Recording (contact) forces in meshcat - drake

I am running a simulation in pydrake where I give a disturbance to my robot in the form of an externally applied spatial force. My goal is visualize and record this disturbance as well as the contact forces drawn by ContactVisualizer in meshcat. However currently the recording only shows the arrows as they were at the last time step of the simulation. If I understand the documentation correctly only published events get recorded, but my attempts at declaring a publish period for my LeafSystem have not yielded the desired results. So my question is: How do I change the behavior of my LeafSystem and the ContactVisualizer to record all the intermediate states of these arrows and display them in the meshcat recording?

This is a known limitation with the meshcat recording at the moment. I started typing a long response here, but decided to open an issue on Drake with the detailed answer so that we can track the resolution.


how to find an offset from two audio file ? one is noisy and one is clear

I have once scenario in which user capturing the concert scene with the realtime audio of the performer and at the same time device is downloading the live streaming from audio broadcaster device.later i replace the realtime noisy audio (captured while recording) with the one i have streamed and saved in my phone (good quality audio).right now i am setting the audio offset manually with trial and error basis while merging so i can sync the audio and video activity at exact position.
Now what i want to do is to automate the process of synchronisation of audio.instead of merging the video with clear audio at given offset i want to merge the video with clear audio automatically with proper sync.
for that i need to find the offset at which i should replace the noisy audio with clear audio.e.g. when user start the recording and stop the recording then i will take that sample of real time audio and compare with live streamed audio and take the exact part of that audio from that and sync at perfect time.
does any one have any idea how to find the offset by comparing two audio files and sync with the video.?
Here's a concise, clear answer.
• It's not easy - it will involve signal processing and math.
• A quick Google gives me this solution, code included.
• There is more info on the above technique here.
• I'd suggest gaining at least a basic understanding before you try and port this to iOS.
• I would suggest you use the Accelerate framework on iOS for fast Fourier transforms etc
• I don't agree with the other answer about doing it on a server - devices are plenty powerful these days. A user wouldn't mind a few seconds of processing for something seemingly magic to happen.
As an aside, I think it's worth taking a step back for a second. While
math and fancy signal processing like this can give great results, and
do some pretty magical stuff, there can be outlying cases where the
algorithm falls apart (hopefully not often).
What if, instead of getting complicated with signal processing,
there's another way? After some thought, there might be. If you meet
all the following conditions:
• You are in control of the server component (audio broadcaster
• The broadcaster is aware of the 'real audio' recording
• The broadcaster and receiver are communicating in a way
that allows accurate time synchronisation
...then the task of calculating audio offset becomes reasonably
trivial. You could use NTP or some other more accurate time
synchronisation method so that there is a global point of reference
for time. Then, it is as simple as calculating the difference between
audio stream time codes, where the time codes are based on the global
reference time.
This could prove to be a difficult problem, as even though the signals are of the same event, the presence of noise makes a comparison harder. You could consider running some post-processing to reduce the noise, but noise reduction in its self is an extensive non-trivial topic.
Another problem could be that the signal captured by the two devices could actually differ a lot, for example the good quality audio (i guess output from the live mix console?) will be fairly different than the live version (which is guess is coming out of on stage monitors/ FOH system captured by a phone mic?)
Perhaps the simplest possible approach to start would be to use cross correlation to do the time delay analysis.
A peak in the cross correlation function would suggest the relative time delay (in samples) between the two signals, so you can apply the shift accordingly.
I don't know a lot about the subject, but I think you are looking for "audio fingerprinting". Similar question here.
An alternative (and more error-prone) way is running both sounds through a speech to text library (or an API) and matching relevant part. This would be of course not very reliable. Sentences frequently repeat in songs and concert maybe instrumental.
Also, doing audio processing on a mobile device may not play well (because of low performance or high battery drain or both). I suggest you to use a server if you go that way.
Good luck.

Re: Julius Speech Recognition

I am using julius speech recognition for my application. I have one doubt regarding julius:
I have downloaded the latest version and was successful in using its lib and making it work. the problem I am facing is..once the app starts and I call the voice recognition function in my takes the input from mic and displays whatever is said in the mic, but the function still continues to do so again and again. The control will never come out of that function. Here I am facing problem since the control is not returning back I am not able to proceed further. What I want is once the engine gets input from mic it should recognize and stop there.. which I tried to do by deleting the callback function but was unsuccessful.
Can anyone please guide me in this matter, what I need to do to get the desired output. It will be helpful for me.
As discussed in the same post on VoxForge:
You have a couple of choices: first to use the Julius -input control to get the sound data from a list of files (see the .jconf sample file), so that when the list (even if only length one) is exhausted then Julius stops. It is quite easy to record the voice input to a file and then feed the file into Julius. Second you can put a dialog manager in control. If you need more information on what a dialog manager does there are many posts on this forum on that subject accessible by a search.
The basic function of Julius is to start up and then keep on decoding input. When you get more experience you can run Julius as a server, and then tell the server to respond, not respond or shut down as required. It's more efficient than having Julius start and stop all the time.
When an avenue exists for a complex application to yield the required result by using an effective combination of options at run time, editing the application, while possible, might involve a lot of unnecessary work. The emphasis then shifts to passing the options correctly in whatever script is being used to access Julius.

