How to add PTR record for EC2 Instance's Private IP in CDK? - aws-cdk

I've two private hosted zones created for populating A records and PTR records corresponding to my EC2 instance's private ip. Yes, it's the private ip that I need. This subnet is routed to our corporate data center, so we need non-cryptic hostnames and consistent reverse lookup on them within the account.
I've got the forward lookup working well, however I'm confused how exactly it should be for the reverse lookup on the IP. Assume, my CIDR is where the EC2 instances will get created.
const fwdZone = new aws_route53.PrivateHostedZone(
this, "myFwdZone", {
zoneName: "",
vpc: myVpc,
const revZone = new aws_route53.PrivateHostedZone(
this, "myRevZone", {
zoneName: "",
vpc: myVpc,
I'm later creating the A record by referencing the EC2 instance's privateIp property. This worked well.
const myEc2 = new aws_ec2.Instance(this, 'myEC2', {...})
new aws_route53.RecordSet(this, "fwdRecord", {
zone: fwdZone,
recordName: "",
recordType: aws_route53.RecordType.A,
target: aws_route53.RecordTarget.fromIpAddresses(
However, when I try to create the PTR record for the same, I've got some trouble. I needed to extract the fourth octet and specify as the recordName
new aws_route53.RecordSet(this, "revRecord", {
zone: revZone,
recordName: myEc2.instancePrivateIp.split('.')[3],
recordType: aws_route53.RecordType.PTR,
target: aws_route53.RecordTarget.fromValues(""),
The CDK synthesized CloudFormation template looks odd as well, especially the token syntax.
Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
Name: ${Token[
Type: PTR
HostedZoneId: A12345678B00CDEFGHIJ3
TTL: "1800"
Is this the right way to achieve this ? If I specified the recordName as just the privateIp, then the synthesized template ends up doing something else, which I see is incorrect too.
Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
- ""
- - Fn::GetAtt:
- myEC2123A01BC
- PrivateIp
Type: PTR
HostedZoneId: A12345678B00CDEFGHIJ3
TTL: "1800"

Answering the CDK part of your question: the original error was because you were performing string manipulation on an unresolved token. Your CDK code runs before any resources are provisioned. This has to be the case, since it generates the CloudFormation template that will be submitted to CloudFormation to provision the resources. So when the code runs, the instance does not exist, and its IP address is not knowable.
CDK still allows you to access unresolved properties, returning a Token instead. You can pass this token around and it will be resolved to the actual value during deployment.
To perform string manipulation on a token, you can use CloudFormation's bult-in functions, since they run during deployment, after the token has been resolved.
Here's what it would look like:
recordName:, Fn.split('.', myEc2.instancePrivateIp))
As you found out yourself, you were also selecting the wrong octet of the IP address, so the actual solution would include replacing 0 with 3 in the call.


AWS CDK - inline IAM Policies with conflicting names are generated for different stacks using a shared role

