Precise scrolling in Android native app using Appium/WebdriverIO - appium

The problem
I'm trying to perform precise scrolling in an Android native app using Appium & WebdriverIO.
The end goal is to perform snapshot testing (comparing screenshots) in Android views that contain scrollable content (e.g: ScrollViews/WebViews), so there is a need for pixel-perfect results.
What I've tried so far
There seem to be a couple of ways to scroll, such as touchAction or performActions.
Using touchAction:
This looks like the most straightforward way (in fact, this is what Appium Inspector produces when recording a swipe gesture)
await driver.touchAction([
{ action: 'press', x: 200, y: 400 },
{ action: 'moveTo', x: 200, y: 200 },
This scrolls the content just fine, however there are the following issues:
There are times when the gesture appears to have no effect on ScrollViews (although I have double checked that the swipe is being performed, by enabled the Pointer location in Developer settings).
It only scrolls consistently (in regards to the scrolling distance) in WebViews.
Using Appium's performActions:
await driver.performActions([
type: 'pointer',
id: 'finger1',
parameters: { pointerType: 'touch' },
actions: [
{ type: 'pointerMove', duration: 0, x: 200, y: 400 },
{ type: 'pointerDown', button: 0 },
{ type: 'pause', duration: 100 },
{ type: 'pointerMove', duration: 1000, origin: 'pointer', x: 200, y: 200 },
{ type: 'pointerUp', button: 0 },
This appears to work in all kinds of content (ScrollViews or WebViews), but the scrolling distance is not consistent at all.
In all cases, the scrolling distance seems to vary greatly depending on the duration of the gesture, yet even a really large duration like 10000ms doesn't result in 100% consistent scrolling distance.
While messing around with performActions, I've also tried including an additional pause in between the pointerMove and pointerUp actions, in an attempt to remove the gesture's velocity as a failing factor:
{ type: 'pointerMove', duration: 1000, origin: 'pointer', x: 200, y: 200 },
{ type: 'pause', duration: 1000 },
{ type: 'pointerUp', button: 0 },
but as soon as the pointerUp action takes place, the content scrolls a tiny bit more, resulting again in unpredictable scrolling distance.
The question
Is there a way of scrolling using Appium/WebdriverIO, that will always produce 100% consistent results in regards to the scrolling distance?

I am using the below line to scroll down and find the text
Driver.findElementByAndroidUIAutomator("new UiScrollable(new UiSelector()).scrollIntoView(textContains("********"));");


Highcharts - xAxis datetime max value does not create a gap

I am currently working on a specific type of chart and I am trying to achieve the following behavior for example :
As you can see there's a gap between the series last point and the xAxis max value and the reason for this is i wanna have a fix max value and load the daily values of a specific currency as the day passes by. So for example in the morning this chart would be empty and by 18:30 it would be filled.
In my mock example i have the current chart:
and when I try to set a new xAxis max value ( i also tried softMax) to a future day (using epoch converter for unixtimestamp) i am getting this:
and i set the max by doing :
return {
endOnTick: false,
tickLength: 2,
gridLineColor: '#b9b9b9',
gridLineWidth: 0,
tickColor: '#808080',
labels: {
style: {
color: '#b9b9b9',
x: 0,
y: 12,
format: '{value:%d.%b}',
visible: true,
After implementing your response I get an even weirder behavior. I get the same initial start I had before (no difference) but now if i click and drag it to the right I go from this :
to this:
and If i click and drag it to the left, into this:
The transformation happens without animation, neither by wathching the drag and move motion happen. It just instantly transforms after i drag my cursor pointer for a while towards the sides i mentioned above
You need to use milliseconds instead of seconds:
xAxis: {
max: 1631962355000,
Live demo:
API Reference:

Highchart - Column chart not coming proper in export api as image

I am getting image from highchart server to add into my pdf. But when I eport an column chart the column bars are coming at below the x-axis and not on the axis itself. Below is demo url
chart: {
animation: false,
type: "column",
marginLeft: 80
text: "Top 5 Questions"
subtitle: false,
yAxis: {
allowDecimals: false,
min: 0,
} ,
plotOptions: {
column: {
pointPadding: 0.2,
borderWidth: 0
xAxis: {
categories: ["Are the characters clear and readable? Keyboards should be kept clean. If characters still can't be read, the keyboard may need modifying or replacing. Use a keyboard with a matt finish to reduce glare and/or reflection.","Does the keyboard tilt? Note, the tilt need not be built in.","Does the user have good keyboard technique?","Is it possible to find a comfortable keying position? Try pushing the display screen further back to create more room for the keyboard, hands and wrists. Users of thick raised keyboards may need a wrist rest.","Is the keyboard separate from the screen?"],
labels: {
rotation: -45
series: [{"name":"No","data":[1,1,1,1,1]}]
This issue occurs because you are providing chart.options as options to export. Instead, you should provide chart.userOptions.
var optionsStr = JSON.stringify(chart.userOptions);
var dataString = encodeURI('async=true&type=jpeg&scale=4&options=' + optionsStr);

