Synchronous Counter Overflow ""CANopen"" - can-bus

I faced a new parameter for synchronization in CANopen: Synchronous Counter Overflow.
Synchronous Counter Overflow
The synchronous counter overflow object is an object dictionary entry that defines the maximum value of the SYNC counter.
The SYNC counter is an optional part of an SYNC message.
You can enable the SYNC counter by specifying a non-zero value to the synchronous counter overflow object.
The SYNC counter value starts from 1 and increases by 1 with each SYNC message.
An SYNC cycle is the time period between the time when the SYNC counter value is 1 and the time when the SYNC counter value reaches the synchronous counter overflow value.
At the end of an SYNC cycle, the device sends out the SYNC message with a counter value that equals the synchronous counter overflow value.
The device then resets the SYNC counter value to 1 for the next SYNC message.
The next SYNC message starts another SYNC cycle.
Use the synchronous counter overflow object to ensure periodic SYNC events occur in SYNC cycles with the same SYNC counter value.
You can use specific SYNC counter values to trigger multiple periodic SYNC events.
For example, you can set the periods of event A and event B to 3 and the period of event C to 4. You then set the synchronous counter overflow to 12.
When you execute the application, event A and event B occur when the SYNC counter is 3, 6, 9, and 12. Event C occurs when the SYNC counter is 4, 8, and 12.
I know that we can set this object in command 0x1019 to count SYNC messages, and of course, a maximum is set for it, but I don't understand why this is used.

It's just a counter with configurable overflow. Devices can use it for whatever, so check the docu of your devices (or pick your use-case if you are writing your own). For many applications you don't even need sync at all.
According to [1] it is commonly used to distribute bus load. You certainly can do a lot of applications without it, simply doing everything at the same period. It's easy to calculate the bus load in this case to avoid overload. Especially because the COB-IDs also imply strict priorities, so you can have "background traffic" that doesn't invalidate your calculations for the high-priority messages.


Streaming Beam pipeline with "lookbehind"

I am new to Beam/Dataflow and am trying to figure out if it is suited to this problem. I am trying to keep a running sum of which types of messages are currently backlogged in a queueing system. The system uses a monotonically increasing offset number to order messages: producers learn the number when the send a message, and consumers track the watermark offset as they process each message in FIFO order. This pipeline would have two inputs: counts from the producers and watermarks from the consumers.
The queue producer would regularly flush a batch of count metrics to Beam:
(type1, offset, count)
(type2, offset, count)
where the offset was the last offset the producer wrote for typeN, and count is how many typeN messages it enqueued in the current batch period.
The queue consumer will regularly send its latest consumed watermark offset. The effect this should have is to invalidate any counts that have an offset lower than this consumer watermark.
The output of the pipeline is the sum of all counts with a higher offset than the largest consumer watermark yet seen, grouped by message type. (snapshotted every 5 minutes or so.)
(Of course there would be 100k message "types", hundreds of producer servers, occasional 2-hour periods where the consumer doesn't report an advancing watermark, etc.)
Is this doable? That this pipeline would need to maintain and scan an unbounded-ish history of count records is the part that seems maybe unsuited to Beam.
One possible approach would be to model this as two timeseries (left , right) where you want to match left.timestamp <= right.timestamp. You can do this using the State and Timer API.
In order to achieve this unbounded, you will need to be working within a GlobalWindow. Important note in the Global Window there is no expiry of the state, so you will need to make sure to do Garbage Collection on your left and right streams. Also data will arrive in the onprocess unordered, so you will need to make use of Event Time timers to do the actual work.
Very roughly:
Store data in BagState.
Setup Event time timer to go off
Do your buiss logic.
This is a lot easier with Apache Beam > 2.24.0 as OrderedListState has been added.
Although the timeseries use case is different from the one in this question, this talk from the 2019 Beam summit also has some pointers (but does not make use of OrderedListState, which was not available at the time);
State and Timer API and Timeseries

