"rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = closing transport due to: connection error" - docker

I am using k8 to host my grpc service.
Sometimes, I am getting the following error (few milliseconds into my request):
rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = closing transport due to: connection error: desc = "error reading from server: read tcp <ipaddr>:52220-><internal ip addr>:8070: read: connection reset by peer", received prior goaway: code: NO_ERROR
May I ask how will this occur? Could it be that the k8's network is down?

This happened because on server shutdown, it sends an initial GOAWAY to support graceful shutdown. This means your server shut down.


What is the purpose of port 19333 for SeaweedFS?

I have this error:
I0929 12:58:57.623373 volume_grpc_client_to_master.go:43 checkWithMaster get master configuration: rpc error: code = Unavailable desc = connection error: desc = "transport: Error while dialing dial tcp connect: connection refused"
Started SeaweedFS with:
./weed server -dir="./data"
version is 3.29 on RedHat 8.
Is port 19333 used for gRPC calls? For hearth beat? Can I turn this OFF? How?
BR, Rene
"Is port 19333 used for gRPC calls? For hearth beat? Can I turn this OFF?"
Yes. Yes. No.

Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1003 : A server with the specified hostname could not be found error

I have an app where I am calling one web service which works fine for the first time but for second time didFailWithError gets called with error
"A server with the specified hostname could not be found."
And also a weird error like
dnssd_clientstub deliver_request: socketpair failed 24 (Too many open files). nw_resolver_create_dns_service_on_queue DNSServiceGetAddrInfo failed: Unknown(-65537)
I don't think it is a network issue. How can I fix it?

Failed to open TCP connection

While attempting to open a TCP connection to graph.facebook.com, I receive the following error:
Failed to open TCP connection to graph.facebook.com:443 (getaddrinfo:
Name or service not known)
TCPSocket.open(conn_address, conn_port, #local_host, #local_port)
rescue => e
raise e, "Failed to open TCP connection to " +
"#{conn_address}:#{conn_port} (#{e.message})"
Help me with this error
I'm using omniauth with Rails 5.0.0.beta3
Start by checking your network configuration.
Run this command on your terminal:
dig +short graph.facebook.com
If you do not get any IP address, your system don't know how to resolve this and the problem is not related to Ruby.
In addition to that as mentioned by Dawood Awan in his comment, opening a TCP connection to the port 443 is usually not a good idea, I am pretty sure facebook is excepting an HTTPS Connection.

deisctl list command raises a timeout error what am I doing wrong

help in "deisctl list" I have just started with deis and am following the tutorial of using deis in vagrant
am stuck at the part am doing deisctl list am getting this as the output
INFO client.go:291: Failed getting response from ssh: rejected: connect failed (Connection refused)
Error: timeout reached
Your DEISCTL_TUNNEL value is either incorrect or unreachable due to networking/routing/firewall, etc...

Failed to establish connection SQLSTATE: HY000[DataStax][Hardy] (22) Error from ThriftHiveClient: connect() failed: errno = 10061

I am using Datastax enterprise edition and in cluster one is Hadoop/Hive .I am trying to connect to hive with datastax hive odbc connector.I am getting error like :
Connector Version: V1.0.0.1007
Running connectivity tests...
Attempting connection
Failed to establish connection
SQLSTATE: HY000[DataStax][Hardy] (22) Error from ThriftHiveClient: connect() failed: errno = 10061
The error 10061 means connection refused
Seems like you have not started the hive service on your Analytics node therefore nothing is listening on TCP 10000
Please login into one of your DSE Analytics node and execute:
dse hive --service hiveserver
Then try again your test from your Windows system
Source: http://www.datastax.com/documentation/datastax_enterprise/4.0/datastax_enterprise/ana/anaHivStrtSvr.html