AVAudioEngine schedule sample accurate parameter changes

I am trying to create an app using a combination of AVAudioPlayerNode instances and other AUAudioUnits for EQ and compression etc. Everything connects up well and using the V3 version of the API certainly makes configuration easier for connecting nodes together. However during playback I would like to be able to automate parameter changes such a the gain on a mixer so that the changes are ramped (eg. fade out or fade in.) and feel confident that the changes are sample accurate.
One solution I have considered to install a tap on a node (perhaps the engine's mixer node) and within that adjust the gain for a given unit but since the tap is on the output of a unit this is always going to be too late to have the desired effect (I think) without doing of offset calculations and then delaying my source audio playback to match up to the parameater changes. I have also looked at the scheduleParameterBlock property on AUAudioUnit but it seems I would need to implement my own custom unit to make use of that rather than use built-in units even though it was mentioned in
WWDC session 508: " ...So the first argument to do schedule is a sample
time, the parameter value can ramp over time if the Audio Unit has
advertised it as being rampable. For example, the Apple Mixer does
this. And the last two parameters, of course, are function parameters
are the address of the parameter to be changed and the new parameter
value.... "
Perhaps this meant that internally the Apple Mixer uses it and not that we can tap into any rampable capabilities. I can't find many docs or examples other than implementing a custom audio unit as in Apple's example attached to this talk.
Other potential solutions I have seen include using NSTimer, CADisplayLink or dispatchAfter... but these solutions feel worse and less sample accurate than offsetting from the installed tap block on the output of a unit.
I feel like I've missed something very obvious since there are other parts of the new AVAudioEngine API that make a lot of sense and the old AUGraph API allowed more access to sample accurate sequencing and parameter changing.
This is not as obvious as you'd hope it would be. Unfortunately in my tests, the ramp parameter on scheduleParameterBlock (or even the underlying AudioUnitScheduleParameters) simply doesn't do anything. Very odd for such a mature API.
The bottom line is that you can only set a parameter value within a single buffer, not at the sample level. Setting a parameter value at a sample time, will automatically ramp from the current value to the new value by the end of the containing buffer. There seems to be no way to disable this automatic ramping.
Longer fades have to be done in sections by setting fractional values across multiple buffers and keeping track of the fade's relative progress. In reality, for normal duration fades, this timing discrepancy is unlikely to be a problem because sample-accuracy would be overkill.
So to sum up, sample-level parameter changes seem to be impossible, but buffer-level parameter changes are easy. If you need to do very short fades (within a single buffer or across a couple of buffers) then this can be done at the sample-level by manipulating the individual samples via AURenderCallback.

Why am I getting successive media samples from a DirectShow capture filter with the same sample time?

I have a DirectShow application written in Delphi 6 using the DSPACK component library and running on Windows XP. At the top of my filter graph is an audio capture filter. The capture filter is assigned to my VOIP phone and has a sample grabber filter immediately down streeam. In the sample grabber filter's callback method, I added code to report whenever I get two media samples in a row from the sample grabber filter with identical timestamps (SampleTime's). That condition is occurring quite frequently, sometimes nearly every time. Note, the capture filter has a buffer size of 100 milliseconds and a sample rate 8000 kHz. Logic tells me that I should never get two sample deliveries with identical sample times and that they should be always very close to 100 milliseconds apart. But that is not what's happening.
What does it mean when a DirectShow capture filter sends you 2 successive media samples with identical sample times? Should I ignore the second sample delivery that has the same sample time as a previous one? Or is there another problem somewhere that I need to address?
Note, I have no control over the sample times coming in to me. They are being generated by the capture filter.
The real error was a mistake I made in calculating timestamps. The capture filter was not responsible. I'd vote to close my post except there's a valuable comment to it about a utility called DumpMediaSample (see comments section to my original post).

How should a parser filter behave in directshow editing services?

we´ve created a custom push source / parser filter that is expected to work in a directshow
editing services timeline.
Now everything is great except that the filter does not stop to deliver samples when the current
cut has reached it´s end. The rendering stops, but the downstream filter continues to consume
samples. The filter delivers samples until it reaches EOF. This causes high cpu load, so the application
is simply unusable.
After a lot of investigation I’m not able to find a suitable mechanism that can inform my filter
that the cut is over so the filter needs to be stopped :
The Deliver function on the connected decoder pins always returns S_OK, meaning the attached decoder
is also not aware the IMediaSamples are being discarded downstream
there’s no flushing in the filter graph
the IMediaSeeking::SetPositions interface is used but only the start positions are set –
our is always instructed to play up to the end of the file.
I would expect when using IAMTimelineSrc::SetMediaTimes(Start, Stop) from the application
that this would set a stop time too, but this does not happen.
I’ve also tried to manipulate the XTL timeline adding ‘mstop’ attributes to all the clip in the
hope that this would imply a stop position being set, but to no avail
In the filters point of view, the output buffers are always available (as the IMediaSamples are being discarded downstream),
so the filter is filling samples as fast as it can until the source file is finished.
Is there any way the filter can detect when to stop or can we do anything from the application side ?
Many thanks
You can try adding a custom interface to your filter and call a method externally from your client application. See this SO question for a bit more of details on this approach. You should be careful with thread safety while implementing this method, and it is indeed possible that there is a neater way of detecting that the capturing should be stopped.
I'm not that familiar with DES, but I have tried my demux filters in DES and the stop time was set correctly when there was a "stop=" tag for the clip.
Perhaps your demux does not implement IMediaSeeking correctly. Do you expose IMediaSeeking through the pins?
I had a chance to work with DES and custom push source filter recently.
From my experience;
DES actually does return error code to Receive() call, which is in turn returned to Deliver() of the source, when the cut reaches the end.
I hit the similar situation that source does not receive it and continues to run to the end of the stream.
The problem I found (after a huge amount of ad-hoc trials) is that the source needs to call DeliverNewSegment() method at each restart after seek. DES seems to take incoming samples only after that notification. It looks like DES receives the samples as S_OK even without that notification, but it just throws away.
I don't see DES sets end time by IMediaSeeking::SetPositions, either.
I hope this helps, although this question was very old and I suppose Tilo does not care this any more...