Combine session and tumbling window: time windows that are aligned to the first event for each key

i read about flink`s window assigners over here: , but i cant find any solution for my problem.
as part of my project i need a windowing that the timer will start given the first element of the key and will be closed and set ready for processing after X minutes. for example:
first keyA comes at (hh:mm:ss) 00:00:02, i want all keyA will be windowing until 00:01:02, and then the timer of 1 minutes will start again only when keyA will be given as input.
Is it possible to do something like that in flink? is there a workaround?
hope i made it clear enough.
Implementing keyed windows that are aligned with the first event, rather than with the epoch, is quite difficult, in general, which I believe is why this isn't supported by Flink's window API. The problem is that with an out-of-order stream using event time processing, as earlier events arrive you may need to revise your notion of when the window began, and when it should end. For example, if the first keyA arrives at 00:00:02, but then some time later an event with keyA arrives with a timestamp of 00:00:01, now suddenly the window should end at 00:01:01, rather than 00:01:02. And if the out-of-orderness is large compared to the window length, handling this becomes quite complex -- imagine, for example, that the event from 00:00:01 arrives 2 minutes after the event from 00:00:02.
Rather than trying to implement this with the window API, I would use a KeyedProcessFunction. If you only need to support processing time windows, then these concerns about out-of-orderness do not apply, and the solution can be fairly simple. It suffices to keep one object in keyed state, which might be a list holding all of the events in the window, or a counter or other aggregator, depending on what you're trying to accomplish.
When an event arrives, if the state (for this key) is null, then there is no open window for this key. Initialize the state (i.e., create a new, empty list, or set the counter to zero), and create a Timer to fire at the appropriate time. Then regardless of whether the state had been null, add the incoming event to the state (i.e., append it to the list, or increment the counter).
When the timer fires, emit the window's result and reset the state to null.
If, on the other hand, you want to do this with event time windows, first sort the stream and then use the same approach. Note that you won't be able to handle late events, so plan your watermarking accordingly (reducing the likelihood of late events to a manageable level), or go for a more complex implementation.

NSCondition, what if no lock when call signal?

From this Apple's document about NSCondition, the usage of NSCondition should be:
Thead 1:
[cocoaCondition lock];
while (timeToDoWork <= 0)
[cocoaCondition wait];
// Do real work here.
[cocoaCondition unlock];
Thread 2:
[cocoaCondition lock];
[cocoaCondition signal];
[cocoaCondition unlock];
And in the document of method signal in NSConditon:
You use this method to wake up one thread that is waiting on the condition. You may call this method multiple times to wake up multiple threads. If no threads are waiting on the condition, this method does nothing. To avoid race conditions, you should invoke this method only while the receiver is locked.
My question is:
I don't want the Thread 2 been blocked in any situation, so I removed the lock and unlock call in Thread 2. That is, Thread 2 can put as many work as it wish, Thread 1 will do the work one by one, if no more work, it wait (blocked). This is also a producer-consumer pattern, but the producer never been blocked.
But the way is not correct according to Apple's document So what things could possibly go wrong in this pattern? Thanks.
Failing to lock is a serious problem when multiple threads are accessing shared data. In the example from Apple's code, if Thread 2 doesn't lock the condition object then it can be incrementing timeToDoWork at the same time that Thread 1 is decrementing it. That can result in the results from one of those operations being lost. For example:
Thread 1 reads the current value of timeToDoWork, gets 1
Thread 2 reads the current value of timeToDoWork, gets 1
Thread 2 computes the incremented value (timeToDoWork + 1), gets 2
Thread 1 computes the decremented value (timeToDoWork - 1), gets 0
Thread 2 writes the new value of timeToDoWork, stores 2
Thread 1 writes the new value of timeToDoWork, stores 0
timeToDoWork started at 1, was incremented and decremented, so it should end at 1, but it actually ends at 0. By rearranging the steps, it could end up at 2, instead. Presumably, the value of timeToDoWork represents something real and important. Getting it wrong would probably screw up the program.
If your two threads are doing something as simple as incrementing and decrementing a number, they can do it without locks by using the atomic operation functions, such as OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier() and OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(). However, if the shared data is any more complicated than that (and it probably is in any non-trivial case), then they really need to use synchronization mechanisms such as condition locks.

Is a read on an atomic variable guaranteed to acquire the current value of it in C++11?