I'm using the CDK to deploy several stacks, and one of the roles used is shared across multiple stacks. The constructs (e.g. CodeBuildAction) which use the role frequently attach necessary permissions as an inline policy. However, despite knowing that it is an "imported" role, the inline policy name that is generated is not unique across stacks, and therefore both CloudFormation stacks contain the same Policy resource, and fight over the contents. (Neither stack contains the Role resource.)
import * as cdk from "#aws-cdk/core";
import * as iam from "#aws-cdk/aws-iam";
const sharedRoleArn = "arn:aws:iam::1111111111:role/MyLambdaRole";
const app = new cdk.App();
const stackOne = new cdk.Stack(app, "StackOne");
const roleRefOne = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(stackOne, "SharedRole", sharedRoleArn);
// Under normal circumstances, this is called inside constructs defined by AWS
// (like a CodeBuildAction that grants permission to access Artifact S3 buckets, etc)
roleRefOne.addToPrincipalPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: ["s3:ListBucket"],
resources: ["*"],
effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
const stackTwo = new cdk.Stack(app, "StackTwo");
const roleRefTwo = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(stackTwo, "SharedRole", sharedRoleArn);
roleRefTwo.addToPrincipalPolicy(new iam.PolicyStatement({
actions: ["dynamodb:List*"],
resources: ["*"],
effect: iam.Effect.ALLOW,
The following are fragments of the cloud assembly generated for the two stacks:
Type: AWS::IAM::Policy
- Action: s3:ListBucket
Effect: Allow
Resource: "*"
Version: "2012-10-17"
PolicyName: SharedRolePolicyA1DDBB1E
- MyLambdaRole
aws:cdk:path: StackOne/SharedRole/Policy/Resource
Type: AWS::IAM::Policy
- Action: dynamodb:List*
Effect: Allow
Resource: "*"
Version: "2012-10-17"
PolicyName: SharedRolePolicyA1DDBB1E
- MyLambdaRole
aws:cdk:path: StackTwo/SharedRole/Policy/Resource
You can see above that the aws:cdk:paths for two policies are different, but they end up with the same name (SharedRolePolicyA1DDBB1E). That is used as the physical name of the inline policy attached to the MySharedRole role. (The same behavior occurs for stacks in separate "Apps" as well.)
There's no affordance for setting the PolicyName for the "default policy" generated for a role (or which policies a construct attaches permissions to). I could also make the shared role immutable (using { mutable: false } on fromRoleArn, but then I need to reconstruct the potentially complicated Policies a set of constructs would have given the role, and attache it myself.
I was able to work around the issue by templating the stack name into the imported role's "id", as in:
const stack = cdk.Stack.of(scope)
const role = iam.Role.fromRoleArn(scope, `${stack.stackName}SharedRole`, sharedRoleArn);
where I construct my role.
Is this expected behavior? Do I misunderstand something about imported resources with CDK? Is there a better alternative? (My understanding with the construct ids is that they are only intended to need to be unique within a given scope.)

How to use a Google Secret in a deployed Cloud Run Service (managed)?

