Dbeaver Datasource 'mariaDB-xxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' not found - connection

I had just started using Dbeaver 22.1.5 on Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. I create connection (that showed in the General section), then I created a ER diagram (file extension erd).
Then I created multiple connections to different databases on localhost. Deleted some previous connection. I didn't think must about deleting connection, thinking I could always create new connections.
But now I am unable to use any connection in any Diagram.
I tried purge the dbeaver-ce using apt and all the configuration folder that I could found.
sudo apt purge dbeaver-ce
rm -rf /home/adeel/.eclipse/
rm -rf /home/adeel/.local/share/DBeaverData/
rm -rf /var/www/html/hrdc/model/.dbeaver
But to no avail.
I searched and came to know that dbeaver saved it configuration in folder file
There in the connection array datasource subarray. I even created a new connection and copied the newly created connection id into the diagram erd datasource id but it didn't worked.
I guess password etc is saved in file
Any help would be appreciated.

After countless hours of trying to edit the erd (diagram file using text editor) or fiddling the configuration files and folder but still just could make it to open.
I even purging the dbeaver app and reinstalling does not solved the problem. But finally today I finally corrected it.
dbeaver creates datasource with some random id number; Problem is dbeaver saves that datasource id in the diagram file. So if you deleted that connection this file would also not open. Totally stupid idea. I guess they might had this screwed idea that datasource would make this diagram some how secure.
Get the new datasource id that is working
Right click the new connection > Select edit connection > click the test connection > Click details > copy the id
Open the diagram in any text editor and replace the previous id with the new id.
And that it. (close the diagram if it is already opened and) reopen it.


Wampserver sql dump

I know this has been asked many times before. But I am getting a:
The mbstring extension is missing. Please check your PHP configuration.
First off I am using WanmpServer3.0.0 64 on a Win7 64 VM.
-I tried editing the php.ini file to give an absolute path to no avail
-made sure that the extension=phpmbstring.dll is uncommented
Another problem is that i noticed that whenever i load a php page it has fatal errors for my mysql commands.
When I use the wampmanager from the tray to open the php.ini file instead of through windows explorer I get:
Cannot find the C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.17\bin\php.ini file. Do you want to create a new file?
So now I'm thinking something has gone drastically wrong and would like to uninstall/reinstall Wamp. I attempt to use the mysql console to save my databases before deleting the wamp directory. However when I run a mysqldump -all-databases > all_database.sql it just drops down to an empty line and nothing happens.
mysql console screenshot
If I browse around in the C:\wamp64 directory i find the "data" directory within \bin\mysql where it seems all of my databases reside but not in readable form.
Is there anyway to save my databases??
BTW: This whole setup was working fine previously, so I'm not sure what caused the crash and burn.
Was able to figure it out.
I opened the php.ini file from the PHP bin folder and copied all of the contents into a new php.ini file to reside in the apache bin file.
Now everything works again.
I'm not sure this is how wampserver is supposed to work or what changed to start the problem but it's pseudo-resolved now.

The command line statement php artisan tinker isn't working

I am using laravel 5.1 and I am following a tutorial that I've followed before without any issues. But today when I ran
php artisan tinker
I got the following error
PsySH history file found at '/home/vagrant/.config/psysh_history'. Please delete it or move it to '/home/vagrant/.config/psysh/psysh_history'.
I have never seen this before and I have been looking for it but dont know where to locate it so can either delete it or remove it. Also another question I have is should I delete it or move it? I don't want to do something that inadvertantly crashes my app. Thanks in advance
So you don't have to answer and accept your own question:
It looks like pshsy_history is a history file for the php debugger psysh, and your php command wants it in a different location from where it is. I'm guessing it was created the first time you followed the tutorial.
I'm thinking it's safe to delete with rm /home/vagrant/.config/psysh_history since your php command seems like it's going to create a new one.
If you want to be on the safe side then to move it like the error message says with mv /home/vagrant/.config/psysh_history /home/vagrant/.config/psysh/psysh_history
If you want to double check the contents of the file before doing either, try head /home/vagrant/.config/psysh_history.
find "psysh_history" manually in "home" folder and than move or remove file
Note: Its a hidden file
For future viewers:
I had a similar issue today. The only difference was I was not running my project on vagrant instead of MAMP.
Few different things I had to do besides what are mentioned above were :
Moved the folder ../.config/psysh/psysh_history and did following :
1) I had to shut down the MAMP
2) Restart terminal
3) php artisan tinker
Note: I was not able to run tinker until I restarted MAMP and terminal.
Faced the same issue but
I didn't find psysh_history file in .config folder.
But because it was asking to move the psysh_history file to .config/psysh, so I just created a folder psysh inside .config folder and it works.

