Vaadin: You are asking Spring Security to ignore... This is not recommended? - vaadin

While starting up my application I see the following warning in my log:
2022-09-05 09:14:56,557 WARN [main]
You are asking Spring Security to ignore Or [Ant [pattern='/favicon.ico'], Ant [pattern='/manifest.webmanifest'], Ant [pattern='/sw.js'], Ant [pattern='/sw-runtime-resources-precache.js'], Ant [pattern='/offline.html'], Ant [pattern='/offline-stub.html'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon.png'], Ant [pattern='/themes/**'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-144x144.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-192x192.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-512x512.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-16x16.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-32x32.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-96x96.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-180x180.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2048x2732.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2732x2048.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1668x2388.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2388x1668.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1668x2224.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2224x1668.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1620x2160.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2160x1620.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1536x2048.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2048x1536.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1284x2778.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2778x1284.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1170x2532.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2532x1170.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1125x2436.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2436x1125.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1242x2688.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2688x1242.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-828x1792.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1792x828.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1242x2208.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-2208x1242.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-750x1334.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1334x750.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-640x1136.png'], Ant [pattern='/icons/icon-1136x640.png']].
This is not recommended -- please use permitAll via HttpSecurity#authorizeHttpRequests instead.
Please advise what do I need to do/add to get rid of that warning.
My SecurityConfiguration looks like so (as copied from an Example-Application):
...package and imports omitted for brevity
public class SecurityConfiguration extends VaadinWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
setLoginView(http, LoginView.class);
public UserDetailsService userDetailsService() {
... omitted user details handling for brevity ...
I am using Vaadin 23.1.2 and Java 17.

You can ignore the warning.
An issue is already reported and this will be fixed soon


How perform OpenJPA Enhancement when using Gradle?

I've tried this gradle plugin but it complains that it cannot find certain libraries and doesn't support providedCompile which makes this unusable for me anyway.
I've also tried calling ANT tasks, my latest attempt below is throwing:
Caused by: C:\Work_Java\workspace\PaxHoldRelease\jpa_enhance.xml:5: taskdef class org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask cannot be found
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'war'
apply plugin: 'ear'
// Java compilier compliance level
sourceCompatibility = 1.7
targetCompatibility = 1.7
repositories {
ant.importBuild 'jpa_enhance.xml'
war.dependsOn enhance
dependencies {
// Ensure ear plugin gets war file
deploy files(war)
providedCompile 'javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.0.1'
compile 'javax.websocket:javax.websocket-api:1.1'
compile 'org.glassfish.jersey.containers:jersey-container-servlet:2.16'
compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:2.5.1'
compile 'org.glassfish:javax.json:1.0.4'
providedCompile 'org.apache.openjpa:openjpa:2.2.2'
providedCompile 'com.sybase:jconn3:6.05'
providedCompile files('libs/sqljdbc4-3.0.jar')
This is the latest version in a long list of attempts and probably complete rubbish as I just ripped everything out in a fit of desperation :-(
<target name="enhance">
<taskdef name="openjpac" classname="org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask"/>
<!-- invoke enhancer on all .java files below the model directory -->
<echo message="Enhancing complete!"/>
Try this Andrew - I loosely based this gradle on the nice Enhancer script provided on S.O. by another member (for the DataNucleus enhancer).
Note that you will need to modify the entity-files (include/exclude) to point to your specific 'to be/to not be' enhanced Java source files. Further, this approach assumes that classpath derives from your parent build.gradle.
task openJPAEnhance {
description "Enhance JPA model classes using OpenJPA Enhancer"
dependsOn compileJava
doLast {
// define the entity classes
def entityFiles = fileTree(sourceSets.main.output.classesDir).matching {
include 'org/foo/mypkg/entity/*.class'
exclude 'org/foo/mypkg/entity/DoNotEnhance.class'
println "Enhancing with OpenJPA, the following files..."
entityFiles.getFiles().each {
println it
// define Ant task for Enhancer
name : 'openjpac',
classpath : sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath,
classname : 'org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask'
// Run the OpenJPA Enhancer as an Ant task
// - see OpenJPA 'PCEnhancerTask' for supported arguments
// - this invocation of the enhancer adds support for a default-ctor
// - as well as ensuring JPA property use is valid.
classpath: sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath,
addDefaultConstructor: true,
enforcePropertyRestrictions: true) {
entityFiles.addToAntBuilder(ant, 'fileset', FileCollection.AntType.FileSet)
I hope this helps, and the individual who wrote that first gradle script did not mind that we re-purposed it (from DataNucleus) to OpenJPA.

Are Gradle Resolvers available to Ant?