I have a running cloud run service user-service. For test purposes I passed client secrets via environment variables as plain text. Now since everything is working fine I'd like to use a secret instead.
In the "Variables" tab of the "Edit Revision" option I can declare environment variables but I have no idea how to pass in a secret? Do I just need to pass the secret name like ${my-secret-id} in the value field of the variable? There is not documentation on how to use secrets in this tab only a hint at the top:
Store and consume secrets using Secret Manager
Which is not very helpful in this case.
You can now read secrets from Secret Manager as environment variables in Cloud Run. This means you can audit your secrets, set permissions per secret, version secrets, etc, and your code doesn't have to change.
You can point to the secrets through the Cloud Console GUI ( or make the configuration when you deploy your Cloud Run service from the command-line:
gcloud beta run deploy SERVICE --image IMAGE_URL --update-secrets=ENV_VAR_NAME=SECRET_NAME:VERSION
Six-minute video overview:
Detailed docs:
UPDATE 2021: There is now a Cloud Run preview for loading secrets to an environment variable or a volume.
The question is now answered however I have been experiencing a similar problem using Cloud Run with Java & Quarkus and a native image created using GraalVM.
While Cloud Run is a really interesting technology at the time of writing it lacks the ability to load secrets through the Cloud Run configuration. This has certainly added complexity in my app when doing local development.
Additionally Google's documentation is really quite poor. The quick-start lacks a clear Java example for getting a secret[1] without it being set in the same method - I'd expect this to have been the most common use case!
The javadoc itself seems to be largely autogenerated with protobuf language everywhere. There are various similarly named methods like getSecret, getSecretVersion and accessSecretVersion
I'd really like to see some improvment from Google around this. I don't think it is asking too much for dedicated teams to make libraries for common languages with proper documentation.
Here is a snippet that I'm using to load this information. It requires the GCP Secret library and also the GCP Cloud Core library for loading the project ID.
public String getSecret(final String secretName) {"Going to load secret {}", secretName);
// SecretManagerServiceClient should be closed after request
try (SecretManagerServiceClient client = buildClient()) {
// Latest is an alias to the latest version of a secret
final SecretVersionName name = SecretVersionName.of(getProjectId(), secretName, "latest");
return client.accessSecretVersion(name).getPayload().getData().toStringUtf8();
private String getProjectId() {
if (projectId == null) {
projectId = ServiceOptions.getDefaultProjectId();
return projectId;
private SecretManagerServiceClient buildClient() {
try {
return SecretManagerServiceClient.create();
} catch(final IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
[1] -
Google have documentation for the Secret manager client libraries that you can use in your api.
This should help you do what you want
Since you haven't specified a language I have a nodejs example of how to access the latest version of your secret using your project id and secret name. The reason I add this is because the documentation is not clear on the string you need to provide as the name.
const [version] = await this.secretClient.accessSecretVersion({
name: `projects/${process.env.project_id}/secrets/${secretName}/versions/latest`,
Be sure to allow secret manager access in your IAM settings for the service account that your api uses within GCP.
I kinda found a way to use secrets as environment variables.
The following doc ( states:
Specify secrets to mount or provide as environment variables. Keys
starting with a forward slash '/' are mount paths. All other keys
correspond to environment variables. The values associated with each
of these should be in the form SECRET_NAME:KEY_IN_SECRET; you may omit
the key within the secret to specify a mount of all keys within the
secret. For example:
'--update-secrets=/my/path=mysecret,ENV=othersecret:key.json' will
create a volume with secret 'mysecret' and mount that volume at
'/my/path'. Because no secret key was specified, all keys in
'mysecret' will be included. An environment variable named ENV will
also be created whose value is the value of 'key.json' in
'othersecret'. At most one of these may be specified
Here is a snippet of Java code to get all secrets of your Cloud Run project. It requires the artifact.
Map<String, String> secrets = new HashMap<>();
String projectId;
String url = "";
HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection)(new URL(url).openConnection());
conn.setRequestProperty("Metadata-Flavor", "Google");
try {
InputStream in = conn.getInputStream();
projectId = new String(in.readAllBytes(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
} finally {
Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
try (SecretManagerServiceClient client = SecretManagerServiceClient.create()) {
ProjectName projectName = ProjectName.of(projectId);
ListSecretsPagedResponse pagedResponse = client.listSecrets(projectName);
.forEach(secret -> { names.add(secret.getName()); });
for (String secretName : names) {
String name = secretName.substring(secretName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
SecretVersionName nameParam = SecretVersionName.of(projectId, name, "latest");
String secretValue = client.accessSecretVersion(nameParam).getPayload().getData().toStringUtf8();
secrets.put(secretName, secretValue);
Cloud Run support for referencing Secret Manager Secrets is now at general availability (GA).

Is passing environment variables to sapper's client side secure with Rollup Replace?

I am using replace in my rollup configuration for sapper and sapper-environment to pass environment variables to the client side in sapper - is this secure? Is there a better/safer way to approach this?
Using this config below:
const sapperEnv = require('sapper-environment');
export default {
client: {
input: config.client.input(),
output: config.client.output(),
plugins: [
'process.browser': true,
'process.env.NODE_ENV': JSON.stringify(mode)
And then this allows me to use the variables in stores.js:
import { writable } from 'svelte/store';
import Client from 'shopify-buy';
const key = process.env.SAPPER_APP_SHOPIFY_KEY;
const domain = process.env.SAPPER_APP_SHOPIFY_DOMAIN;
// Initialize a client
const client = Client.buildClient({
domain: domain,
storefrontAccessToken: key
export { key, domain, client };
I have tried running this in server,js and passing the variables through the session data, but client side no matter what I do they always seems to return 'undefined'.
There are two questions here — a) is it secure, and b) why are the values undefined?
The answer to the first question is 'no'. Any time you include credentials in JavaScript that gets served to the client (or in session data), you're making those credentials available to anyone who knows how to look for them. If you need to avoid that, you'll need your server (or another server) to make requests on behalf of authenticated clients.
As for the second part, it's very hard to tell without a reproduction unfortunately!

