address of file section `.bss' is not within region `ewram' when compiling for Nintendo DS - homebrew

I am compiling a Nintendo DS game, and recently it has been giving me a weird error I've never seen before:
.../ld.exe: address 0x2382a18 of .../game.elf section `.data' is not within region `ewram'
.../ld.exe: .../game.elf section `.itcm' will not fit in region `ewram'
.../ld.exe: .../game.elf section `.bss' is not within region `ewram'
.../ld.exe: .../game.elf section `.data' is not within region `ewram'
.../ld.exe: .../game.elf section `.bss' is not within region `ewram'
.../ld.exe: region `ewram' overflowed by 22960 bytes
How do i fix it?
Edit: I redownloaded the source code and it magically works?


RGeo::GeoJSON not decoding and returning geometry as_text for 'doughnut' polygon

Some geographical regions are areas that surround a major metropolitain city, where each is a distinct administrative area. This is the case of the capitals of Switzerland (de facto) and Brazil.
GeoJSON data for these regions are defined of geometry type polygons or multipolygons. But in both cases, when the command to
is launched so that the geometry can be returned as text and stored with postGIS
the following error is generated:
RGeo::Error::InvalidGeometry: LinearRing failed ring test
which I interpret as the polygon not being closed. It is, but with a wrinkle.
How can one handle this ring-with-a-ring-in-it ?
After looking at all the geocoordinates and testing the string, the conclusion is that this question is not an issue of having an empty polygon withing a polygon.
Rather, when zooming in on the data, there is an area (in the case of Bern, the tiny hamlet of Schelten), which is an island of German speakers in the French Jura area - who seemed to have chosen to be part of a non-French canton. However, the polygon that comprises it defines it as an extension of the much bigger polygon, creating a crossover and thus the LinearRing error.
Basically, the polygon cannot have points that touch its own edges.
The Bernese issue gets resolved by extracting that cross-over area into its own polygon...

R Markdown version of \framesubtitle?

The following is the least TeXy way I know of to create a beamer slide with a subtitle:
output: beamer_presentation
### Title of Slide
\framesubtitle{Subtitle of Slide}
Frame content.
Is there a way using no LaTeX, or does R Markdown not directly support slide subtitles?
Markdown doesn't support \framesubtitles. It assumes you'll use the regular markdown #'s to denote sectional units, and a specific (highest) level is used for frame titles. Anything lower than that will only create headers within the frame, but not a subtitle. From the Pandoc Manual (based on a specified --slide-level or the default):
The document is carved up into slides according to the following rules:
A horizontal rule always starts a new slide.
A header at the slide level always starts a new slide.
Headers below the slide level in the hierarchy create headers within a slide.
Headers above the slide level in the hierarchy create "title slides," which just contain the section title and help to break the slide show into sections.
Content above the slide level will not appear in the slide show.
Of specific interest here is that "headers below the slide level in the hierarchy creates headers within a slide." These headers are actually block environments, since the following minimal markdown
title: A title
keep_tex: true
slide_level: 1
# Title of Slide
## Subtitle of Slide
Frame content.
creates a .tex file:
\title{A title}
\begin{frame}{Title of Slide}
\begin{block}{Subtitle of Slide}
Frame content.
If your presentation is fairly simple, you can trick LaTeX into converting a block environment into the \framesubtitle. Add the following file (call it block-to-framesubtitle.tex) in your working folder:
Now you can use
title: A title
slide_level: 1
- \input{block-to-framesubtitle}
# Title of Slide
## Subtitle of Slide
Frame content.