Higcharts - marginBottom does not let rendering xAxis series ellipsis

The space for xAxis generally is rendered dynamically by the Highcharts library and add the ellipsis in the correct place, making it display from the start and cutting it when it stop displaying it on the graph with some ellipsis.
When I try to change that space to not render dynamically, the property marginBottom does it,but it stops picking up when the text should start displaying and the start of the text is cutted from the down of the graph. Is there a way to render correctly the text at the bottom from the highcharts? I Do need it to be rotate 270 degrees, and not let the auto rotate work, and don't want to collapse more part of the graph just for displaying the text.
Here is a sample when that happes:
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
height: 350,
spacingBottom: 0,
marginBottom: 50,
type: "column"
series: [{
name: 'Total',
data: [1,2,3,4,5]
xAxis: {
categories: ["very long name to test if the characters are rigth and cropped",
"Not so long but long enough", "I still am long and out of the screen",
"lets see how is cropped", "cropped", "crop"],
labels: {
rotation: 270
Sample fiddle with marginBottom :
If you remove the marginBottom, even the legend move down a bit.
It is possible to do this behavior? even including some css?
Thanks in advance
To make it work the way you want, you have to make some modifications in Highcharts core. For example you can do not use marginBottom option, but set fixed value as a commonWidth variable in renderUnsquish method:
if (attr.rotation) {
commonWidth = (
maxLabelLength > chart.chartHeight * 0.5 ?
40 : // changed from 'chart.chartHeight * 0.33'
if (!textOverflowOption) {
commonTextOverflow = 'ellipsis';
Live demo:

Identify all overlapping Highcharts scatter points clicked by the user

I have a highstock chart with a scatter series that has overlapping points. The X values are identical but the Y values have slight variations. Because the variations are small the overlap is not exact but is still difficult for the user to distinguish.
When a scatter point is clicked / tapped I want to identify all data points that the mouse pointer / finger touches. However it seems like Highcharts will only raise a click event for the point on top of the stack. There are several suggestions online for iterating over all data points and finding those with matching Y values, however in my case I would need to apply some fuzzy logic and try and select points that look to the user like they're overlapping, based on the size of the marker and the height of the chart and this seems like a move in the wrong direction.
Is there anything within Highcharts I can use to find all the points the user interacted with?
JS Fiddle:
Highcharts.stockChart('container', {
series: [{
type: 'scatter',
name: 'Demo scatter overlap',
data: [{x: 1500052112000, y: 5}, {x: 1500052112000, y: 5.1}, {x: 1500052118000, y: 15.1}, {x: 1500052118000, y: 15.2}]
xAxis: {
min: 1500052109000,
max: 1500052119000,
type: "datetime"
plotOptions: {
series: {
point: {
events: {
click: (event) => {
alert('clicked ' + event.point.y);

Highstock/Highcharts - yAxis Label top

Using Highstock or Highcharts, I want my yAxis label on the top. What I don't want, is a varying margin between the left border of the chart and the beginning of the grid lines.
If you take a look at the following fiddle:
Relevant part is:
yAxis: {
title: {
align: 'high',
offset: 0,
text: 'Rainfall (mm)',
rotation: 0,
y: -10
This is almost correct, but the offset margin is taken from the label width. If I set offset: -41 instead, it looks exactly right. The problem is, that the -41 is due to the rendered length of the text. If I change the text to something of a different length, the label is positioned wrongly again.
Is there any possibility to make sure, that the positions are always "correct" in my above definition of correct, regardless of the text length?
Screenshot, left part is wrong, right part is correct:
I think that you can use text-anchor property to style your title. Here you can find more information about text-anchor property:
title: {
align: 'high',
text: 'Rainfall (mm)',
style: {
'text-anchor': 'start'
rotation: 0,
y: -10,
x: -25
I think that you need to use chart.marginLeft parameter as well. It will give you a chance to set specific left margin for your chart. Here you can find information about it.
You may also use xAxis.labels.reserveSpace parameter to turn off reserving space for labels:
Here you can find live example how your chart can work with this options:
Kind regards,