Get SQS URL from within Serverless function?

I'm building a Serverless app that defines an SQS queue in the resources as follows:
Type: "AWS:SQS:Queue"
QueueName: "TheQueue"
I want to send messages to this queue from within one of the functions. How can I access the URL from within the function? I want to place it here:
const params = {
MessageBody: 'message body here',
DelaySeconds: 5
This is a great question!
I like to set the queue URL as an ENV var for my app!
So you've named the queue TheQueue.
Simply add this snippet to your serverless.yml file:
name: aws
runtime: <YOUR RUNTIME>
THE_QUEUE_URL: { Ref: TheQueue }
Serverless will automatically grab the queue URL from your CloudFormation and inject it into your ENV.
Then you can access the param as:
const params = {
MessageBody: 'message body here',
QueueUrl: process.env.THE_QUEUE_URL,
DelaySeconds: 5
You can use the Get Queue URL API, though I tend to also pass it in to my function. The QueueUrl is the Ref value for an SQS queue in CloudFormation, so you can pretty easily get to it in your CloudFormation. This handy cheat sheet is really helpful for working with CloudFormation attributes and refs.
I go a bit of a different route. I, personally, don't like storing information in environment variables when using lambda, though I really like Aaron Stuyvenberg solution. Therefore, I store information like this is AWS SSM Parameter store.
Then in my code I just call for it when needed. Forgive my JS it has been a while since I did it. I mostly do python
var ssm = new AWS.SSM();
const myHandler = (event, context) => {
var { Value } = await ssm.getParameter({Name: ''}).promise()
const params = {
MessageBody: 'message body here',
QueueUrl: Value,
DelaySeconds: 5
There is probably some deconstruction of the returned data structure I got wrong, but this is roughly what I do. In python I wrote a library that does all of this with one line.

How to get PrivateIPAddress of VPC Endpoint in CDK?

I need create a VPC Endpoint and an ALB to target the VPC Endpoint in CDK.
I found InterfaceVpcEndpoint can return vpcEndpointNetworkInterfaceIds attribute. So it seems the missing part is how to get private IP address from these ENI IDs in a CDK way.
I found CDK has a custom-resource package, its example shows I can use AwsCustomResource to call an AWS API (EC2/DescribeNetworkInterfaces) to get the IP Address.
I tried write a custom resource like below:
eni = AwsCustomResource(
self, 'DescribeNetworkInterfaces',
parameters= {
'NetworkInterfaceId.N': [eni_id]
ip = eni.get_data('NetworkInterfaces.0.PrivateIpAddress')
and pass ip into elbv2.IPTarget.
But it seems I missed something, so it complains it needs a scalar not reference?
(.env) ➜ base-stack (master) ✔ cdk synth base --no-staging > template.yaml
Error: Expected Scalar, got {"$jsii.byref":"#aws-cdk/core.Reference#10015"}
at Object.deserialize (/Volumes/DATA/ci/aws/base-stack/.env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jsii/_embedded/jsii/jsii-runtime.js:12047:23)
at Kernel._toSandbox (/Volumes/DATA/ci/aws/base-stack/.env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jsii/_embedded/jsii/jsii-runtime.js:7031:61)
at /Volumes/DATA/ci/aws/base-stack/.env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jsii/_embedded/jsii/jsii-runtime.js:7084:33
at (<anonymous>)
at Kernel._boxUnboxParameters (/Volumes/DATA/ci/aws/base-stack/.env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/jsii/_embedded/jsii/jsii-runtime.js:7084:19)
at Kernel
The AwsCustomResource.get_data-method return a Reference object, which now causes the issue. To get the CloudFormation token (!GetAtt "DescribeNetworkInterfaces"."NetworkInterfaces.0.PrivateIpAddress") the Reference.to_string method must be used explicitly.
ip = eni.get_data('NetworkInterfaces.0.PrivateIpAddress')
ip = eni.get_data('NetworkInterfaces.0.PrivateIpAddress').to_string()
