TortoiseGit 'Enable Edit' in DiffGUI by default? - editor

Working with other TortoiseGit installations so I've seen it before. But I can't seem to find the setting or how to go about enabling the 'Enable Edit' option by default for the built in DiffGUI.
It's a QoL that seems to exist. Using it daily, I always fall into the trap thinking I can hand edit after noticing something wrong in the diff. But realize far too late it is disabled and so typing in nothing as a result.
Unable to hone down a clear set of instructions for this. Any assistance would be appreciated. Thank you.


VSCode Flutter Dart slow suggestions

I'm using Visual Studio Code for flutter programming and not using many extensions. I loved the code completion but it's usually too slow. It takes around 1-2 seconds for showing all suggestions. Is there any solution to this problem? Here is my list of installed extensions:
I was told to add this config:
"dart.previewLsp": true,
which would put the plug-in into speaking the Language Server Protocol rather than a proprietary protocol, and it seems to have sped things up.
Update on 14.09.2022
dart.useLsp key is no longer valid: v3.48 release notes
Use this instead:
"dart.useLegacyAnalyzerProtocol": true
Accepted answer and resetting the recommended language settings haven't worked out for me.
Although, I've continued to research a bit more and the LSP part seemed promising simply because it popped out in a bunch of unrelated sources too. But instead of enabling LSP to speed things up, people suggest going in the opposite direction and disabling LSP. Specifically, a person from the Dart VSCode team (at GitHub):
…The only other thing I could suggest is disabling LSP but also disabling auto-import completions…
Said settings can be set from settings.json like below:
"dart.useLsp": false,
"dart.autoImportCompletions": false
Using "Recommended Settings" worked for me.
Steps: Cntrl + Shift + P > Type and select "Use Recommended Settings".
This overwrites the recommended settings for Dart.

When comparing files with TFS, only the deleted lines are shown

Let's say before I check in, on the team explorer I right click on a file and compare it to workspace/latest version (doesn't really matter which, and the location neither, it's the same thing with code reviews, Changeset details->compare with previous) it will only show the deleted/red lines in the file, although it does show the added (green) parts in the scrollbar.
Have anyone had this problem before? I imagine a reinstall might just work, but I'd like to avoid it, if I can.
If the error is only occurs for your machine. It's more likely related to VS. Usually reinstall vs is the final solution.
You can also try the suggestion as Sachi commented, try to clear TFS and VS cache. This may do the trick.
If it's not work, still suggest you to reinstall VS. Even though this may not be a good solution. After all, it's very likely you have taken a long time to trouble shooting the weird issue and still can't find the root cause.

VB.NET based MVC Web Application - build errors after no code change

I'm going to add my solution to this problem, but there must be other ways around it.
I'm building an MVC VB.NET based web app. Sometimes I won't even change the (previously working) code, and I'll try debugging using MSVS2010 - then I'll get the old "Build Errors" pop up.
This is annoying...
If anyone has a better solution than mine I'd be interested to know - I've heard about filters and stuff like that, maybe that's the route to go down... but for now, I'll post my very simple solution below.
The solution I discovered is simple, and I'm posting this because a lot of people might go down the same road that I did, and frantically Google reasons why previously working code now has build errors - a question I still don't know the answer to...
However, here's a simple workaround:
It's real easy, in MSVS2010, go to the "Build" dropdown from the toolbar, then press "Clean Solution".
Not sure why, but for some reason, this seems to work!

Notepad++ auto indent

I have been using Notepad++ for quite sometime now. I didn't have any of the plugins installed, for all the time I used it. Some days ago, I moved on to another PC and I installed Notepad++ (v6.5.1) in it and for some reason the auto-indent does not seem to be working!! I remember it as working in my old PC without any exclusive setting.
I made sure that the auto-indent option under the MISC tab of Preferences is set. I know that I can use plugins like nppautoindent or indent by fold to achieve the desired result, but I would like to know why it isn't working and how I can set it right. Has anyone come across or heard of such an issue?
P.S. - I was coding in Ruby and I made sure that it was selected under the language menu. To make sure, I also tried Java. It didn't make any difference though!! I felt like I was using the featureless built in windows notepad!!

Multiple Documentation Windows Xcode

Does anyone know how to open multiple documentation windows in Xcode? I feel like this is a silly question because something as basic as this should be included in Xcode, but I just can't seem to figure out how to enable this feature.
No exact answer, but you might consider using AppKiDo as additional documentation browser.