It is known that the modifications on a single atomic variable form a total order. Suppose we have an atomic read operation on some atomic variable v at wall-clock time T. Then, is this read guaranteed to acquire the current value of v that is wrote by the last one in the modification order of v at time T? To put it in another way, if an atomic write is done before an atomic read in natural time, and there is no other writes in between, then is the read guaranteed to return the value just written?
My accepted answer is the 6th comment made by Cubbi to his answer.
Wall-clock time is irrelevant. However, what you're describing sounds like the write-read coherence guarantee:
If a side effect X on an atomic object M happens before a value computation B of M, then the evaluation B shall take its value from X or from a side effect Y that follows X in the modification order of M.
(translating the standardese, "value computation" is a read, and "side effect" is a write)
In particular, if your relaxed write and your relaxed read are in different statements of the same function, they are connected by a sequenced-before relationship, therefore they are connected by a happens-before relationship, therefore the guarantee holds.
Depends on the memory order which you can specify for the load() operation.
By default, it is std::memory_order_seq_cst and the answer is yes, it guarantees the current value stored by another thread (if stored at all, i.e. it must use std::memory_order_release memory order at least, otherwise the store visibility is not guaranteed).
But if you specify std::memory_order_relaxed for the load operation the documentation says Relaxed ordering: there are no synchronization or ordering constraints, only atomicity is required of this operation. I.e. the program could end up not reading from the memory at all.
Is a read on an atomic variable guaranteed to acquire the current value of it
Even though each atomic variable has a single modification order (which is observed by all threads), that does not mean that all threads observe modifications at the same time scale.
Consider this code:
std::atomic<int> g{0};
// thread 1;
// thread 2
int a = g.load();
// do stuff with a
int b = g.load();
A possible outcome is (see diagram):
thread 1: 42 is stored at time T1
thread 2: the first load returns 0 at time T2
thread 2: the store from thread 1 becomes visible at time T3
thread 2: the second load returns 42 at time T4.
This outcome is possible even though the first load at time T2 occurs after the store at T1 (in clock time).
The standard says:
Implementations should make atomic stores visible to atomic loads within a reasonable amount of time.
It does not require a store to become visible right away and it even allows room for a store to remain invisible (e.g. on systems without cache-coherency).
In that case, an atomic read-modify-write (RMW) is required to access the last value.
Atomic read-modify-write operations shall always read the last value (in the modification order) written
before the write associated with the read-modify-write operation.
Needless to say, RMW's are more expensive to execute (they lock the bus) and that is why a regular atomic load is allowed to return an older (cached) value.
If a regular load was required to return the last value, performance would be horrible while there would be hardly any benefit.

