Who is auth server in OAuth2.0 between two Apps eg. between Google and Twitter - twitter

I know that OAuth2.0 is framework using to authorization data request between apps, but to give this access auth server is required. It is my question: who is this server? Let's say: We have two apps: Twitter and Google. I am trying to register Twitter account using Google account. And now where is this auth server? Is it Google? Or maybe it is another third server (managed by Twitter and Google together where user data is?) If it is Google, how Twitter is able to check if user token (generated by auth server [Google??]) is valid?

On your first question,
I am trying to register Twitter account using Google account. And now
where is this auth server? Is it Google?
Yes, it's Google. If you're trying to login/register to Twitter via Google, Google is the authorization server. Because, Google has to authorize/delegate access to Twitter to access your data such as your Gmail id, username, etc.
Once you click on "Sign up with Google" button on the Twitter registration page, you will be redirected to the Google login page first (to see if you're an authenticated google user) and then Google would show you a consent page saying that "Twitter is trying to read your profile data, are you okay with this?". Once you click on "Allow" button, Google will generate an access_token, id_token, and refresh_token and pass it to Twitter.
On your second question,
If it is Google, how Twitter is able to check if user token (generated
by auth server [Google??]) is valid?
Twitter is not going to validate the tokens. Twitter can pass the token to retrieve your Google profile information from Google's Resource Server (where all your data reside)
Google's Resource Server is the one that's going to validate the token. It first checks the 'iss' claim of the token to see if the token is issued by Google's Authorization Server. Additionally, it would check for 'aud' to see if the token is issued for them (recipient of the token). Finally, it checks for the 'scope' claim to see if Twitter has the right access to request the data. For eg, they would need to request only read-only access to your profile, but not write access. There could be additional validation depending on the use case.
I hope this answers your questions.


Why does Postman require user login for Google oauth?

I'll try to connect to the content api for shopping via API.
I'de tried some different oAuth ways (e.g. "three-step-method" with access key and baerer-token) but for a spezific integration I need the "credentials-oAuth".
Currently I tried as following:
client_id=[my client id]&
redirect_uri=[some random request bin -> added in Authorised redirect URIs ]&
If I call this via Postman, I'll be redirected to the login page of Google. But why?
How can I solve this problem?`
Shopping API data is private user data. In order for your application to access private user data it must have the permission of the user who owns that data.
We use OAuth2 to do that. The user must consent to your application accessing its data. In the below image the application Google analytics windows is asking the user for permission to access their Google analytics data.
If I call this via Postman, I'll be redirected to the login page of Google. But why?
You are seeing a login screen with Postman is simple the user needs to be logged in before they can grant access to their data.
How can I solve this problem?
You dont as there is no problem the user must login to grant your client application consent to its data. This is working exactly as it should
Service accounts
Update to answer comment Service accounts are special Google accounts that can be used by applications to access Google APIs programmatically via OAuth 2.0. A service account uses an OAuth 2.0 flow that does not require human authorization. Instead, it uses a key file that only your application can access. This guide discusses how to access the Content API for Shopping with service accounts.

What are the end points to get the emailId using oauth for the google, yahoo, twitter service providers?

I am using google appengine java web application. I'm trying to put OpenId authentication withIn my project. I am using scribe to make this happen. I am able to get the Access Token from the google, yahoo, twitter Service Providers.
After getting the Access Token, I need to get the currently logged-in user email address. I'm using OAuth2.0 for google, OAuth1.0a for yahoo and twitter.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Google :
Twitter :
Twitter does not expose an endpoint that provides the user's email address. Not even the profile endpoint. Below is an extract from the Twitter's FAQs page...
If you'd like a user's email address, you'll need to ask a user for it within the confines of your own application and service. The Twitter API does not provide the user's email address as part of the OAuth token negotiation process nor does it offer other means to obtain it.
Yahoo :
I don't think it exposes the user's email address either. Yet, the endpoint to retrieve the user's profile is...
You can find more info here. http://developer.yahoo.com/social/rest_api_guide/extended-profile-resource.html

matching access_tokens to user_ids in an app server

Let's say, i want to develop a rest api implementation and use OAuth 2.0 with authorization_code grant. I will have apps, users, access_tokens etc. I just couldn't imagine only one scenario. When a user permits an app to use it, my auth server will redirects him to app site with auth code and then the app will post it with its client_id to fetch access_token. So, how can i link this access_code to the user? At last, the app will want to access to some resource about THE USER and will post the access_code which my auth server created to access it. Or just the app should store to link between access_code and the user id(but how can it determine the user, it is an another question).
The Authorization server have to provide a service to give the resource server user information but using access_token so the resource server can get user Id and other information to use it, example of it is using login with FB or google, it is providing user information to the 3rd party want to authenticate this user.

