is it possible to add a hyperlink in AppCenter's Release Notes.
BTW I am using Fastlane to push the build and to add the Release Notes as well.
Bitbucket provide URL for creating a new branch.
You need to configure the URL Parameters with the appropriate Info and add it in the AppCenter ReleaseNotes.
latest_testflight_build_number allows easy build number bump
build_number: latest_testflight_build_number + 1
Is there something similar for Firebase App Distribution?
For example, I've uploaded a build v1.0.0(130)
While pushing a new build to Firebase App Distribution, I want to have build number as v1.0.0(131)
As Alexander pointed out, it seems that a new action has been created firebase_app_distribution_get_latest_release that does the trick.
Reference at this Github issue.
How to build scheme that I can use to build for TestFlight deployment that will have the app use a development URL to pull data from, and then have another build scheme for production that will use the production URL when the app runs. Any suggestions how this could be implemented?
Duplicate your existing scheme and choose another Build Configuration (not Release) under Archive. Probably you can use Debug there, if your debug configuration contains the necessary settings for compiling with the different URL (e. g. macro definitions). If not, you must create a new build configuration with this settings.
BTW.: I had the same need in my current app. Instead of creating different apps I've implemented a hidden settings dialog which allows changing the URL, and you can test your app with release code even its loaded from the app store.
In my project I am using a framework which contain simulator,dev and release version.How can I test the release sdk?What are the particulars that I have to check?
As far as I know ,I can change the scheme and create a release build.I want to know if it will automatically choose the release sdk or not?
Or do I have to create an archive and install as ipa file?If I can install the app via xcode do I have to remove the cable and launch the app manually?
If it helps someone :
If you have separate release sdk and dev sdk, you can select either of them as required by editing the scheme setting (Product->Scheme->edit scheme).
As you can see in the image below,You can set the build configuration separately for running,testing,profiling,archiving etc.
For testing the release sdk,you can select the build configuration to release and properly setting the framework search path,header search path etc in the buildsettings and run the code.
By changing the archive scheme setting to release,we can choose the dev/debug sdk to generate the ipa file for development deployment(Check out the following link for more details).You may have to use the development provisioning profile to do so.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
It's very straightforward with Xcode:
For me it builds dylib release version this way. If you just do build, Xcode builds debug version.
I'm trying to upload a build new created with the continuous integration system provided by Apple, Bots, to TestFlight. I have created an archive post-action in the scheme, but I don't know how to get the path to the build on post-action script.
Does anybody know how were Bots saves the builds and how we get this path, to use it in scripts?
They are all stored here: /Library/Server/Xcode/Data/BotRuns
Check out this other post action script.
I'm integrating Facebook to my iOS ARC app by following instructions in this link. i'm stuck at building static library step.
I'm using Xcode 4.3 (Developer folder now moved inside the Application) so the script "" didn't work. I've tried to modified the script but wasn't successful.
Could someone please help? Thanks !
just edit "" with TextEdit
and change:
and run from the shell , it will be work
If you have an Apple Developer Account, log into and then navigate to
In there, you'll find "Command Line Tools for Xcode". Download that and you'll have the ability to build stuff easily from the command line again (which is what I suspect the "" shell script needs).
When you are integrate the Facebook SDk into your ARC enabled Iphone Application.
I suppose you had some NonARC problem(errors due to release and dealloc etc.) in Facebook Classes(headers).Due to this you are not able to create the Build.
So in my opinion you can disable the ARC for those Facebook Classes.
I think after Disabling the ARC for those Facebook Classes ,you may create build Easily.
For the Disabling the ARC you just need to follow few Steps.
1)Go to the Application Target
2)Choose Build Phase option from Build Phase.
3)Compile Sources->Set "-fno-objc-arc" Flag for all Facebook Classes.
Now Build Application
I hope it'll help you.