Dart, how to unit test a function with mocking method inside - dart

I want to unit test a function with mocking a function inside.
This is the simplified code I want to test:
import 'package:test/test.dart';
Future<int> function() async {
final int value = await API(); // This returns a int.
return value + 1;
void main() {
test('test function, (when api() returns 1)', () {
expect(function(), completion(equals(2)));
When testing, I don't want to call the real API() function but, want to mock it instead. Is there any solution to this?


Dart - How to add async to class? [duplicate]

Let's assume that an initialization of MyComponent in Dart requires sending an HttpRequest to the server. Is it possible to construct an object synchronously and defer a 'real' initialization till the response come back?
In the example below, the _init() function is not called until "done" is printed. Is it possible to fix this?
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
class MyComponent{
MyComponent() {
Future _init() async {
void main() {
var c = new MyComponent();
sleep(const Duration(seconds: 1));
Probably the best way to handle this is with a factory function, which calls a private constructor.
In Dart, private methods start with an underscore, and "additional" constructors require a name in the form ClassName.constructorName, since Dart doesn't support function overloading. This means that private constructors require a name, which starts with an underscore (MyComponent._create in the below example).
import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:io';
class MyComponent{
/// Private constructor
MyComponent._create() {
print("_create() (private constructor)");
// Do most of your initialization here, that's what a constructor is for
/// Public factory
static Future<MyComponent> create() async {
print("create() (public factory)");
// Call the private constructor
var component = MyComponent._create();
// Do initialization that requires async
//await component._complexAsyncInit();
// Return the fully initialized object
return component;
void main() async {
var c = await MyComponent.create();
This way, it's impossible to accidentally create an improperly initialized object out of the class. The only available constructor is private, so the only way to create an object is with the factory, which performs proper initialization.
A constructor can only return an instance of the class it is a constructor of (MyComponent). Your requirement would require a constructor to return Future<MyComponent> which is not supported.
You either need to make an explicit initialization method that needs to be called by the user of your class like:
class MyComponent{
Future init() async {
void main() async {
var c = new MyComponent();
await c.init();
or you start initialization in the consturctor and allow the user of the component to wait for initialization to be done.
class MyComponent{
Future _doneFuture;
MyComponent() {
_doneFuture = _init();
Future _init() async {
Future get initializationDone => _doneFuture
void main() async {
var c = new MyComponent();
await c.initializationDone;
When _doneFuture was already completed await c.initializationDone returns immediately otherwise it waits for the future to complete first.
I agree, an asynchronous factory function would help Dart devs with this problem. #kankaristo has IMHO given the best answer, a static async method that returns a fully constructed and initialized object. You have to deal with the async somehow, and breaking the init in two will lead to bugs.

FutureOr can await void functions?

As far as I understand it should not be possible to await functions like void foo() async {}, because they return no future that could be awaited. But I noticed when I assign them to a FutureOr<void> Function() field it is possible to await them. The following example prints: PRE, FUNC, POST
import 'dart:async';
void func() async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
Future<void> main() async {
final FutureOr<void> Function() t = func;
await t();
I would expect it to print: PRE, POST, FUNC
Because the function func cannot be await (because it returns void) and therefore the await t() should not wait for the completion of the func function.
I observed the same behavior with final dynamic Function() t = func;
I'm not sure if this behavior is intended or if I just don't understand void async functions?
The await operator can be used on any object and on an expression of any type except void (and that's only because the type void is specifically disallowed in most contexts, not something special for await).
An async function always returns a future. Even if its declared return type is void. Declaring the return type as void is just a signal to users that they shouldn't expect a useful value, and it makes it harder to actually get to the value (because of the above-mentioned restrictions on using void typed expressions).
In fact, all void return-type functions return a value (unless they throw). That value is usually null, but it's not required to be.
Since you can override a void foo() method with int foo() in a subclass, and assign an int Function() to a variable of type void Function(), the compiler can't actually know for sure that a function with static type void does not return anything. So, it doesn't even try to enforce it for functions that are themselves typed as returning void.
The type FutureOr<void> is a supertype of void (and of Future<void>), so a void Function() function object is assignable to the type FutureOr<void> Function().
All in all, that conspires to allow your code to work the way you see.
The await t() performs an await on an expression with static type FutureOr<void> and an actual value which is a Future<void>, which was returned by a call to func. So, the await t() waits for FUNC to be printed.
Don't use await if you want skip task. Use Future.sync() or Future.microtask() in you case. Documentation
import 'dart:async';
void func() async {
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 2));
Future<void> main() async {
final FutureOr<void> Function() t = func;
By using await you telling to compilator that you want to wait until some task will be completed and no mater it's void or not.