Confused about oAuth, creating secure API in Rails

How do I secure my API when I want an app to be able to retrieve app-specific information without a user logged in and when I have an OAuth provider for another section of my API? Can I use the client app's OAuth credentials to hit the API without a user logged in?
I have create an OAuth provider and client using doorkeeper following railscasts 353. I can successfully authenticate a user to my provider app and make requests on behalf of the user to my provider API.
However, a portion of the API is user independent, meaning that the information returned from the API is not specific for a user and therefore a user should not have to be logged in. For example, assume an ecommerce site and items and prices are stored on the provider for multiple clients. I want a client app to be able to securely retrieve the items/prices associated the retrieving app without a user having to be logged in. So if you went to example.com the items would be displayed even if a user is logged in via OAuth.
I have only be able to retrieve this information via OAuth when a user has logged in through OAuth (creating an access_token). Is there a way to use OAuth without having a user present (I've been trying to read about 2-legged OAuth and if that is an appropriate solution)? Or do I need to use Api keys (or Http Basic Auth) for the application to retrieve the application specific data?
If OAuth is not the right solution because I do not have a user present, could/should I use HTTP Basic Auth over SSL and use the client site's OAuth secret key as the API key for the basic auth username?
If you need to authenticate your client apps in you API (without requiring a user specifically) use the Client Credentials flow

Performing Google Federated Login/oAuth2 after initial Authentication

I am trying to support "Hybrid" Federated Login and oAuth2 (using logic from this document) for a webservice which will:
support Sign in using your Google account on my site. That is, from the documentation: You can also choose to use Google's authentication system as a way to outsource user authentication for your application. This can remove the need to create, maintain, and secure a username and password store.
Access the user's Google Analytics.
Here are the steps I have done.
I form my request to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth with the scopes (Google Analytics) I want access to.
I Get redirected to google where it has my icon and which scopes I am requesting access to. I grant access.
I get redirected back to the callback page.
I get the tokens (access and refresh), as well as a huge id_token string (which I don't know) and store all of this information in my database.
I then make a call to https://www.googleapis.com/oauth2/v1/userinfo?access_token=xxxyyyzzz to get the user's email and name and store this information in my database too. I also notice it returns a id field which to my knowledge never changes and I presume is some sort of unique identifier. I store this too.
Question: If I go to Authorized Access to your Google Account section in my Google account, it shows that my site has access to "Google Analytics. BUT, it does not say Sign in using your Google account. This is what I am trying to accomplish. I would have thought using the logic would enable Sign in using your Google account. What am I doing wrong? And what would be the applicable call to google so that users can sign in to my site?
If your site has access to something like your Contacts or Analytics using OAuth, you'll never see "Sign in using your Google account". I'm pretty sure that's only if you use OpenID (not OAuth) only for sign-in.
Specifically, OAuth is used for giving you access to APIs to create/update/delete data, while OpenID is for signing in.
If you are asking how to identify user for future logins, you have two options:
Mix OAuth with OpenID, that is called Hybrid. I have described it on this answer.
Use userinfo scope and request userinfo (email, etc.) after successful OAuth authorization. It is described on Google OAuth 2 documentation.
If you mean automatically login to your web site in future visits you can use OpenID "immediate mode" (openid.mode parameter).
When the user is redirected back, you call the second request from your own (server-side?) code, and get their email address. When you successfully get it, that means that the user is logged on. You can add it to the session (e.g. as cookie), and as long as you have it, the user is logged on. You make the user log out by forgetting the email address, so by clearing the session/cookies.
Add this paramter to the https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth URL call: approval_prompt=force and then the Sign in using your Google account will always show regardless of whether the user was already signed into that or any other account.
So the call would be like this https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?client_id=<client id>&redirect_uri=<uri>&scope=<scope>&access_type=<online or offline>&response_type=code&approval_prompt=force
