how to send multiple files to multiple users through using SSIS using SQL table data - ssis-2012

I have a SQL table as shown in the picture
pdf files names in the SQL table and pdf files file names will be the same
request you to please help me to create SSIS
i need to send multiple files to multiple users as above


How to create multiple BI publisher reports from same ess job in oracle cloud

I am trying to run a ESS job that will create two files as output. My requirement is to create an extract file and another file that shows how many records are present in the extract file. I know how to create the extract file by writing the select query , but how do I find the count in the first select query and send it to another file ? These two files should be generated when I run the same ess job.
One report should be created after another
If you haven't seen it, I believe that this document going over creating reports in BI can assist -
Specifically section 4.3

How to validate data inside a csv or excel file?

I currently have a mvc task to validate the data inside the csv or excel file before it uploads to sharepoint.
I need to validate the data such as phone number format and other types of data inside the uploaded csv or excel file.if the phone number format inside the file is not correct(ex: (985)-265-abcd) the file should not validate/upload and it has thorw validation error.
Is there any way to achieve that kind of functionality
You need to create an event receiver that fires when the item is being added to the library. At that point, you need to get your file, run the validation logic, and if validation fails, cancel the event to prevent the file from uploading.

Rails, Audit Log in View

I have a Model called file.rb that handles a files data table. This was done so that I can upload excel files from a file index.html.erb, and have the file name stored, see who uploaded the file, when it was created, etc(just tracking the files). These Excel files have many rows and each row have a bottle object with many attributes. During the create method, after save, I send the uploaded file to another model `bottle.rb'.
The bottle.rb model handles opening the Excel file and importing the information from the Excel file into the bottles data table.
I would like to be able to create an audit log with a message telling me success or failure of an uploaded excel file. Once the file passes the validations, I would like to see how many updates and new inserts to the bottles table. And be able to see this in the view where I upload the Excel file. I appreciate any helpful tips! I made an activity feed but for the entire application, but I am unsure how to go about to do this task.

Importing csv/xls format files with smartGWT

I am using smartgwt free version (not EE). Is there a built in widget to handle importing .csv or excel format files?
I can currently export records from a listGrid to csv. I want to be able to open up another browser, and import the csv file, and based on the configuration that I have exported onto the csv file, re-create the records that I have exported.
I've done the same thing, to achieve that I would suggest a custom datasource using gwt-rpc. You can get the code here.
The thing is I've used gwtupload to send the excel file to the server. Once that is done call fetch to your custom datasource with the file path that was uploaded to the server. Using Apache POI on the server side to parse the data and return that as a result to your datasource fetch call. Within the execute fetch create Record objects and add them to your grid.
you can get the gwtupload from here,

Web API Folder to place template Reports (rpt, xml, etc.)

I have my Web API project, and one its controllers will generate Reports on the fly (PDF, Excel, etc.)
In order to generate the Reports, I have the template files rpt (crystal reports), xml (componentone), etc. My question is where is the recommended folder to place those files.
Note. The generated report won't be saved on server, the controller will just response the stream to the client.
I would put them into "~/Content/Reports" and read from there.
