Quill-with-react-redux-form-validation need to done - antd

Can anyone do ReactQuill antd form validation using redux? It may be very helpful if it done


Structural help - rails if statement

Please could you help me to think about how best to layout a form.
I have a series of checklist boolean questions (for example, do you want data?). If the answer is yes, I want to show questions further relating to data.
I have a form with the series of boolean questions and another form with the follow up questions to be shown if the answer is true at the top level.
How do I go about revealing the detailed follow up questions if the answer at the top is true?
I tried if true then -- a link to the follow up form, but I'm either expressing it incorrectly or approaching the layout all wrong. I've seen some questions in this post describing methods to help with the reveal, but I don't follow the reasoning behind why.
Thank you.
It sounds like you will need a large nested form, or multiple smaller forms.
You have 2 simple options:
Use Javascript to hide/show nested questions when some checks a box. here is an example: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6358754/1536309
Create a wizard! think about how your form can be completed in a few stages instead of at one time. https://github.com/schneems/wicked this is a good gem for building wizards. You could have each checkbox and its related information be a stage in the wizard, then the last page would submit the entire form contents.

Live form validation using with jQuery/Coffee AJAX Rails

Okey, so I have this problem... And I've had it for like weeks. I'm working on a school project and I'm supposed to make a live form validation using Ruby on rails and ajax (jQuery/Coffee). I've google my arse off and I've found loads and loads of plugins for it, but not one helpful tutorial. I've got some code together that seems legit, but I need help to make this code validate the form live, checking the database for email, username etc. It's for the sign up page so I think you get the idea.
$("#new_user").live "ajax:beforeSend", (event, xhr, status) ->
form = $(this)
form.validate {
# Validations goes here, but how do I write it?
false unless form.valid()
So I guess I'm suppose to write a controller to handle the validations through this jQuery. I'm really new to both Rails and Ajax, so please help me out here.
Your school project will probably be due by now, but here goes anyway.
Check out https://github.com/bcardarella/client_side_validations.
If you use this, you don't need to worry about writing javascript to validate your form. You just need to worry about writing the correct validations in your model.
This might help get you started http://railscasts.com/episodes/263-client-side-validations.
Also if you are new to rails you should know that for most common problems and for a lot of not so common problems there is a solution in the form of a gem.
So if you need to write sign-in/sign-up functionality you might want to check out https://github.com/plataformatec/devise. Which also has a railscast http://railscasts.com/episodes/209-introducing-devise.
Finally here is wiki page that explains how to make client_side_validationsand simple_form work together https://github.com/bcardarella/client_side_validations/wiki/Using-Devise.
Hope this helps.

Sending forms to the rails application from outside HTML websites

I need to submit forms from a couple of remote sites to the central rails application that processes and stores data. You can think about it as of widget form (something similar to what Wufoo service provides).
These outside sites are going to be pure HTML (what means no server-side scripting - only JS/jQuery at browser side). I am aware that straight way to get it would be to put the form inside of an iframe element but I'd be glad to avoid this.
What would be a good and safe pattern to build such interaction?
I wrote simply HTML form sending data to create action in proper controller and submit form with AJAX/jQuery. It almost works, however I got
WARNING: Can't verify CSRF token authenticity
warning so, I'm sure, this approach would not be useful in production.
May someone who is experienced provide me some advice? Thank You.

(tricky?) validation for a sfWidgetFormChoice form widget in Symfony

I am using Symfony 1.3.2 with Propel ORM on Ubuntu 9.10.
I am writing a registration form, which requires a user to provide a user name.
I want to impose the following restrictions on the choice of names:
That the name is unique (i.e. is not already in use by someone else
The name is not in a list of offensive names, stored in a database table
For the first requirement, it is easily done by using the sfValidatorPropelUnique validator.
The challenge however lies in implementing the second requirement AND COMBINING requirement 1 and 2 into a single validator.
I suppose I could write a custom validator to do this, but I am wondering is there a better way to do this (i.e. using the framework, and not "rolling my own" solution ?
Can't think of a ready symfony validator solution to do that, and in any case, you'd need to write the database call separately.
I'd go with 'rolling your own solution' but perhaps someone more experienced has a better idea.
There's something in this doc about Propel autocomplete which might give you some ideas if you're minded to explore further:
... courtesy of the sfFromExtraPlugin, but I'm not even sure if that's 1.3 compatible.
You have to use sfValidatorPropelUnique and a post validator, see here

AJAX Rails Validation

I have my form and validation working great with regular http requests. I would like it to use AJAX. I know i can validate on the client side but that seems redundant given that I have defined the validations in my model.
As the user is filling out the form, I'd like to give feedback to them on their entries. What is the best way to use the rails defined validations in an AJAX form and give live feedback?
Check out the live-validations plugin. There's also an introductory screencast.
For Rails 3 check out Client Side Validations: https://github.com/bcardarella/client_side_validations
Here's the railscast: http://railscasts.com/episodes/263-client-side-validations
Live-validations was kinda messy to get working for me, so I started with my own solution from scratch backed by Validatious. It's actually really DRY because of the Rails conventions in the back that made it possible to do a lot of smart assumptions. In most cases, all you need is to include a few javascript dependencies and declare your validations in your models as always - and it all just works! =) Peep the README for details.
Here it is:
If you're looking for a solution to this that does not introduce any plugin dependencies check out my screencast on the issue:
AJAX Validations on Rails 2.3.8
https://github.com/augustl/live-validations/wiki has installation instructions.
When you add LiveValidations.use :jquery_validations to the bottom of your environment.rb, make sure it is outside of the Rails::Initializer block.
