use Google analytics 4 on iOS WkWebview - ios

I would like to use GA4 on my wkWebview. I don't wanna use iOS SDK with firebase or the measurement protocol. I tried using the web stream code on html page but nothing was pushed to GA . It seems to be not working . So, Can someone please help with a solution? Thanks
iOS: 15.5


Is it possible to add Facebook SDK to my iOS Widget Extension?

Following the guide provided by Facebook
I'm trying to add Facebook SDK to use analytics for my widget extension
Seems not easy because the SDK asks to use CFBundleURLSchemes and AppDelegate.swift that are not present in the widget extension using SwiftUI.
Does anybody had the same problem or is there a workaround to use analysis on the iOS extensions?
Thanks in advance.

Open contact information/details page via phone number in IOS programatically

i want to open contact details page or information that we can open it from
contact book but i need it to open programatically, i am new to IOS.
I am developing an app in flutter environment, i didn't found anything in flutter for this so i have done this in android via platform specific code, now i need this working for IOS too.
Did anyone know how can i achieve it in Flutter or IOS via platform specific method, Or suggest specific IOS code for this?
Thanks in advance!!

Azure Media Services - Captions on iOS - Native not AMP

I'm trying to get captioning working on iOS and Android. Android seems relatively straight forward but I can't seem to figure out how (nor do the docs really tell you) to setup WebVTT captions like you can easily do with Windows 10 UWP and AMP.
On Android I am just doing videoView.AddSubtitleSource and it appears to work. On iOS I'm at a loss. From what I can tell it appears that it's possible to load captions not embedded in the file, but I can't find any example of how it works with MediaSelectionOptions and specifying a stream or similar.
I've done this in my own custom renderer in Xamarin Forms but I'm fine converting it from swift or Objective C if needed.
Anyone get this working or know how?
If your interest is iOS native player, check this tutorial video from Apple: (about 20 min into it)
If your interest is Safari based player, check the examples here: (3 of the examples include webVTT)
The issue with iOS and Safari not playing back VTT side car files appears to be fixed now in the latest iOS release. Not sure exactly when it was fixed, but I'm on 14.7.1 and the following sample is working now,en,;Spanish,es,;French,fr,;Italian,it,

Google map sdk for ios- how to find onmylocationchange in ios

I am developing an app similar to google map navigation . i found google map sdk having a method for finding location changes in android (OnMyLocationChangeListener). but i didn't get a similar method for iOS . please advise me how to do that in ios. sample code is appreciated

Integrating Box-Sdk with iOS application

I am working with an iOS application in which i have to authenticate with help of BOX-SDK for iOS and then upload images on Box. Firstly i used the sample app of BOX-API by Mr. lopopolo and upload images with that. Currently i want to integrate the api with my iOS application . i can work with the sample application but it uses storyboard . I am using XIB in my application so i get lots of issues. Can anybody tell me how to integrate Box-api with my iOS application.
I have to integrate box-api with my iOS app.Please help me out only with the authentication process. Please explain the steps for integrating the api so that i can authenticate with view controllers and xib not with the Storyboard.
Thanks in advance.
You should be able to use BOXContracts sample app to achieve your goal. it is not using Storyboard.
