i run into an error registering azure ml sdk output data into the datastore - azureml-python-sdk

I am doing data engineering on my data for ML but after editing and adding some columns i cant register the output to the datastore and i get the error on the image
how can I solve this error?

i checked my data type and found that was the problem
and make sure the formats are ok


GetStream feeds without enrichment

Because of some requirements, we don't want to use the enrichment system where stream gets from its own collection the data objects.
In fact, we want to do it as the backend would do, using our own database, but directly from the client (because we don't use any database)
However, when retrieving the activities, we get the following: (iOS)
JSON decoding error: The data couldn’t be read because it isn’t in the correct format..
We create activities in the way that, actor is User:UserID, Object is Object:PostID, Verb:ActionEnum.
That's all we do.. but one more time, we are facing issues on iOS SDK..
To anyone having this issue, it was coming from the iOS SDK itself... It turned out that, using the REST API from our client solved the issue, but we had to use the "extra" field part of Go to deliver our required data :)
Hope it helps

Firebase chat backup/export like whatsapp in SWIFT

i implemented a chat app in swift using firebase real time db, there user can send images, emojis and Text.Now i have a requirement of export chat or get the conversation's backup with media and text as per whatsApp.help me to solving it out.
While Firebase offers a backup for the Realtime Database, this doesn't fit your needs here, since you'll want a per-user export of the data.
Since this is specific to your application, you will have to code it yourself, just like the good folks at WhatsApp have probably done. It should be a matter of iterating over all data sources for the user, getting the data through the relevant API (that you're already using to display that data), and then writing to a local file). You can do this either client-side in your Swift code, or server-side on a server you already may have, or using Cloud Functions.
If you're looking for some inspiration for the latter, there is a sample repository that shows how to clean up a user's data, based on a set of wipe-out rules. You'll need to significantly modify this example though, so I'm not convinced this will be less work than rolling your own from scratch.

connection to tabular model from sharepoint 2013 using excel 2013

i'm trying to create some excels with powerpivot and sharing them on sharepoint, but when i try to refresh the connection of my excels i have this error: "An error occurred during an attempt to establish a connection to the external data source.".
When i try to use the excels on my pc they work without any problem but when i share them on sharepoint i always have that error.
Unfortunately i have almost zero experience on sharepoint, i've tried to search and try some solutions but nothing worked.
Somebody has already resolved this problem?
We faced this problem and I recall we fixed using Kerberos delegation. We needed the actual user to be passed to SSAS in order to row filter that user. It wasn't simple though. Follow this:
Good luck.

How to parse GTFS data on iOS using swift?

I am using http://datamine.mta.info/list-of-feeds api to get GTFS data for United States transportation.
When you call http://datamine.mta.info/mta_esi.php?key=<key>&feed_id=1 api you get one "gtfs" file which contains data that I need to parse in iOS so that I can display.
Once I get the file, how do I parse it? So far I haven't found a way to do so. Anyone can help me on this?
The MTA requires that you serve the realtime data from your own server, so you might as well parse the Protocol Buffers server-side, and then make your data available to your iOS app from your server. If you do it that way, then you can use e.g., a Python or C++ library to parse the PB into JSON or whatever and structure it in an optimal way for your app for download.

Firebase : Upload image or file from dashboard

I'm trying to find a good alternative at Parse.
FireBase seems to be good, but I can't find how to upload image/file from the dashboard like in Parse ?
Can we upload image/file from the firebase dashboard like in Parse ?
No You Can Not because firebase doesn't provide such type of feature.
Ah! My old accepted answer got unaccepted because I gave straight answer :) Well OP didn't ask about programming way of solution so I assumed not to provide one.
There are couple of approaches to handle images with firebase, I usually upload images to s3 bucket and store urls in firebase. Again there is choice to implement above approach i.e. do all on server-side, do all on client-side or do with mix of client-side and server-side. But It is better to do signaturing on server to keep thing secure.
Node-Cheat Available:
For complete code, get working node-cheat at github node-cheat aws, choose any folder and run node file_name.
While the above is an answer, it's does't provide a solution, so here's a bit more data.
Uploading/storing data in firebase is super simple and requires a minimal amount of code.
For images, encode the image as a string and store the string in firebase. Then to retrieve the image, retrieve the string and decode it.
You should be able to do both in about 12 lines of code (depending on platform).
There are several examples already published here, I like this one with Swift.
Swift2 retrieving images from Firebase
Hope that helps!
No, you cannot upload directly, but you could use some opensource project out there that will make a simple dashboard for you to upload it easily like this tutorial
