I am trying to run Django project in local but not able to. Getting below error in local host
Bad Request (400)
I was not mentioning the actual URL. Its was localhost/accounts/login for this.
Its working as expected.
I am a beginner in regards to ArangoDB and I am trying to deploy my first project using it. The website is PHP based - what I did is that I created an Arango Docker container on Digital Ocean so that I can access it from the browser with the ipv4 provided. Public access to port 8529 is enabled. Locally, I am able to modify the .config file in order to point to the corresponding ip and I can painlessly retrieve data.
As a hosting provider I am using one.com. When uploading the same files that I am able to run locally on my own domain I get the following error:
["_database":"ArangoDBClient\Connection":private]=> string(7) "_system" } ArangoDBClient\ConnectException: cannot connect to endpoint 'tcp://xxx.xx.xxx.xxx:8529/': Connection timed out
I want to mention that I have also tried out ArangoOasis. No luck with it - I get the same error. Been at it for quite a few weeks - I would very much use some guidance. Even what to do next as I am out of ideas and documentation to read.
I am trying to run the running Client & Server Application on different machine but then I am getting below exception message which says it can not get wsdl file on that machine:
javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: Failed to access the WSDL at:
http://localhost:8080/proj_name/EmpServices?wsdl. It failed with: Got
http://localhost:8080/proj_name/EmpServices?wsdl while opening stream
from same_link_as_above/EmpServices?wsdl.
It looks like connection issue, not WSDL or service-related.
Possible causes and solutions:
You tell about "remote machine", but errors says "localhost".
Have you configured your service client to work with your remote machine?
Shouldn't it be remote machine's address? Or is it just a typo?
If you configured it correctly, make sure that you have a working connection and port 8080 is allowed in your firewalls.
You may also try to open this link directly in your browser from client machine, and see what is says.
Perhaps, you will get connection error message, while you should get WSDL file.
I tried to deploy a Play app to Cloudbees (only via push to git repo from which it is built by jenkins), it compiled and should work but I get a "502 Bad Gateway" error when loading the app. There is no error shown in the console only that it answers "502 Bad Gateway" when trying to access it. But that's what I see in the browser, too.
Cloudbees say that there is no other manipulation necessary, just cloning/pulling the ClickStart-Project, making it you application and pushing it back. The Play project works fine locally.
I am very grateful for any help. Please let me know if I need to provide any other information. Thanks a lot!
Edit: It works fine with Heroku only adding a Procfile. I don't get the problem with Cloudbees...
In this case the error is due to the database needing evolutions to be run before it can start:
[warn] play - Run with -DapplyEvolutions.default=true and -DapplyDownEvolutions.default=true if you want to run them automatically (be careful)
Oops, cannot start the server.
#6eg39l651: Database 'default' needs evolution!
You can see the error in your application console:
or via bees app:tail if you have the bees CLI installed.
You can also deploy direct from your desktop if you like:
play dist
bees app:deploy -t play2 dist/yourapp.zip
And it will push direct to your app (if you don't want a continuous deployment pipeline).
I have server with apache2 listening on port 808 instead of port 80 or 8080. I have a flash program which genrated video stream from webcam on client side and send it to server at ip address with rtmp protocol like "rtmp:///flvplayback/"
it publishes the stream to that ip address
1 ) on local machine the string looks like
and works fine.
2 ) on remote machine i.e VPS the string looks like
and here the following error is generated
(crtmpserver running on VPS is generating this error ) .... /tcpcarrier.cpp:78 Unable to read data. -> ....
I am not sure why this error is being genetrated.... I am using ubuntu12.04 crtmpserverr build from Download section of site rtmpd.com The same build works totally fine on my local machine.
I think you should follow the steps here: http://wiki.rtmpd.com/quickbuild
The builds on the site are quite old. The sources are much newer
Can you also provide some log files as well? I don't remember exactly... did you put this question on the crtmpserver's mailing list as well?
Best regards,
I am trying to publish my SilverLight application to the web and I keep getting "An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI "http://localhost:2898....".
I've changed the ServiceReferences.ClientConfig to point to the web address but the app still keeps on trying to connect to localhost.
I've opened the application in FireFox and took a look at the firebug log and it says: -
clientaccesspolicy.xml 404 Not Found localhost:2898
crossdomain.xml 404 Not Found localhost:2898.
The silverlight app is accessing the web service in the same domain, I just don't know why it is still trying to connect to localhost.
Any help appreciated.
Two things come to mind, but check your "c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts" file and make sure ure local computer name or ip isnt mapped to localhost or the network machine isnt mapped to localhost for whatever strange reason.
Is the Silverlight app And WCF Service hosted on your localmachine, or are you accessing a server on your local network?
Just open the hosts file (C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc) and uncomment the following line (remove # from the beginning of the line): localhost
Then save it, it should work.