How to insert a comment pinned to the top - youtube-api

I'm using the youtube API to insert videos and in the end insert a comment. It's all working, though, I'd like to leave the pinned comment at the top. How could I do this?
My current code is like this:
$commentSnippet = new Google_Service_YouTube_CommentSnippet();
$commentSnippet->setTextOriginal('My Commment');
$topLevelComment = new Google_Service_YouTube_Comment();
$commentThreadSnippet = new Google_Service_YouTube_CommentThreadSnippet();
$commentThread = new Google_Service_YouTube_CommentThread();
$videoCommentInsertResponse = $youtube->commentThreads->insert('snippet', $commentThread);


How does this bit of code work? Someone said this is a solution

frame.buttons = {}
frame.AddButton = function()
frame.buttons[#frame.buttons + 1] = frame:Add("DButton")
local button = frame.Buttons[#frame.buttons]
I know it's simple, but it's the only part so far that I do not understand.
How do you add now buttons and how do you access them?
This code adds a button to a Frame instance. It also creates a list of buttons in that Frame. You need to replace that "DButton" by a DButton instance.
Ideally you change the code like that:
frame.buttons = {}
frame.AddButton = function(button)
frame.buttons[#frame.buttons + 1] = frame:Add(button)
local button = frame.Buttons[#frame.buttons]
If you want to add a button, create it, then call frame.AddButton(myButton).

Openpyxl don't move hyperlink location after delete_rows()

I am trying to use openpyxl delete_rows() to delete a row from a spreadsheet. The content of the row is removed fine, and the value from the following rows are moved ahead. However, the hyperlink of the following rows are not adjusted accordingly. This will cause value and hyperlink not consistent.
An example to duplicate this problem
from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
destExcelName = 'd:\Temp\hello.xlsx'
wb = load_workbook(destExcelName)
ws =
ws['A1'].value = 'Google'
ws['A1'].hyperlink = ''
ws['A1'].style = 'Hyperlink'
ws['A2'].value = 'Apple'
ws['A2'].hyperlink = ''
ws['A2'].style = 'Hyperlink'
ws['A3'].value = 'StackOverflow'
ws['A3'].hyperlink = ''
ws['A3'].style = 'Hyperlink'
After delete row 2 (the apple line). StackOverflow line is moved ahead and become the new row 2. However, its hyperlink still remains on A3, and A2 don't have a hyperlink value.
Anything can be done to overcome this limitation?

Why these borders are showing when generating pdf using iTextsharp?

I am trying to generate multiple pdfs into a single pdf, which I have achieved by using itextSharp , but while generating them few thing I came across,which are pointed below:
I am getting visible cell border just under image that i inserted .
Bottom image taking a space which flicks the image into another page, with extra visible border.
Also the paragraph didn't align to center.
Apart from these I also need that the text(in paragraph)comes from view(this code is doing in MVC).
How to solve these errors? Below is my code:
public byte[] GetPDF(string pHTML)
byte[] bPDF = null;
MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
TextReader txtReader = new StringReader(pHTML);
//Rectangle pagesize = new Rectangle(864.0f, 1152.0f);
Document doc = new Document(PageSize.NOTE);
string path = Server.MapPath("PDFs");
PdfWriter oPdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, ms);
HTMLWorker htmlWorker = new HTMLWorker(doc);
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++)
PdfPTable table= new PdfPTable(1);
table.TotalWidth = 500f;
table.LockedWidth = true;
table.HorizontalAlignment = 0;
table.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
Image imageTopURL = Image.GetInstance("Top.PNG");
PdfPCell imgTopCell = new PdfPCell(imageTopURL);
Paragraph p = new Paragraph("XYZ", new Font(Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 32f, Font.UNDERLINE));
p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
Image imageMidURL = Image.GetInstance("Mid.PNG");
PdfPCell imgMidCell = new PdfPCell(imageMidURL);
Paragraph p1 = new Paragraph("ABC", new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 29f, Font.ITALIC));
p1.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER;
imgMidCell.Border = 0;
Image imageBotURL = Image.GetInstance("Bottom.PNG");
PdfPCell imgBotCell = new PdfPCell(imageBotURL);
imageTopURL.ScaleAbsolute(505f, 270f);
imageMidURL.ScaleAbsolute(590f, 100f);
imageBotURL.ScaleAbsolute(505f, 170f);
bPDF = ms.ToArray();
return bPDF;
You are telling the table that default cells shouldn't have a border:
table.DefaultCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
This means that PdfPCell instances that are created implicitly won't get a border. For instance: if you do:
table.AddCell("Implicit cell creation");
Then that cell won't get a border.
However: you are creating a cell explicitly:
PdfPCell imgTopCell = new PdfPCell(imageTopURL);
In this case, the DefaultCell is never used. It is very normal that imgTopCell has a border. If you don't want a border for imgTopCell, you need to define the Border of imgTopCell like this:
imgTopCell.Border = Rectangle.NO_BORDER;
Regarding the alignment: it seems that you didn't read about the difference between text mode and composite mode. Please read the documentation, for instance:
Why does ColumnText ignore the horizontal alignment?
How to right-align text in a PdfPCell?
and many other FAQ entries about text mode and composite mode.
You are making a number of newbie mistakes that can all be fixed by reading the documentation. You have too many questions in one post. Please create new questions if my answer didn't solve every single of your problems. I see at least two more questions in your post (your question should actually be closed with as reason "Too broad").
In your comment, you added the following code snippet:
table.AddCell(new Paragraph(data.EmpName, new Font(Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 32f, Font.BOLD)));
You want to center this text.
First, let me explain that you are using the AddCell() method with a Paragraph as parameter. This doesn't really make sense as the Paragraph will be treated as a Phrase. You can as well write:
table.DefaultCell.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER ;
table.AddCell(new Phrase(data.EmpName, new Font(Font.FontFamily.COURIER, 32f, Font.BOLD)));
When you are passing a Phrase to the AddCell() method, you are
using text mode (the properties of the cell prevail over the properties of its elements), and
you are asking iTextSharp to create a PdfPCell.
In this case, iTextSharp will look at the DefaultCell and use the properties of that cell to create a new cell. If you want to center the content of that new cell, you need to define this at the level of the DefaultCell. All of this is explained in my answer to the following questions:
Why doesn't getDefaultCell().setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER) have any effect?
What is the PdfPTable.DefaultCell property used for?

