Detect stop button Xcode pressed - ios

Is it possible to add in AppDelegate to detect when the app stopped running after pressing the Stop button here:
I know about applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillTerminate, but those won't run when tapping the Stop button in Xcode.

No you can't detect that as it's IDE internal work , also you mix between 2 separate things these 2 delegate methods applicationDidEnterBackground and applicationWillTerminate can be tested when you leave the app (Swipe up or go to home screen in your iphone/simulator without closing it)


UI-Test with XCTest: how to trigger App-State Foreground-Inactive Foreground-Active

How can I trigger the following behavior in Swift UI Tests via XCTest:
Get the app to foreground and inactive (applicationWillResignActive) and back to "foreground and active" (applicationDidBecomeActive)
Possible gestures, while app is in foreground and active, could be:
open app switcher and go back to app
open control center and hide control center
open notification center and hide notification center
I searched for something like that following fictive(!) code XCUIDevice.shared.doublePress(XCUIDevice.Button.home) or XCUIDevice.shared.swipeDownFromOutside(); XCUIDevice.shared.swipeUpFromOutside().
Or a more better way a method call to simulate an open app switcher, control center or notification center immediately.
Or in the best way to simulate the status applicationWillResignActive, applicationDidBecomeActive immediately.
Important to understand: the event applicationDidEnterBackground must not called - the app has to stay in foreground (but inactive)!
So recently on wwdc2017 Apple released a convenient way to work with multi app. You can see the multi App portion of the video link below.

Detecting home button press on iOS?

Is there any way to detect if the user has pressed the home button on iOS? Obviously if the app is running normally the app delegate methods gets called, but if the device is locked to an app (through Guided Access or an MDM-server) so the app doesn't quit when you push the home button - is there then any way to know if the user pushed it?
My initial thought was to listen for notifications, but I can't seem to see any generated by pressing the home button.
no not on a stock idevice
on a stock device your best bet is UIApplicationDidEnterBackgroundNotification (Posted when the app enters the background.)
there is no dedicated way to listen for presses to the home button though, so this won't work for GuidedAccess either

Home button does not terminate program in simulator

I'm new to programming and have been using this site for a while now but everything I've had to ask has been answered somewhere but I couldn't find an answer to this:
I am programming a game for the Apple AppStore using Xcode and test it on the iOS Simulator. When I "Build and Run the current Scheme" (the play button on Xcode), I can test out my game, and when I am done I can hit the "Stop the running scheme or application" (the stop button on Xcode), and of course it ends my game.
However, on the iOS Simulator, an icon for my game appears on the main screen along with apple programs such as "safari". When I click this, it enters my game and I can play it fine. However when I click the "Home button" or the "lock button" and re-enter my game, the game is continuing from where I left off; I want the game to end so when I re-enter my game it goes back to its original state.
I was wondering if anyone had a solution to this problem? Thank you in advance for your time and help!
When you hit the Home button on your device or simulator, you are simply "backgrounding" the app. That is, you are not quitting or killing the application, you are simply sending it to an 'idle' sort of state.
iOS will automatically kill/quit applications that are in the background if it needs memory, but what you are probably seeing is that you background your app (hit the Home button), and then you tap the game's icon to open it again. This will resume the game where it left off.
When you hit the square (stop) button in Xcode, you are killing/quitting your application. If you run your application from the simulator (not by hitting the play button in Xcode) and you want to quit the app entirely, hit the Home button twice or use the Command+Shift+H shortcut twice to show the app switcher, and then just drag your application's card up.
This will quit the app and make it launch from scratch when you tap the icon in the home screen again.
Return your game to the original state using this method in the AppDelegate.m:
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
// Sent when the application is about to move from active to inactive state. This can occur for certain types of temporary interruptions (such as an incoming phone call or SMS message) or when the user quits the application and it begins the transition to the background state.
// Use this method to pause ongoing tasks, disable timers, and throttle down OpenGL ES frame rates. Games should use this method to pause the game.
Now when you hit the home button and start the app next time it will be in the state you left it (however you want this to be).

IOS: forcing update before app becomes visible

I have a timer in my app, and I want it to appear to be running while my app is on the background. I'd like that if the user presses the home button when the timer shows, for instant "01:11:11" and then goes back to the app and it becomes visible to him 10 minutes later, to see the timer as "01:01:11", however I get a split second where it shows the last state when the app went to the background ("01:11:11") before it starts updating from the correct time.
I assumed that I could correct this by updating the state of my timer in "applicationDidBecomeActive" and it did work on my simulator in Xcode but not on my Ipad.
I'm using cocos2d for my drawing and this is what I'm doing in my applicationDidBecomeActive:
CCScene *s=[director_ runningScene];
GameLayer *l=[(GameLayer*)[s getChildByTag:GAME_LAYER_TAG];
if (l!=nil) [l myUpdate];
I don't think it's relevant to the problem though because myUpdate does get called but I still have that split second glitch on my Ipad, as if it starts back from its last state no matter what.
In apples clock app, in applicationDidEnterBackground it hides the timer text, so that when the app comes into the foreground you see a blank UI for the split second where your app is loading the new timer data in the UI. Also, you may want to call some of your applicationDidBecomeActive code in applicationWillEnterForeground, which is called first. But keep in mind, applicationWillEnterForeground is not called when the app first launches.
There will always be a delay between when your app comes into the foreground, and when the UI updates. Theres no way to fix that, so you might as well use what apple uses to get around the issue.
Well I tried to hide my UI in both applicationWillResignActive and applicationDidEnterBackground. Since applicationWillResignActive is called first and before going into preview (double click on HOME) it causes a "not so pretty" preview but I thought at least it would solve my original problem. It didn't (not, on my IPad). It looks like the system takes the screen shot even before applicationWillResignActive.
I checked the timer in the official clock app and I see the clock is updating even when the app is in the background (in preview), so they "cheat" anyway...

Determine the app state on pressing home button twice with app running

I would like to know as to what the application state would be on hitting the iphone "Home" button twice with the application running.
The scenario is something like below:
My iOS app is running on the foreground
With the application running hit the home button twice to bring up the multi-tasking taskbar (obviously my app is not listed here because it's not a recently used app and is still running in the foreground)
Now press anywhere outside the taskbar (i.e in the application) and app will be back in focus again
My questions:
What state would be app be on performing above step #2? Would it enter background or still in foreground? What method would get triggered here?
On performing step #3, would the app re-enter foreground from background? Again what method would get triggered here?
Any hints/suggestions would be very helpful.
The application is about to move from active to inactive state, so it's still in-between. You should be able to use -applicationWillResignActive: in your UIApplicationDelegate.
After returning to the application, the application becomes active again thus receives a -applicationDidBecomeActive: on your UIApplicationDelegate.