Return type of void async function in Dart

In Dart, if you have an async function that doesn't return anything, should it return Future<void> or simply void? Both seem to work, but why?
void foo() async {
Future<void> bar() async {
void main() async {
await foo();
await bar();
Compiles with no errors or warnings and prints
In your code, both functions foo() and bar() are not returning anything so any function return type is valid for both functions eg:
void/T/Future<T>... foo() async {
Future<void>/T/Future<T>... bar() async {
and here,
await foo();
await bar();
await just waits till the execution of these async functions is complete. As there is no return type, await has no purpose here(redundant) so this is and should not be a compilation error.
The difference is that Future<void> gives you information of the execution of the function like when the execution is complete and it also allows you to specify what to do when the function is executed by using bar().then(...) and bar().whenComplete(...).
While foo() function return void and void does not hold as such any info like Future<void>. If you try to await bar() it will convert that Future object from Future<void> to void.
Future is just a container, with await returns the values once the async "tasks" are completed. Without await, Future objects give you information about the execution of the function from which they are returning.
Thanks to the other answers - they were a little unclear to me so I'm just going to add some clarifications after experimenting on DartPad:
It is never an error or even a warning! to not return a value from a function, irrespective of the return type. This madness is presumably inherited from Javascript.
If you don't return from a function it implicitly returns null. Except in these cases:
If the return type is void, it does not return a value (and using the result of the expression is a compiler error).
If the function is async:
If the return type is void, you cannot use the result of the function, however you can still await it but you cannot use the result of the await expression, or use any methods of Future.
If the return type is Future<void> it returns an instance of Future<void>. You can await it, and call methods of Future, e.g. .then((void v) { ... });. However you cannot use the result of await (because it is void).
If the return type is Future<T> it returns an instance of Future<T> that resolves to null.
So basically, if you want to allow callers to use Future methods, you need to annotate the return type as Future<void>. If you merely want them to be able to await the function, you only need void. However since you probably don't know in advance I suspect it is a good idea to always use Future<void>.
Here's an example that demonstrates the possibilities:
// Compilation error - functions marked async must have a
// return type assignable to 'Future'
// int int_async() async {
// }
void void_async() async {
Future<void> future_void_async() async {
Future<int> future_int_async() async {
int int_sync() {
void void_sync() {
Future<void> future_void_sync() {
Future<int> future_int_sync() {
void main() async {
// print('${void_async()}'); // Compilation error - expression has type void.
print('future_void_async: ${future_void_async()}');
print('future_int_async: ${future_int_async()}');
// print('${await future_void_async()}'); // Compilation error.
await future_void_async();
future_void_async().then((void v) {
await void_async();
// void_async().then((void v) { // Compilation error.
// print('ok');
// });
print('await future_int_async: ${await future_int_async()}');
print('int_sync: ${int_sync()}');
// print('${void_sync()}'); // Compilation error - expression has type void
print('future_void_sync: ${future_void_sync()}');
print('future_int_sync: ${future_int_sync()}');
It prints
future_void_async: Instance of '_Future<void>'
future_int_async: Instance of '_Future<int>'
await future_int_async: null
int_sync: null
future_void_sync: null
future_int_sync: null
A Future is simply a representation of an Object that hasn't completed the underlying function, and thus is a "promise" for later use. When you use Future<void>, there's no Object to return anyways, so it doesn't matter whether you use void or Future<void>. (The function doesn't return anything, so the return type is a placeholder anyways.)
Future<void> can be used for listeners, and to check when things are complete, as can every Future. This means that you can use Future's listeners to check for completion or errors in running your Future<void> async function, but not your void async function. Thus, in some cases, it's better to give Future<void> than void as the return type.

How return Future from Future? Or this is prohibited in async library?

How I can return Future value from Future object?
This code does not work.
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
var temp = foo();
temp.then((Future<int> future) {
future.then((int result) {
Future<Future<int>> foo() {
return new Future<Future<int>>(() {
return new Future<int>(() => 5);
How to prevent unnecessary unwrapping?
In this case in async library 'Future' declared as generic class.
abstract class Future<T> {
If I create expression as the following
new Future<Future<int>>();
Then with type T specified as Future<int> which result expected from generic class Future?
I thing that result must be as specified in type argument T.
I.e. Future<int>.
But result is not as expected.
There is no information found about this abnormal behavior on Dart API site.
If this is a "feature" (but I think that abnormal behavior wrongly to call "feature') then why it not documented in Dart API?
How can be explained this discrepancy?
Why this code not generated errors and warnings?
Another IDENTICAL example but w/o using Future.
void main() {
var temp = foo();
temp.baz((Foo<int> foo) {
foo.baz((int result) {
Foo<Foo<int>> foo() {
return new Foo<Foo<int>>(() {
return new Foo<int>(() => 5);
If in this case result will be as when using Future (i.e. unexpected) then how we can call this code?
Normal or abnormal?
Or maybe the Future in Dart some special (magic)?
Look at the api documentation
It says there:
If the returned value is itself a Future, completion of the created future will wait until
the returned future completes, and will then complete with the same result.
I guess that means you can't return a Future from a Future.
But you could return a list of futures.
void main() {
var temp = foo();
temp.then((List<Future<int>> list) {
list[0].then((int result) {
Future<List<Future<int>>> foo() {
return new Future<List<Future<int>>>(() {
return [new Future<int>(() => 5)];
There is no need for any of that extra wrapping. According to the Future documentation:
If the returned value is itself a [Future], completion of the created
future will wait until the returned future completes, and will then
complete with the same result.
This means you can rewrite your code as:
import 'dart:async';
void main() {
var temp = foo();
temp.then((int result) {
Future<int> foo() {
return new Future<int>(() {
return new Future<int>(() => 5);
This is a lot cleaner to work with and provides the expected result.

How do I mock or verify a call to print, in Dart unit tests?

In my Dart unit tests, how do I verify that print was called?
I'm writing sample code for tutorials, and I want to test it. Many samples using print for simplicity. I'd like my unit tests to verify that print is called with the right input.
Update: ZoneSpecification allows overriding the print function. By running code-under-test inside a custom zone you can capture calls to print function. For example, the following test redirects all print messages into an in-memory list log:
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:test/test.dart';
var log = [];
main() {
test('override print', overridePrint(() {
print('hello world');
expect(log, ['hello world']);
void Function() overridePrint(void testFn()) => () {
var spec = new ZoneSpecification(
print: (_, __, ___, String msg) {
// Add to log instead of printing to stdout
return Zone.current.fork(specification: spec).run<void>(testFn);
I don't think unittest adds anything specific for this, but you can override any top-level function in the scope of your test and capture calls to a log, for example:
var printLog = [];
void print(String s) => printLog.add(s);
main() {
test('print', () {
expect(printLog.length, 2);
expect(printLog[0], contains('hello'));
// etc...