I have an Ivy resolver defined in my repositories closure:
repositories {
ivy {
name "local-ivy"
url "http://host/ivy-repo/"
layout 'pattern', { ... }
I'm trying to use it in an Ant publish task like this:
ant.taskdef(name: 'ivyPublish', classname: 'org.apache.ivy.ant.IvyPublish', classpath: configurations.ivy.asPath)
ant.ivyPublish(pubrevision: '1.0.0',
status: 'release',
resolver: 'local-ivy',
artifactspattern: 'buildSrc/ivyUpload/[artifact].[ext]',
overwrite: true)
But I get the following exception when Ant tries to resolve a dependency:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unknown resolver local-ivy
Is it possible to expose my Gradle-defined resolver to Ant?
You haven't declared a resolver, but an Ivy repository. You can't use that on the Ant side. (Note that Gradle doesn't use the Ivy library anymore for accessing Ivy repositories.)

Call Ant jar target from Gradle build file

How can I call the Ant target 'jar' from the Gradle build file? I've tried a number of things to no avail. Renaming the 'jar' target in the Ant build file is not an option. I'm in the process of converting an Ant based build system to Gradle and the first required step is to call all the Ant targets from Gradle.
The 'jar' task is a default Gradle task so I'm overwriting/overriding it but I need to call my similarly named Ant target.
Gradle build.gradle file:
// Prevents error "Cannot add task {taskname} as a task with that name already exists"
ant.project.addTarget('clean', new
ant.project.addTarget('jar', new
ant.project.addTarget('test', new
ant.project.addTarget('javadoc', new
ant.importBuild 'build.xml'
task jar(overwrite: true) {
println 'jar'
task clean(overwrite: true) {
println 'clean'
task test(overwrite: true) {
println 'test'
and my Ant build.xml:
<target name='jar' description='jar'>
<echo>Called jar task in ant build</echo>
Running Gradle v1.2
Gradle 1.2
Gradle build time: Wednesday, September 12, 2012 10:46:02 AM UTC
Groovy: 1.8.6
Ant: Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.4 compiled on May 22 2012
Ivy: 2.2.0
JVM: 1.6.0_25 (Sun Microsystems Inc. 20.0-b11)
OS: Linux amd64
Gradle only adds a jar task when you apply the Java plugin, which you shouldn't do for the project into which you import the Ant build. I don't think you should ever call ant.project.addTarget from a Gradle build script.

Classpath for ant plugins when using ANTBuilder from Gradle

I have a build.gradle file which loads PMD (downloading it from upstream Maven), and then loads an Ant build.xml file which requires PMD:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'pmd:pmd:4.2.5'
ant.importBuild 'shared-build.xml'
However, the Ant import fails:
taskdef class net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
at org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultAntBuilder.importBuild(DefaultAntBuilder.groovy:76)
How can Gradle's ant integration be instructed to make this available?
There's no straighforward way to do it, as Gradle does not offer any API support for this. So you need to hack it some way.
For example, you can do something like this, right before calling ant.importBuild file('libs/somelib.jar').toURI().toURL() )
Alternatively you can call the addURL() method with the paths you get through the Gradle's dependency resolution (again, this should be executed before the call to ant.importBuild).
configurations { someconf }
dependencies { someconf "org.eclipse.jdt:ecj:3.6.1" }
def antClassLoader =
configurations.someconf.each { File f ->
Of course, another solution would be to have the classpath defined inside your build.xml file so you won't have to do anything from Gradle.
See some input here

Setting environment variables from Gradle

I need to execute from Gradle an Ant script which relies on environment variables.
Ant uses <property environment="env"/> for it.
I tried to do"bar" in Gradle, but it throws a Groovy exception.
What is the proper way to pass environment variables from Gradle to Ant?
From the gradle 2.0 docs, i see something like this is possible
test {
environment "LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "lib"
Or in this case could use this
systemProperty "java.library.path", "lib"
It is impossible to set environment variables from Gradle or JVM in general, but it is possible to trick Ant like this:[''] = 'bar'
Accepted solution from #Sergey:[''] = 'bar'
Does not work for me on gradle 2.9 and ant 1.9.7.
That did not thrown any error, but do nothing. Indeed if you are look at code it implemented as:
public Hashtable<String, Object> getProperties() {
return PropertyHelper.getPropertyHelper(this).getProperties();
where is:
public Hashtable<String, Object> getProperties() {
//avoid concurrent modification:
synchronized (properties) {
return new Hashtable<String, Object>(properties);
So it make explicit copy and it can't work.
The way do it correctly in gradle file:
ant.project.setProperty('', 'bar')
Documentation mention few other ways (note, without project):
ant.buildDir = buildDir = buildDir['buildDir'] = buildDir 'buildDir', location: buildDir)
