dir contains the init container dir + the image dir as in: /var/lib/docker/overlay2/456-init/diff:/var/lib/docker/overlay2/123/diff. I don't fully understand how that works, but I understand that I am not interested in the lower dir since it should be the image dir in read only mode. And that is something I already have on all hosts and thus do not need to sync.
Then in my understanding the upper dir in overlay2 is the read write layer that the container uses on top of the image layer. In the GraphDriver this is found to be /var/lib/docker/overlay2/456/diff. That is the directory that gets the changes made inside the container. I could not find the documentation so I experimented a bit and found out that this upper dir never changed during the life of the container. I stopped and started it and the upper dir stayed the same. Then when removing the container this folder is deleted. And when creating the container again, a new folder with a different name is created.
So it looks like what I need to sync is this upper dir, which can be found with docker inspect. I'll experiment a bit more with that.

Docker's aufs diff folder is growing huge in terms of size

I'm having problem with space usage of docker. I have
/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff/e20ed0ec78d30267e8cf855c6311b02089b6086ea149c21997a3e6cb9757ecd4/tmp/registry-dev/docker/registry/v2/blobs# du -sh
4.6G .
can I find which container does this folder belong to? I have docker registry running but inside there I have
/var/lib/registry/docker/registry/v2/blobs# du -sh
465M .
I'm suspecting docker upgrade (I used migrate tool here) could have left it, or, I was building docker registry myself before, and moving to pre-compiled registry left this.
can I somehow check which container it belogs to? or maybe, does it belong to any?
I had same issue and the spotify/docker-gc fixed it. Clone it then follow "Running as a Docker Image"
The spotify/docker-gc is not going to fix it, but it make things to turn for the better much easier. The first thing you need to do is to stop doing commits on the same image. As I've realized, this is going to build up a huge diff-dependency. What I did is that I've committed all my running containers into different image names and tags, stopped and restarted the containers. After that, I've deleted the old images manually, then ran spotify/docker-gc. I've saved about 20% of disk space. If I ran spotify/docker-gc before the commits into new images, nothing happened.
If you use spotify/docker-gc, please do DRY_RUN.
