Thingsboard charts - thingsboard

May i know the reason why the bars in the bar graph of thingsboard is starting halfway after the x axis data date point. For eq, if the data is for october 11, it will be represented halfway after october 11 and the bar ends in halfway after october 12, instead of starting from october 11 and ending just before october 12.
the function is average, and grouping interval is given as 1 day, as i need the value at each day represented.


How to divide a cell's value evenly across a range of cells in Google Sheets?

I have a Google Sheet with values based on each month of the year:
There's a Target, an Actual and a Difference column:
I would like to add a formula that would automatically and dynamically adjust the Target column values (B3 to B14) based on an equal division of the value of the Total Difference (D2) divided by the number of months left in the year.
To put that in context; in the screenshot above there is -£600 difference. Let's say we are in January currently. I'd like to divide that £600 equally among the remaining months of the year (i.e. Feb - Dec, so 11 months) and then adjust the Target amount for each month by that sum.
In practice, this would mean increasing the target for each month of Feb - Dec (cells B4 to B14) to be £54.55 higher (i.e. -£600 / 11 = -£54.545, round it to the nearest penny, -£54.55, then make it a positive value; £54.55)
The overall goal is to dynamically adjust the targets as the year progresses, depending on how much difference there is in the total amount.
So, naturally, as the year progresses, the B column values that would be adjusted would become less and less cells (i.e. in Jan, it's 11 cells - Feb-Dec - whereas if we were in June, for example, there would only be 6 cells (B9-B14) to divide the Total Difference figure by).
How can I do this?
I don't know if I full understand your purpose, but if you want to evenly distribute the difference from your target value (12.000) between the remaining months of the year; then you can set your target in B2, and change D2 to =C2-B2:
Then, in B3 you can set this formula:
Then, you'll have this chart:

Google Sheets: Rounding DateTime Cell to Nearest 15 Mintutes

Is there a formula that I could use to round a date time cell up or down (1/10/2022 15:17:02) to the nearest 15 minute interval? I've tried MROUND but since the date time field is in a weird format, I can't quite figure out how to get that to work.
Seems to work for me, example here:
Using =mround(A2,"00:15") to round, =floor(A2,"00:15") to round down, and =ceiling(A2,"00:15") to round up.
Perhaps you forgot to format the end result back as a Date Time itself?
See more examples here:
you can use round to round down
or ceiling to round up
with date time fields in Sheets the date is treated like a whole number and the time like a fractional part.
so if you want to round to 15 mins - there are 24 * 4 = 96 lots of 15 minutes in one day. so multiply the date by 96, then round, then divide by 96 should do the trick.

Tableau line graph is separated into two panels and I want to combine these

Preface: I ALREADY KNOW ABOUT THE DUAL AXIS FEATURE. Unfortunately, this is not the solution I need.
I have a line graph of sales over the past year. The x-axis of my graph is delineated by months. However, since I want the months to appear in order (August 2020 to August 2021) I am forced to delineate by year in addition to months. This would be find, except there is a giant discontinuity in my graph between the year 2020 and the year 2021 in Dec/Jan. It looks as though my graph is separated into two separate panels based on year. Does anyone know how to combine these panels and eliminate the discontinuity?
Thanks in advance! :)
First only have one Date field on the columns shelf.
Then right click on that pill and select the second Month choice. You should get a green pill and one horizontal axis and a mark per Month/Year. That choice invokes the DateTrunc() function on your Date field (you can see by double clicking on the pill) and is displayed as continuous (green) by default.
People often say this choices causes the date to be treated as continuous - but that is only a side-effect, and can be changed. The more fundamental effect is that it calls DateTrunc() instead of DatePart() on your date field.

Round down to nearest quarter hour

I have a timesheet which I use for billing clients. It records entries from Toggl as hour fractions, ie 35 minutes is recorded as 0.58. I want to round this number down to the nearest 0.25, ie. the nearest quarter hour. Is this possible in Google Sheets?
After a bit more reading, the function I was looking for is MROUND, to round to the nearest given fraction. eg.
The crucial step required is to add or substract half a step depending on whether you want it round up or down, eg.
Up: =MROUND(A1+0.125;0.25)
Down: =MROUND(A1-0.125;0.25)
Added screenshots for clarity:
After many tries with ROUND and MROUND I could only get it to work with FLOOR (rounds down) and CEILING (rounds up).
The following example rounds down to the nearest half hour:
=FLOOR(A1, 1/96)
1/24 for an hour, 1/48 for half an hour etc.
The last thing to do is change the Format of the field to time to get a proper time format:

Wrong start date in irregular intervals chart

Start date in irregular series is not same with date which is shown on mouse-over tip.
Also, you can check this on HC demo page for Winter serie start date:
How can I fix this, so both date point to regular one.
There is no error. XAxis labels is calculated for only to fit the screen. There may be no point on label. For this example, time is fragmented per-14-days. If time is too long, may be fragmented more than 14, OR less than 14.
XAxis labels not represent points. It only shows timeInterval.
