docker-compose cannot resolve DNS - docker

The problem is that docker compose cannot build image, failing on RUN npm ci. But after hours of debugging, I isolated the problem and pinned it in this minimal setup:
My docker-compose.yml
version: '3.8'
dockerfile: Dockerfile
context: .
target: development
command: sleep Infinity
My Dockerfile
FROM node:18-alpine AS development
RUN ping
When I run docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d --build
I'm getting error:
What I tried so far
In Dockerfile replace ping to ping <real-ip>. ✅ And it works, so I assume it's DNS problem.
Add dns into docker-compose.yml: dns: ❌ No luck
Run under super user sudo docker compose …. ❌ No luck
I tried to build image from Dockerfile without compose, using just docker build command. ✅ And it works, so the problem with docker compose.
Commented RUN ping … command, so it does not fail and runs sleep Infinity form the compose config. Then I connected into the container via docker exec -it <container> sh and was able to ping google and run npm ci. So when container is running it has access to DNS. The problem happens only in docker compose on the build stage from Dockerfile.
It's a VPS on hetzner. I ssh under a user with sudo and docker group.


'Cypress could not verify that this server is running' error when using Docker

I am running Cypress version 10.9 from inside Docker in a Mac OS. I set my base URL as localhost:80. As a simple example, I am running an Apache server on localhost:80 which if I go to a web browser, I get the 'It works!' page, so it is indeed up. I also can ping localhost:80 from the same terminal I am executing my Docker Cypress container.
But I get this error every time when attempting to run my Cypress container:
Cypress could not verify that this server is running:
> http://localhost
We are verifying this server because it has been configured as your baseUrl.
I do see there are some stackoverflow posts(ie, [][1]) that talk about this error. However, the application under test in these posts are inside another Docker container. The Apache page is not under a container.
This is my docker-compose.yml:
version: '3'
# Docker entry point for the whole repo
context: .
dockerfile: Dockerfile
- ./:/e2e
I pass 'http://localhost' from my environment CYPRESS_BASE_URL setting.
This is the docker command I use to build my image:
docker compose up --build
And then to run the Cypress container:
docker compose run --rm e2e cypress run
Some other posts suggest running the docker run command with --network to make sure my Cypress container runs on the same network as the compose network(ref: Why Cypress is unable to determine if server is running?) but I am executing 'docker compose run' which does not have a --network argument.
I also verified that my /etc/hosts has an entry of localhost as other posts have suggested. Any suggestions? Thanks.

docker-compose working but docker run not

I have a docker-compose with just one image. This is the docker-compose.yml definition:
image: ""
container_name: 'myNodeApp'
- data:/root/data
But I want to move it to docker run as I am using just one container. Executing a docker run command as the following:
docker run --name myNodeApp -v "data:/root/data"
But I get this message 1.12.4. However, executing docker-compose up starts the application and shows the log by output.
What is the difference? What is the equivalent of docker-compose up with docker? What am I doing differently?
I think you are looking for this?
docker run -it --name myNodeApp -v "data:/root/data"
Or maybe this command would help you, because it will build a local image associated with the config in your docker-compose.yml .
docker-compose build
docker images

What is the difference between docker run -p and ports in docker-compose.yml?

I would like to use a standard way of running my docker containers. I have have been keeping a file, but docker-compose.yml looks like a better choice. This seems to work great until I try to access my website running in the container. The ports don't seem to be set up correctly.
Using the following, I can access the website at localhost. I expected the following docker-compose.yml file to have the same results when I use the docker-compose run web command.
docker build -t web .
docker run -it -v /home/<user>/git/www:/var/www -p 80:80/tcp -p 443:443/tcp -p 3316:3306/tcp web
version: '3'
image: web
build: .
- "80:80"
- "443:443"
- "3316:3306"
- "../www:/var/www"
Further analysis
The ports are reported as the same in docker ps and docker-compose ps. Note: these were not up at the same time.
$ docker ps
<id> web "/usr/local/scripts/…" About an hour ago Up About an hour>80/tcp,>443/tcp,>3306/tcp <name>
$ docker-compose ps
Name Command State Ports
web /usr/local/scripts/start_s ... Up>3306/tcp,>443/tcp,>80/tcp
What am I missing?
As #richyen suggests in a comment, you want docker-compose up instead of docker-compose run.
docker-compose run...
Runs a one-time command against a service.
That is, it's intended to run something like a debugging shell or a migration script, in the overall environment specified by the docker-compose.yml file, but not the standard command specified in the Dockerfile (or the override in the YAML file).
Critically to your question,
...docker-compose run [...] does not create any of the ports specified in the service configuration. This prevents port collisions with already-open ports. If you do want the service’s ports to be created and mapped to the host, specify the --service-ports flag.
Beyond that, the docker run command you show and the docker-compose.yml file should be essentially equivalent.
You don't run docker-compose.yamls the same way that you would run a local docker image that you have either installed or created on your machine. docker-compose files are typically launched running the command docker-compose up -d to run in detached mode. Then when you run docker ps you should see it running. You can also run docker-compose ps as you did above.