How to start `MYSQL` service in wamp server?

MYSQL service interupted the color of wamp icon turning from orange to green, in menu when i click mysql.log file it says cant find mysql.log.How to fix this? How i can start this service it is really frustrating please help me?
This is a problem of WAMPServers MYSQL finding old my.ini files left on the system by other attempts to install MYSQL manually.
If you try to install MYSQL manually specifically if you use the .msi install or the MYSQL Workbench install that comes with a copy of MYSQL Server, it puts the my.ini into \windows\system32. This is one of the folders that MYSQL searches for its my.ini file, prior to searching its own bin folder.
WAMPServer is very tidy and does not place any of its files outside the \wamp\ folder structure, this is so you can switch versions of MYSQL, which is one of its big benefits, so it i safe to delete these other .my.ini files.

Errors when connecting to local Postgres.app from Navicat or Induction

Ok, so I have Postgres.app on my mac.
It's running locally insofar as I know. (the little elephant icon in top bar)
Created a very basic rails application, and it worked fine, ie, it showed up in browser.
Trying to connect it to Navicat Lite http://www.navicat.com/. It keeps coming up with this error: FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist.
Can't quite figure out how to solve this, so I happened to come across Induction http://inductionapp.com/ and tried to use it to connect to Postgres again, and this is the error it comes up with:
Connection Error
could not connect to server: Permission denied
Is the server running locally and accepting connections on Unix domain socket "/var/pgsql_socket/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
Not really sure how to solve this.
Have googled around on this, and some of the fixes seemed a little complicated, and right now, don't want to do fixes that I can't quite understand nor rollback.
EDIT (including my bash info)
export PGHOST=localhost
export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin # Add RVM to PATH for scripting
### Added by the Heroku Toolbelt
export PATH="/usr/local/heroku/bin:$PATH"
Ok, not sure how this happened of sorts.
Was randomly running Navicat again (sort of like a mouse in a running wheel?), and changed a few of the data entered on 'Connection Properties' page, ie, username and password - set it to what my laptop's info is.
It worked.
So, yay?
But then when I tried it with Induction, got the same error as listed in this post.
So, not sure what's going on, and why simply it works for Navicat and not Induction?
Hm ... ok, just tried Induction again, and actually typed localhost this time instead of leaving it to their default of ... and it worked!
Hm, is this good news?
Also, the results of 'which psql' is this: /usr/bin/psql which doesn't seem right to me, given what I've put in my bash profile.
Um, not trying to prolong this post, nor add questions that could be saved for another post. I guess technically since I've got both Navicat and Induction working that this post is now invalid?
Should I make my question about psql path another post?
Please let me know.
Thank you.
Have removed results of echo $PATH.
Seems like your rails app is trying to connect to the standard postgres installation that is shipped with OSX vs. the postgresapp.
Have you followed these steps as part of the postgresapp setup (http://postgresapp.com/documentation)?
PostgreSQL ships with a constellation of useful binaries, like pg_dump or pg_restore, that you will likely want to use. Go ahead and add the /bin directory that ships with Postgres.app to your PATH (preferably in .profile, .bashrc, .zshrc, or the like to make sure this gets set for every Terminal session):
Once your path is correctly set up, you should be able to run psql without a host. (If not, check that the correct version is being loaded in the PATH by doing which psql)
Also, re-install your pg gem.

Neo4j StartService FAILED 1053 after copying Beer DB example

I installed Neo4j as instructed in the site and was able to install and stat server. However I tried to copy the Beer example DB by stopping the server and deleting the current graph.db in the \data folder and replaced with the one Beer example downloaded from online (graph.db folder). This is the only step I did.
Now the issue is, when i tried to start the Server I get "StartService FAILED 1053"
I am using following command on the powershell in windows - c:\neo4j-community-2.0.0-M03> .\bat\Neo4j.bat start
Can someone please help if I have done anything wrong here.
Thank you!
You are running neo4j 2.0 against an older database file. You'll need to set the config parameter to allow the store to be upgraded before starting. See instructions here:
