Including the “Prefer:deltashowsharingchanges” header (as described in results in a "resync required" error from the delta API. Is that expected?
I want to make an API negative test scenario with Rest-Assured Library. I'm creating a get request for a data that doesn't exist. When I print this response to the console, I want to see the text 'not found' Because postman says this is the request body. But my test failed on get method. I am getting that error
io.restassured.internal.http.HttpResponseException: status code: 404, reason phrase: Not Found
Actually I know the status code is 404. But I can not test about it. How can i write that negative scenario
Response response = given().
When searching for a keyword ("Test email"), using Outlook API, and the keyword exist in my mailbox, I retrived a result within a second. However, if the keyword ("blablabla") does not exist in the mailbox I do not get a reply. Almost after 2 minutes I get a runtime error.
http get on:$search=blablablablabla&$top=100&$select=Sender,ToRecipients,CcRecipients,Weblink,Subject,ReceivedDateTime,BodyPreview
http headers:
Authorization: bearer theToken
x-AnchorMailbox: theEmailAddress
I expected to get an HTTP Response that says something like "Could not find any result"
Instead I get no reply upto two minutes and than a runtime error with that yellow background that instructs to turn on
<customError mode="Off" />
Though the http staus code is 200.
I think as an API consumer I should not get such replies.
Is it ever expected to see a "500" status response during the final redirect from an OAuth2 provider?
server_error: Unable to issue redirect for OAuth 2.0 transaction
I'm trying to determine if this is ultimately the provider Auth0's error (it seems to be) or mine. If it were mine I'd expect a 400 series error. It is possible to have hooks or rules, could these result in 500-series errors in a scenario like this? I would also anticipate a more specific 500-error not 500 but another available number like 599 for lack of a better example.
My more specific case has something like:
new auth0.WebAuth({
domain: ''
,clientID: 'theid...'
,callbackUri: 'http://localhost:8080/'
,audience: 'http...',
,responseType: 'token id_token'
,scope: 'openid profile'
,leeway: 60
success then 500 for /login/callback?state=... on return
I misspelled the callback field, it should be redirectUri (not callbackUri above)! Auth0 tech support was kind enough to point this out.
I also asked about changing the error from 500 internal server error to 400 "Bad Request" to indicate a missing client-provided detail per my read of the details
details for 400 (and the rest)
I am getting a schema validation error when i host my SWAGGER.JSON file on my local server that runs the swagger.html.
But, when i put the file in
It works.
I don't get any console error in both cases.
I treid to disable the online validator error from swagger.
I used
validatorUrl : null
But it is not working and i am still getting the error at the bottom of the page.
On clicking of the error i am getting the message
{"schemaValidationMessages":[{"level":"error","message":"Can't read from file
Whenever i am pasting my JSON in the online editor, it is accepting it as a valid JSON Input
Problem: I am getting an "Invalid Signature" error from Yelp API only from production (running on nginx server in AWS) When I run locally on my localhost:3000, there is no signature error, and everything works fine.
I am using the yelp gem in rails. Here's some code in ruby.:
$client ={
consumer_key: $SL_CONSUMER_KEY,
consumer_secret: $SL_CONSUMER_SECRET,
token: $SL_TOKEN,
token_secret: $SL_TOKEN_SECRET
$"Los Angeles")
rescue => error
puts error.message
puts error.inspect
error.message prints out: "Signature was invalid"
error.inspect prints out: < Yelp::Error::InvalidSignature: Signature was invalid >
Everything works when I run locally on rails' Webrick server but when I run it in production, I get an "Invalid Signature" error.
Has anyone seen this? I've looked at some relevant posts, but this seems different. Thanks!
This will probably not pertain to most people, but the off chance it could help someone, here it is:
My "time" was effed up on my EC2 instance. So for example, in ruby, was not printing the actual time. (I think it was off by a few minutes or so).
Anyway, Yelp API requires a oauth_timestamp when you send a request. Of course, then, my request was timing out b/c the time was off.
How did I found this error out?
I just pinged the URL on my browser with the oauth, token, oauth_timestamp, etc. (few more) as query params. The browser spits out the error response in JSON, and it was saying that my request was timing out. When you use the ruby Yelp Client and catch the exception in code, it doesn't spit out the error response in terminal, so it's a bit more difficult to locate the exact root of the error.
How I solved it:
I re-calibrated the time in my ec2 instance by following the directions here:
Problem is solved. Peace.
Invalid signature error in Yelp API occurs due to two reasons .
First , Either of your four keys i.e consumer_key , consumer_secret_key , Token & Token Secret is invalid . Secondly Parameters passed to Yelp API Function are either invalid or any of those are nil .