I want to use the mqtt message broker mosquitto to receive the value of each sensor to the Raspberry Pi and to monitor the message delivery success rate of each sensor. In order to obtain this information, we need to calculate the packet loss rate. Can I get the information from within mosquitto?
Good afternoon, so I have currently an MQTT session active. I am using Eclipse Mosquitto as a broker.
The publisher is a Core2 from M5Stack that has a connected sensor and this device sends the read temperature to Mosquitto which through Prometheus plots the information in software grafana.
So the problem here is that the Core2 sometimes runs out of battery, but grafana keeps plotting data on a loop of the last read value, which is the last value the Core2 sent before disconnecting. We have connected the core2 to the wall but we want to make sure in case it disconnects it will stop plotting data in Grafana.
Any idea on what could I do?
I would like to use LoRa (not LoRaWAN) to send a measurement from a LoRa device to a M5 Stack (esp32) with a LoRa module using a point-to-point connection.
Is it possible to save that measurement to a database (using WiFi) after it is received by the M5 Stack? Will I be able to access the content of the received packet by the M5 Stack?
Also, if this is possible, how many devices could send measurements to the M5 Stack?
I'm using the Firebase Realtime Database. I'm already storing some data into the database using a normal M5 Stack, but I'm not sure whether it would work with the packets received from LoRa. I'm planning to use a LoRa temperature sensor. The message should contain the temperature measured, timestamp and battery level. The LoRa packet should be sent every 30 minutes.
We have installed N LoRaWAN sensors and M gateways. These sensors require an acknowledgment message from the network server. Communication is carried out every hour in SF9 on the 915 MHz band. If the acknowledgment is not received, the sensor switches to a degraded mode and then communicates K times more, in order to catch the signal from the gateway.
In order to try to solve this problem, we have tried to increase the density of the gateway network.
What is the number of Gateways to add?
We have a mosquito broker installed in our cloud server. Our gateway is sending data by using an MQTT client with 2G signal. We are observing data loss in a few scenarios.
When the gateway is disconnected from internet we queue messages in the gateway for few days. When it reaches the internet again then it starts pushing data to broker with two threads: one is for live messages, the other is for queued messages. We get a callback ACK for each and every message but we are loosing some messages on the server side.
How do we make sure that all produced messages will be processed in the broker?
How do we handle the burst of message in the gateway? One option is to delay the sending of each queued message by a few milliseconds (to avoid that they all try to reach the broker at once.
We are using QoS level 1 for our publisher/subscriber and want to continued using QoS level 1.
How do I set transmission and receiving frequency band in contiki in CC1200 driver?