thin border when printing pdf

We use Version 8.1 from ABCPDF to generate some nice PDF documents from html.
Now we discovered that printing from within Adobe Reader, will add some thin borders at the top and bottom of the page, that are not visible when the document is displayed. Also when printing to XPS, those lines are not visible.
I guess we must have missed some setting that avoids that?
At the moment we print pages like that:
using (var doc = new WebSupergoo.ABCpdf8.Doc())
doc.HtmlOptions.DoMarkup = false;
doc.HtmlOptions.AddLinks = false;
doc.HtmlOptions.FontEmbed = true;
doc.HtmlOptions.Engine = EngineType.Gecko;
//in case that we need to create more than 1 page, we need go get the PageId and use it
int pdfPageId = doc.AddImageHtml(html);
while (true)
if (!doc.Chainable(pdfPageId))
doc.Page = doc.AddPage();
pdfPageId = doc.AddImageToChain(pdfPageId);
for (int i = 1; i <= doc.PageCount; i++)
doc.PageNumber = i;
I know the websupergoo guys are very friendly and reply fast.
But I think this could help other people as well, so I write it here instead of sending them an email.
I tried to get rid of the linex by changing the size of the printed document. I actually try to print for A4 Papersize. I added a line of code to change the setting for the MediaBox (the documentation suggested that this should be possible "doc.MediaBox = "A4"", but it's not directly assignable):
//set the printed area to A4
doc.MediaBox.String = "A4";
Result: The lines got thicker and can now even be seen before printing in both AdobeReader and Foxit Reader. this is not yet the solution.
I need to set the Rect of the document as well:
//set the printed area to A4
doc.Rect.String ="A4";
doc.MediaBox.String = "A4";
Result: the lines are now drawn on the sides and can only be seen when printing. That's still not the complete solution.
Well well, copy pasting code from the web has it's dangers!
This line adds the Frame around the content:
all I had to do was remove it.. and no more lines are displayed.
I completely overlooked that until now.
Before I also tried the following, which didn't work as expected:
//set the width to 0, so Rectancles have no width
doc.Width = 0;
// set the color to white, so borders of Rectangles should not be black
doc.Color.String = "255 255 255"; //Edited based on the comments.

How to create PieSeries interpolation in flex 4.5 at run time

i make a PieChart at run time, and i want to interpolate data change, but i have some difficult.
The Code is here:
//Pie Chart
pieChart.dataProvider = expenses;
var pieSeries:PieSeries = new PieSeries();
pieSeries.nameField = "position";
pieSeries.field = "value";
pieSeries.explodeRadius = 0.08;
pieChart.series = null;
I found two method, but i don't know how to use that >.<:
1) First create a SeriesInterpolate class instance and customize it however you want.
2) You can set the showDataEffect style of your pieSeries object to the interpolate object that you just created.
Whalah.. whenever your data changes the interpolator will get triggered.
See the code snippet below..
I've also created an example application with source enabled.
goto: and right-click to view source.
// Create an interpolator and customize its properties
var interpolateDataIn:SeriesInterpolate = new SeriesInterpolate();
interpolateDataIn.duration = 1000;
var pieSeries:PieSeries = new PieSeries();
pieSeries.setStyle("showDataEffect", interpolateDataIn); // apply interpolators to your series through show/hide dataEffects