Mutex are needed to protect the Condition Variables

As it is said that Mutex are needed to protect the Condition Variables.
Is the reference here to the actual condition variable declared as pthread_cond_t
A normal shared variable count whose values decide the signaling and wait.
is the reference here to the actual condition variable declared as pthread_cond_t or a normal shared variable count whose values decide the signaling and wait?
The reference is to both.
The mutex makes it so, that the shared variable (count in your question) can be checked, and if the value of that variable doesn't meet the desired condition, the wait that is performed inside pthread_cond_wait() will occur atomically with respect to that check.
The problem being solved with the mutex is that you have two separate operations that need to be atomic:
check the condition of count
wait inside of pthread_cond_wait() if the condition isn't met yet.
A pthread_cond_signal() doesn't 'persist' - if there are no threads waiting on the pthread_cond_t object, a signal does nothing. So if there wasn't a mutex making the two operations listed above atomic with respect to one another, you could find yourself in the following situation:
Thread A wants to do something once count is non-zero
Thread B will signal when it increments count (which will set count to something other than zero)
thread "A" checks count and finds that it's zero
before "A" gets to call pthread_cond_wait(), thread "B" comes along and increments count to 1 and calls pthread_cond_signal(). That call actually does nothing of consequence since "A" isn't waiting on the pthread_cond_t object yet.
"A" calls pthread_cond_wait(), but since condition variable signals aren't remembered, it will block at this point and wait for the signal that has already come and gone.
The mutex (as long as all threads are following the rules) makes it so that item #2 cannot occur between items 1 and 3. The only way that thread "B" will get a chance to increment count is either before A looks at count or after "A" is already waiting for the signal.
A condition variable must always be associated with a mutex, to avoid the race condition where a thread prepares to wait on a condition variable and another thread signals the condition just before the first thread actually waits on it.
More info here
Some Sample:
Thread 1 (Waits for the condition)
pthread_cond_wait(cond, cond_mutex);
Thread 2 (Signals the condition)
As you can see in the same above, the mutex protects the variable 'i' which is the cause of the condition. When we see that the condition is not met, we go into a condition wait, which implicitly releases the mutex and thereby allowing the thread doing the signalling to acquire the mutex and work on 'i' and avoid race condition.
Now, as per your question, if the signalling thread signals first, it should have acquired the mutex before doing so, else the first thread might simply check the condition and see that it is not being met and might go for condition wait and since the second thread has already signalled it, no one will signal it there after and the first thread will keep waiting forever.So, in this sense, the mutex is for both the condition & the conditional variable.
Per the pthreads docs the reason that the mutex was not separated is that there is a significant performance improvement by combining them and they expect that because of common race conditions if you don't use a mutex, it's almost always going to be done anyway.​
Features of Mutexes and Condition Variables
It had been suggested that the mutex acquisition and release be
decoupled from condition wait. This was rejected because it is the
combined nature of the operation that, in fact, facilitates realtime
implementations. Those implementations can atomically move a
high-priority thread between the condition variable and the mutex in a
manner that is transparent to the caller. This can prevent extra
context switches and provide more deterministic acquisition of a mutex
when the waiting thread is signaled. Thus, fairness and priority
issues can be dealt with directly by the scheduling discipline.
Furthermore, the current condition wait operation matches existing
I thought that a better use-case might help better explain conditional variables and their associated mutex.
I use posix conditional variables to implement what is called a Barrier Sync. Basically, I use it in an app where I have 15 (data plane) threads that all do the same thing, and I want them all to wait until all data planes have completed their initialization. Once they have all finished their (internal) data plane initialization, then they can start processing data.
Here is the code. Notice I copied the algorithm from Boost since I couldnt use templates in this particular application:
void LinuxPlatformManager::barrierSync()
// Algorithm taken from boost::barrier
// In the class constructor, the variables are initialized as follows:
// barrierGeneration_ = 0;
// barrierCounter_ = numCores_; // numCores_ is 15
// barrierThreshold_ = numCores_;
// Locking the mutex here synchronizes all condVar logic manipulation
// from this point until the point where either pthread_cond_wait() or
// pthread_cond_broadcast() is called below
int gen = barrierGeneration_;
if(--barrierCounter_ == 0)
// The last thread to call barrierSync() enters here,
// meaning they have all called barrierSync()
barrierCounter_ = barrierThreshold_;
// broadcast is the same as signal, but it signals ALL waiting threads
while(gen == barrierGeneration_)
// All but the last thread to call this method enter here
// This call is blocking, not on the mutex, but on the condVar
// this call actually releases the mutex
pthread_cond_wait(&barrierCond_, &barrierMutex_);
Notice that every thread that enters the barrierSync() method locks the mutex, which makes everything between the mutex lock and the call to either pthread_cond_wait() or pthread_mutex_unlock() atomic. Also notice that the mutex is released/unlocked in pthread_cond_wait() as mentioned here. In this link it also mentions that the behavior is undefined if you call pthread_cond_wait() without having first locked the mutex.
If pthread_cond_wait() did not release the mutex lock, then all threads would block on the call to pthread_mutex_lock() at the beginning of the barrierSync() method, and it wouldnt be possible to decrease the barrierCounter_ variables (nor manipulate related vars) atomically (nor in a thread safe manner) to know how many threads have called barrierSync()
So to summarize all of this, the mutex associated with the Conditional Variable is not used to protect the Conditional Variable itself, but rather it is used to make the logic associated with the condition (barrierCounter_, etc) atomic and thread-safe. When the threads block waiting for the condition to become true, they are actually blocking on the Conditional Variable, not on the associated mutex. And a call to pthread_cond_broadcast/signal() will unblock them.
Here is another resource related to pthread_cond_broadcast() and pthread_cond_signal() for an additional reference.
