Get Gem name from .gemspec in View - ruby-on-rails

I'm working on a private Gem. I wish to add a class to the body tag in one of my Gems layout views. That class needs to be the name of the gem. How can I output the gem name in the view from the gemspec file?


Rails: How to use initializer code inside gem

I'm using the okcomputer gem for a Rails app (All you need to do to use this gem is to place some code in an initializer).
I'd like to wrap this gem inside a custom gem that can be used without an initializer. I hope to be able to use this gem in several dockerized microservices just by installing it.
I read that it's possible to put initializer code in an init.rb file at the root of the gem. In my case, that doesn't seem to be working (the routes generated by okcomputer are not found), but I'm not sure where the issue lies.
In general, can I expect code in init.rb to behave like code in an initializer?
Your best approach is probably to create a Railties and run your code in an after_initialize hook.
module Gemname
class MyCoolRailtie < ::Rails::Railtie
config.after_initialize do
OKComputer::Registry.register "resque_critical","critical", 10)

How to create controller, model , helper inside a ruby gem?

This is the first time I'm trying to build a gem. I use bundle gem MyGem
there are three directories inside MyGem. bin lib MyGem. I want to create controller model, helper inside it I tried scaffold but didn't worked for me any idea !!!
Use Rails Engines instead of a gem, which can include controllers, models, helpers, routes and other Rails elements.

Rails bootstrap gem monkeypatching method not working

I'm using the excellent twitter-bootstrap-rails gem. There is a helper within that gem (NavbarHelper) which is used to generate Bootstrap navbars with a Ruby helper. I want to monkey patch the gem such that the dropdown lists won't have carets.
So, I looked into the source and found the relevant method here. All I have to do is override it. I created a new file in config/initializers called navbar.rb with the following content:
NavbarHelper.module_eval do
def name_and_caret(name)
Presumably, all of the dropdown titles then should be rendered as "HELLO WORLD" in my app (as referenced by the gem source). However, this is not occurring, and the gem does not appear to be monkeypatched at all.
I tried placing puts NavbarHelper.methods - Object.methods in the initializers file, and there were no results, which makes me think that Rails is not loading the gem correctly before the initializers. I have also checked and verified that the gem is not using autoload for its helpers.
What may be complicating this is the fact that my Gemfile includes the gem in the following manner:
gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', git: 'git://', branch: 'bootstrap3'
I'm not sure if this specific versioning means the monkeypatching doesn't work.
Edit #2
It seems there is only one version of the gem on my system, so I don't think that's the issue. Also, I have tried placing require 'twitter-bootstrap-rails at the top of the initializers file, with no results.
The problem is that you patch the method on this module but the module already got included at this point. Try to define this in your application_helper.rb
def name_and_caret(name)
super("blub #{name}")

How to generate RABL instead of ERB file

How to generate RABL view instead of HTML.erb
Am using the following command
rails generate controller users new create update edit destroy index show
Am getting all .erb views. I need rabl view.
Rabl is included in my GemFile
gem 'rabl'
I think you're asking for a generator which creates 'rabl' files just like scaffolding?
As far as I know,
Nope. There isn't a generator inside Rabl gem.
As ckruse said;
File -> new -> show.rabl

Base/Home directory of the gem

As part of the RSpec, i need to reference a file contained in a gem I am depending on (call it gem foo). I control gem foo, so I can make changes to it as needed.
Gem 'foo' contains a file that I need to reference with in the a rspec spec. Is there a reasonably stable RubyGem or Bundler API to figure out 'foo' base directory?
Assuming 'foo' is already required in my Gemfile:
in Gemfile:
gem 'foo'
I want to do something like this (in something_spec.rb):
filename = File.expand_path('examples/xml/result.xml', Gem.gem_base_path('foo'))
What is gem_base_path API call?
I would recommend creating a function in your gem to do this:
module Foo
class Configuration
def self.result_xml_path
You can then do the following in your spec:
filename = Foo::Configuration.result_xml_path
This is much safer since you are getting all the information from the gem. It also looks cleaner.
This may do what you need without ant need to touch the 'foo' gem:
matches = Gem::Specification.find_all_by_name 'foo'
spec = matches.first
filename = File.expand_path('examples/xml/result.xml', spec.full_gem_path)
I have used this code to make something similar to what you need (namely loading in my specs some factories defined in a gem used by my project)