Centered title does not show up in Table of Contents in Rmarkdown

Most reports in my area have the titles of new sections centered in bold. I can do this via a LaTex command (see example below).
However I really like the Table of Contents feature in Rmarkdown where it registers any text in the non-chunk portion of the .Rmd document beginning with at least one # as a heading and dutifully bolds it and places it in the table of contents.
The problem is that these titles are left-aligned.
I want my cake and to eat it too. I want a centre-aligned heading that shows up in the table of contents
.Rmd script illustrating the problem included below. Any solution to this problem would be much appreciated.
title: "A Problem With Centering Headings"
output: pdf_document
toc: yes
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
# This Title Shows Up In My TOC
\textbf{This Title Does Not Show Up in My TOC}
This is some text that is completely irrelevant to the example
I have done some reading of the sectsty package's documentation and this is the way it is done.
Step 1: include the sectsty package in your YAML metadata.
Step 2: At the beginning of the document specify how you would like the different tiered headings to be aligned within your document. allsectionsfont{<command>} applies the command in the curly braces to the first-tiered section headings (in Rmarkdown designated by a single #). subsectionfont{<command>} applies the command in the curly braces to second-tiered headings (designated by ##), and subsubsectionfont{<command>} does the same to the third-tiered headings. AND all of these headings will show up in your TOC.
Note: \raggedright left-aligns and \raggedleft right aligns. Don't know why but that's the way it is.
See RMarkdown doc below
title: "No more problems With Centering Headings"
output: pdf_document
toc: yes
- \usepackage{sectsty}
# At last my main titles are centered
Now for some irrelevant text.
## Second Tiered Titles are Automatically Left-aligned
Now for more text
### Third-tiered titles are automatically right-aligned
now some more text

Cropping the liquid region of a bottle for processing

Basically what I want to do is to filter out only the liquid region of the bottle for further processing. So the next processes would apply only for that region.
I've tried various methods for months but didn't have any luck. I can filter out the region between the top liquid boundary and the top of the bottom dark region. But that doesn't serve my purpose as I need the areas at the sides of the dark region at the bottom of the bottles too. Im trying to do this in openCV/EmguCV.
help please...
You may upload the images you have already obtained (code as well), along with the regions that your result failed to include. Currently I am not quite sure which part of liquid would you like to get. I tried some easy processing, and get a liquid region. Please let me know if there is some problem.
(1) Remove the region with (i) intensity of 255 at either R,G or B space, or (ii) all the 3 space with intensity of less than 100, shown in upper left as I0;
(2) HSV space. Remove the region with Hue value equal to 0.5 or 1, shown in upper middle as I1;
(3) Remove the region with Saturation value no less than 0.5, shown in upper right as I2;
(4) I2&I1, remove the region with small areas, fill in the holes, shown in lower left as I3;
(5) I0(:,:,1)&I3 where I0(:,:,1) is its channel 1. Fill in the holes, smooth the edges, shown in lower middle;
(6) Use (5)'s result as a mask on the original image, shown in the lower right.
I think you can also get the liquid region with the dark side at the bottom shown as a hole, you can use cvFloodFill() to fill the holes, and get a intact liquid region.

What is "alignment", and how to convert from one alignment to another?

Here's the steps to convert from section alignment to file alignment:
Find the RVA for the data
From the RVA, derive the section to which the data referenced belongs. This is trivial, since sections don’t overlap. The starting addresses of the various sections are available in the file header
Find the difference between the RVA and the starting address of the section to find the data offset, ie, offset of that data within a section.
From the file header, for the same section, find the location of the same section in the file.
Add the data offset to the location of section in the file, to find the address of the data in the file.
But I just don't understand that, can someone elaborate with more details?
Alignment is a rounded up value. Section data size is rounded up for effeciency because the OS moves stuff around in chunks anyway.
The File Alignment is usually 512 bytes which fit the blocksize of most filesystems.
The Section Alignment is usually 4096 bytes which fit the size of a memory page.
So if you have a PE-file with a section (like ".text") that contains 513 bytes of data:
Section .text will be rounded up to 1024 bytes on file.
Section .text will be rounded up to 4096 bytes in memory.
Note the amount of slack space possible both on file and in memory.
I'm unsure about why you want to "convert from one alignment to the other". The recipe you got there leaves the goal of the exercise as a mystery. If your goal is to manipulate PE-files then all you have to consider is the File Alignment. The Windows loader will handle the Section Alignment stuff when it throws it into memory, so you usually don't need to think about that at all.
You can read more about PE here.