container exit with code 0 while using docker compose file

I have a dockerfile to install httpd. When i run this dockerfile using the command
docker run -dit /bin/bash,
the container is started and it is running in the background. when i perform docker ps i could see the container running.
I have created a docker-compose.yml file as below,
version: '2'
context: ./web
dockerfile: Dockerfile-apache
image: web:1.0
container_name: web
- "80:80"
command: service httpd start
i have build this compose file using the
docker-compose build.
Once after that i started the containers using
docker-compose up -d.
The containers are getting exited. i am not sure how to make the containers run at background.
Also i want to make the services running inside the container. For example i need to run the command like service httpd start inside the container and how to do it ?
This is because a Docker container only lives as long as its command runs.
Your command service httpd start will start httpd in the background and then exit. This will terminate httpd and the container.
You will have to run the httpd process directly and in the foreground, see the official image's start script:
You can't run docker with -dit options together. -d means to run it in background mode and -ti means an interaction with terminal. So, have to run with -d OR with -ti and not both

Docker - issue command from one linked container to another

I'm trying to set up a primitive CI/CD pipeline using 2 Docker containers -- I'll call them jenkins and node-app. My aim is for the jenkins container to run a job upon commit to a GitHub repo (that's done). That job should run a script on the node-app container. Therefore, when a developer commits to GitHub, jenkins picks up the commit, then kicks off a job including automated tests (in the future) followed by a deployment on node-app.
The jenkins container is using the latest image (Dockerfile).
The node-app container's Dockerfile is:
FROM node:latest
WORKDIR /usr/src/final-exercise
ADD . /usr/src/final-exercise
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs npm
RUN cd /src/final-exercise; npm install
CMD ["node", "/usr/src/final-exercise/app.js"]
jenkins and node-app are linked using Docker Compose, and that docker-compose.yml file contains (updated, thanks to #alkis):
container_name: node-app
build: .
- 80:80
- jenkins
container_name: jenkins
image: jenkins
- 8080:8080
- /home/ec2-user/final-exercise:/var/jenkins
The containers are built using docker-compose up -d and start as expected. docker ps yields (updated):
69e52b216d48 finalexercise_node-app "node /usr/src/final-" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>80/tcp node-app
5f7e779e5fbd jenkins "/bin/tini -- /usr/lo" 3 hours ago Up 3 hours>8080/tcp, 50000/tcp jenkins
I can ping jenkins from node-app and vice versa.
Is this even possible? If not, am I making an architectural mistake here?
Thank you very much in advance, I appreciate it!
I've stumbled upon nsenter and easily entering a container's shell using this and this. However, these both assume that the origin (in their case the host machine, in my case the jenkins container) has Docker installed in order to find the PID of the destination container. I can nsenter into node-app from the host, but still no luck from jenkins.
build: .
- 80:80
- finalexercise_jenkins_1
image: jenkins
- 8080:8080
- /home/ec2-user/final-exercise:/var/jenkins
Try the above. You are linking by image name, but you must use container name.
In your case, since you don't specify explicitly the container name, it gets auto-generated like this
finalexercise : folder where your docker-compose.yml is located
node-app : container configs tag
1 : you only have one container with the prefix finalexercise_node-app. If you built a second one, then its name will be finalexercise_node-app_2
The setup of the yml files:
build: .
container_name: my-node-app
- 80:80
- my-jenkins
image: jenkins
container_name: my-jenkins
- 8080:8080
- /home/ec2-user/final-exercise:/var/jenkins
Of course you can specify a container name for the node-app as well, so you can use something constant for the communication.
In order to test, log to a bash terminal of the jenkins container
docker exec -it my-jenkins bash
Then try to ping my-node-app, or even telnet for the specific port.
ping my-node-app:80
Or you could
telnet my-node-app 80
What you want to do is easily accomplished by the exec command.
From your host you can execute this (try it so you are sure it's working)
docker exec -i <container_name> ./
If the above works, then your problem delegates to executing the same command from a container. As it is you can't do that, since the container that's issuing the command (jenkins) doesn't have access to your host's docker installation (which not only recognises the command, but holds control of the container you need access to).
I haven't used either of them, but I know of two solutions
Use this official guide to gain access to your host's docker daemon and issue docker commands from your containers as if you were doing it from your host.
Mount the docker binary and socket into the container, so the container acts as if it is the host (every command will be executed by the docker daemon of your host, since it's shared).
This thread from SO gives some more insight about this issue.
